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  1. I dropped my Depth Raider Display and the LCD cracked. Anyone know if I can get a replacement? Thanks
  2. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: Baccala ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s): 21Sep11 Time on Water: 0800 - 1300 Weather/Temp: 70ish Wind Speed/Direction: 10ish Waves: 1ish Surface Temp: 64 Location: Sodus Bay Area LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 0 Total Boated: 0 Species Breakdown: Hot Lure: Trolling Speed: 2ish Down Speed: 1.8 to 2.4 Boat Depth: 50 to 170 Lure Depth: 40 to 60 Fished 48-54 degree lure temps. Tried NK and Michigan spoons. Spoon colors tried were greens, blacks, watermellon, wonderbread, black widows. Also tried green flies and green/red flies. A couple of wire rods running dipsies with e-chip flashers 150 t0 220 feet out. Ran spoons without flashers off the balls, cheaters, florocarbon leaders on everything. It is just dead out there! ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS ====================
  3. I'll check on the wire being undersized. It was a hot day and I was trolling down at 150 feet to get the temp. I never troll that deep usually. Thanks for the tips !
  4. I have a couple of older Mag 10B riggers that started to stall when I was retrieving them. They would work if I helped wheel the spool. I pulled them appart and they are well greased and don't appear to have any issues. Any ideas?
  5. I have a Depth Raider and it works great! I get great stable readouts. I've used it as far as 150 feet without any issues. I highly recommend Depth Raider.
  6. Buy a probe is definately a big help. You want to keep your lure speed somewhere between 1.8 and 2.5 mph. My experience is that for Kings you want to be in 40 - 50 degree water. Use your chart recorder and look for fish marks and bait balls. Fish can be in depths near bait ball depth. Use spin doctors, e-chip flashers, spoons, twinkies with cut bait, and flies. Use copper, lead core, wire, dipseys, etc, etc, etc. All these things work and I use them all. Practice, practice, practice. The big thing is to get out there and see what works. Some times the planers hit, some times the riggers hit, sometime copper down the shoot (straight out the back) hits. Try it all, it is a great time! That's why they call it fishin and not catchin! Good Luck!!!
  7. I've seen some comments on using wire and dipseys down the chute with excellent results, What kind /size wire and what kind /size dipseys do you guys use? Thanks for all your help!
  8. Where can I get extra keels for the otter boards?
  9. Thanks guys. I took your advice and picked up a couple of Otter boards. I also picked up a couple of 57LC reels and a couple of Shakespeare Tidewater roller rods. I figure these rigs will do the job without totally breaking the bank. I've fished with dipseys many times. I do plan on trying the wire on the boards. Thanks again for all your help!
  10. I've been trolling on riggers for about 5 years now and want to better my catch by running wire or copper on planer boards. Looking for recommendations on planer boards. Thinking about Big John Otter boats. Any comments.....
  11. I've been trolling Lake Ontario fairly seriously for about five years now. I usually run two cannon mag 10's with two rods on each and on rare occasion a fifth and sixth off dipseys depending on how many people on board. I use a depth raider and a fish finder and now I want to get a little relief from the monotonous 8 hours of steering the boat. I have a 26 foot Chapparal single screw I/O with cable to power steering. Can anyone recommend an Auto Pilot that would be good for trolling? Thanks!
  12. I cross Lake Ontario quite often and in doing so spend a lot of time without sight of land or other vessels. I do have DSC on my VHF which runs off the GPS which runs off the battery. Now what happens if I lose power to my gear. Or what happens if either the VHF or the GPS fail in high seas and I end up in the water. The answer...I'm screwed without a PPERB. When crossing the pond you should always wear a life jacket and have an attached PPERB and preferable other survival gear as well. The incredible vast majority of fatalities at sea occur to people not wearing life jackets. Complacency breeds contempt.
  13. I used to get pulled over once or twice a year by the Coast Guard for a saftey check and usually while drift fishing. So I joined the Coast Guard Auxiliary and they don't pull me over any more. Wow, what a relief!
  14. I agree. This is the reply I put on the petition: I am an avid salmon fisherman and I totally agree but you'll will never be able to enforce it. Besides, three rods per person still means 6 rods for just two people! WOW, 9 rods for 3 people! Why not just use gill nets. How about 2 rods per person. That still gives the boatf four rods with two on board. That is plenty for a sport fisher man..
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