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Everything posted by john1947

  1. Got to get out early or fish late,last 2 hours always the best for spawners.I always look around for bait first as that is where I usally find them till the water dipps below 60.Had good luck using wiggle worts,deep crank baits trolled behind or planers.Old timers used copper sutton 38off riggers.next week im using leacore as the fish are higher now The lakers are still hitting well but deep 90 down on carbon 14 450 copper.
  2. 23 lb laker, largest in my career Im having it mounted ,first fsh for mount
  3. It was a cracked fitting on the wash down pump thankfully,you couldnt see it as the pump was off when we checked the hatch, ,all we could think a bellows blew .I was so strange as i had just turned on the bilge shortly before we ran back.The laker was 23 ilbs 38 innches a pre spawn femal,it's in the shopCould be worse as if we hadnt shut off the pump earlier.Somehow the auto,matic bilge didnt turn on as it usually. does.
  4. Went out yesterday with a friend.Couldnt touch the few fish i saw inside so i went out to 120.Copper 450 was hot with two nice lakers carbon 14 mag..One is in the mid 20"s taking it to the taxidermist today I also had a revolting development on the way back My motor stalled and then i found I was taking on water,why the motor stalled.I got the water down and restarted the motor.Took it to bear creek as i still dont know why it happened.The CG and firedept. were on there way but I told them I was safe and they went backTook the boat home for a cleaning . This boat has never given me in trouble in 6 years and is always kept up Its a 26 searay with a 260 merc ,good bellows solid boat. Read online maybe exhaust clamps sometimes will losen and do this Boat will not go back till I get the alarm and seperate high output bildge installed and of course find the cause of the leak fixed Thanks to the CG and pultneyville fire dept.for being there
  5. last friday night i went out alone and saw the best screen of fish in many years.The fish are still around yet to come in till the water cools.I wouldn't give up yet as we wait all year for the fall kings.Im busy the next few days but i plan on getting out friday and next week looks good weather.The NE wind blew some cooler water in to boot.Tonight i made my first batch of honey dipped smoked salmon,can;t get better than that.Keep fishing and don't believe its a bad year,the fish are here and it's going to be a suprise for many.
  6. Fished tonight for a couple of hours.Ran into alot of large fish north of portMost were 90 down and had to be kings by the hooks.I had two on and boated a 12 lb laker on green and white spinny and mirage fly.There were a few other boats out along with me.Looks like a early start should be productive tomorrow morning
  7. A good way to trigger the spawners in shallow is to pack up some JPlugs.I use to use three riggers with two rods on each rigger stacked about 10 to 15 apart vary distance behind the ball and make alot of turns especialy if bait is around.I especially worked dropoffs.Took many late kings this wayJpugs or silver hordes with the rattles worked best..Sometimes i would run spoons like diamond kings on the lower rod.s/ Good luck
  8. Years ago my two young sons use to take Dad"s boat out to fish the big lake.One day while bass fishing they hooked up with a monster It was about 28 lbs..As the story goes the fish took them for quite a ride They had gone over a mile east before they landed the fish,all on 6 lb mono.My sons were in there teens then, they still fish but mostly bass and walleye. This is just one adventure we have had over the years fishing our wonderful fishery on lake Ontario.
  9. We hunt lake ontario and seneca,sometimes other fl.The wonderduck old style motion decoy works well on puddleducks,;We have 20 doxen divers but hardly ever have to put out over a hundred for good shooting.We also have a big water duck boat blind that is also a plus in getting a easy hunting spot.The flag idea is good,use to flag geese all the time
  10. Nice tripi.keep it simple and stress free and they wil keep going. took my young sons who still hunt many years .Keeps the family together.. Wonderful effort you have made with them
  11. Wonder how a new walleye hatchery for lake ontario would go over,kings are great but nothing better eating than walleye
  12. hI Rich. I know whay you mean about catching stream fish,I watch guys fishing steelhead throwing them on the bank then throwing them back,repeating this over and over.many do die as i have seen hundreds of dead trout on our salmon creek. I ;ile your attitude in taking one fish and calling it I take a few fish lake fishing especialy the salmon and steel head,lakers to are pretty good
  13. Whew that storm came out of no where.It was bright sun and in a flash the storm moved in.It was a good thing i turned on the weather and they had the warning.Wel It actualy blew by me before i got back as it was 8 miles out from port,never saw any lightning.The fishing was great for lakers but no luck on kings,did mark alot of fish high either coho or steelhed 40 over100 .Temp was 45 degrees 70 down over 90
  14. One thing i use to do when salmon fishing especially with J plugs was to resharpen the hooks after every fish.If i didnt the chances of losing them rose considerably.I troll with copper and divers now but to big of a spread might hurt especially with a big fish,better to pull some rods and turn back then to try and bring a big fish in.I hardly ever lost a king by turning back.There are alot of salmon around still a good month left for good fishing in the lake,hopefully.lol
  15. fished yesterday late and stayed in shallow where the thermocline hit the bottom in 70 ft.Got a real nice bass on the 300 copper.Almost got it in had to be over 6 pounds.I did mark some fish in 90 ft 60 down but no hits.Itwas a beautful sunset .My fish held up on the leaders board.First win for me in over 30 years of LOC.
  16. Outside the derbys I rarely see a boat down where i fish Years ago the harbor had over a dozen boat and they used them.Today everyone is on the computer little time for real fishing.Same goes for sailboats. What realy bothers me the most is parents allowing their kids to spend endless hours on the net,sort of a cheap babysitter.No time for fishing or family. Some day they will regret the choice
  17. Fishing wa fair this afternoon.5 lakers ,2 skippers and a nice coho.Again the silver bullet red nose took three fish including a nice laker.Coho came on a red flasher bait rig .Tomorrow should be good fishing.We ended up 8 miles from port Good luck tomorrow
  18. I fish Lake Ontario.I have a 27 ft searay fuly eqiped trout and salmon.Looking for a erie walleye fisherman who would show me erie waleye fishing for a fall salmon lake fishing trip.My boat is about 25 miles east of rochester. Thanks guys john
  19. Hey ine been fishing since it started here back in the seventies,I still run my own ship,even with Parkinson.haha The way you survive PD is to keep moving,no retreats or surrenders.Fish to the last fish and hunt to the last duck
  20. Got a late start but the fishing was still good.Boated a 20 lber right off our point 115 90 down on a carbon 14 mag spoon,black and glow back.Later i found some good brown action on a mag nk green glow tape black .Alsp frog spoons worked well on the browns.Lakers were very plentiful but seemed to avoid them by not using that green dot on white spinner.Quite a few boats out today wish it continues,like the old days when there were always many boats trolling off our port and hughes
  21. last evening we gave it a nother try.,We were 5 for 5 all lakers on a green dot white spinny with a mirage fly on a dipsey down about 80 ft over 120.All fish came on the one rod.I did mark some larger fish short on time.Nice evening little sunset though.Be back today
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