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Everything posted by TOP SECRET

  1. Just set up... pea soup out here! Water was warmer in 150 than 250. [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  2. Thanks S*K... hopefully the lake will be a bit nicer tomorrow so we can explore.. maybe try the bar even... [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  3. Finished 4 for 6. Water temp 60-175fow was 42' 175-250 was 44'. Kicker to main motor ezsteer slipped... so we could only go in right hand circles... so we called it an early night. Scotty rigged had the cable jump off the spool.. so only one rigged and three dipseys.... all took shots except the free slider on the rigged. [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  4. 5lb king 50 down. Blue watermelon. [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  5. Dropped a small guy 180dipsey [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  6. Double! 100 and 150 dipseys. [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  7. Lost a screamer. 180 dipsey purple spoon. [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  8. ARGHHHHJ. There be salmon in these waters! Weren't setup 10 mind.... 200fow. 50 down blue watermelon. [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  9. Thanks Mark! Couple of boats went out this morning, only 1-3s in close now... maybe we'll try this evening Btw... high yesterday 91... today 53... so much for getting ice cream! (Yes I'll probably still get it lol) [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  10. 2-4s in close and really foggy... going back to bed! [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  11. Water level is crazy high... any higher and many docks will be under water! [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  12. Just checked the forecast.... small craft advisory through tomorrow morning.... flat as glass right now... guess we'll see. [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  13. Mark... we're at the wilson boatyard marina... the one with the lighthouse... over on ice cream row (aka where the ice cream shop is). Didn't get as much done as I would have like tonight... still two rods need new line and I need to replace the probe downrigger wire... but hopefully ready to bloody the boat tomorrow! [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  14. Made it to Wilson! Took about 9hrs. The water levels are SUPER HIGH! The park ramp is loaded with debris... be careful if you use it! [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  15. Sounds good SW... 4 more hrs, but the weather is beautiful! [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  16. Headed up to Wilson for a week... will do my best to post to this report daily.... Only 7 hours of driving left! [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  17. I can't believe you let a Met fan on, especially during a subway series Nick
  18. Those are some hogs! Tried trolling the river this year, only caught a few logs Sounds like trolling was pretty tough this year up until this weekend. Nick
  19. thank god the water is higher this year, we had real issues at Arneys last year and I'm not sure my props could take another year of it We're headed up to the Niagara Bar (Wilson) this weekend and will be bringing the boat over to Sodus the following weekend (June 4th). Not sure we'll fish Sodus at all when we get there, but we should be up the following weekends after that. We're usually on Ch 9. Nick
  20. Ray we saw a lot of spawning activity this weekend, which usually signals one or two more weekends max! I was surprised to see the spawing in the 58 degree water though. I guess the fish finally said screw it, warm enough! Nick
  21. Nice fishing guys, good to see some kings coming out of Sodus! Nick
  22. The registry is a sore point with many of us striper fisherman.... if you don't use the computer much, you would never even know about it. At the start of the season we were told that the registry wouldn't be up until June, so many of who don't fish into June forgot about it.... then all of a sudden it's up in May and you're expected to register. I just tried to register and work blocks the website... what a pain. Btw, please release all legal migrants, the others you may fillet... oh wait you meant stripers? Nick
  23. Angry Birds ... check Words with Friends ... check what was I looking for again? lol. Both games are extremely addictive! nrallers on words with friends if anyone wants a game... I wish I could get the lake ontario and the hudson in one package for the navionics. I also need to figure out this twitter thing so I can add Rick and some others for those days when I can't seem to get a bite going. I'm starting to wonder if I should just get an IPAD instead of a new GPS for the boat.... Nick
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