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Everything posted by Chromeslayer

  1. Muzzleloading on the next level!
  2. No shortage of deer on any of the properties i hunt thats for sure...never got skunked during a sit even all during the gun season.. some spots you could shoot a doe everynite and still not put a dent in the population it seems like
  3. Ill be out for sure... still a few decent ones showing up on cam.. just wish we would get some snow and really cold temps
  4. Back in again tonite.. stayed closer to home tonite.. not expecting to see as many in this spot.. havent hunted here since last week of bow
  5. Lots of action tonite.. 30+ does out feeding in the clover tonite.. zero bucks seen tonite
  6. Lots of deer on there feet tonite.. few small bucks out with the does.. back at it again 2mor
  7. Back in again with the boy.. conditions are good for some movement.. saw several out feeding early on are ride over
  8. Alittle slower than i expected tonite.. had 9 scattered throughout the field tonite no shooters showed up
  9. Back at it again 2nite...looking over 50acres of clover, turnip, radish mix
  10. Look into the Pittman bullets.. thicker jacket on them
  11. I use a 3pc collapsible one that goes in my pack
  12. Same as any other muzzleloader
  13. Yea that load isnt for a break action gun at all.. im using 65g of H4198 with a 275g pittman accumax for the cva... how do those parkers be hold up for ya.. seems like from what iv seen once ya put alil speed behind them they start to really grenade on deer.. they held together well when i was using them with Blackhorn 209
  14. 105grains of H4895 gets it movin pretty good lol... hits like a freight train!
  15. Yep its a custom build.. rem 700 action with a #17 contour Brux barrel.. shoots a 300g Pittman Aeromax bullet at 3170fps... i have the cva scout 45/70 converted as well.. great little carry gun
  16. 45cal smokeless muzzleloader
  17. Alil breezy but im in.. does are safe tonite
  18. Id still say go with smokeless..the cva can still be used with blackpowder or blackpowder subs if you traveled to a state that didnt allow smokeless powder during there muzzleloader season.. while the paramount may very well be a great gun the variflame system is garbage and leaks.. the cva accuras have always been solid guns.. as for optics buy the best you can afford.. break action guns are known for eating up scopes .. sightons, meopta optika6, leupold vx5, vx6 and the nightforce shv line is pretty popular with the smokeless crowd and holding up well... if you are close to niagara county and want to come to the range ill gladly show ya the run down of one of these rigs.. there alil more to it than shoving a few pellets down the barrel
  19. Any smokeless gun can also be used with blackpowder or blackpowder subs
  20. I may hafta take the boy and go sit in a dirt field so he can understand what its like to have a bad hunt! Over 20 doe flooded the field by 4 and the 300wsm found its mark
  21. Back out tonite with my lil man for some doe patrol.. hopefully they move good before the hurricane winds tomorrow
  22. 7in of drop at 270yds with a 100yd zero.. dailed in 2.5moa on the scope and let it fly
  23. Was finally able to catch up with one of the shooters tonite.. 270yds with the smokeless muzzy and he was dead before he hit the ground
  24. Ill usually abandon morning sits after the first full week of gun season.. any morning sit i do after that is very tight or in there bedroom with a favorable wind.
  25. And the doe action didnt disappoint tonite
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