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Everything posted by john1947

  1. Thursday was good after storm. Started out nice king 200 wire dp ff Next 2 nice kings 300 copper both hit fast,spoon 3 other small browns nice laker A little bumpy but productive
  2. Welcome back.looks like another fabulous year.lots of kings and bait.
  3. Great fishing today.fished 120 to 220.best screen was 130.first king 300 copper just over 20lbs Many fish dipsy spoons some ff.
  4. Water clear today a few fish today Fish were in close didn't have any boards ,need a crew
  5. First solo trip one good rip followed by a nice double on browns,on close red pink green
  6. john1947

    Sodus perch

    Went out Saturday forst time for perch.one car in cg lot told fishing slow.drove around the usual spots very little sign.is it slow other places. Last mild winter not many were caught no good ice.thpugjt it would be a banner year.
  7. I have a simular boat,set floor by helm My fix would be to just lay pressure plywood or Costa. Or the weak spots I have gatorfloor covering now
  8. The old boat still has alot of gudto One more before it's winter sleep
  9. Brown action improving. White gig and bobber seems to work.had a nice run of kings a few weeks ago. Off shore browns are taken spring tactics.
  10. I have a 1/2 acre 14 ft deep aeration ,put a few pike didn't survive lm bass are doing great lots of blue gills crappie sunfish
  11. Took 2 boys out last evening. Temp was down 62 at 90.we got a nice one.diver 2 face.then a laker 105 down It brings back good old memories [of going out with my sons whatever happened to family fishing.??.those were the good days lots more kings,no clams or gobies. Fishing for smallmouth has picked up trolling with crankbaits. Good luck
  12. Fished late lake had a ugly chop which did die down later.temp surprised me 51 at 100 over 160 Went south to 120 marked few kings,report was good 200 plus It also very cloudy got dark early Be out friday
  13. Went out set up by 730 Temp was very deep 55 at 120 Fished 2 riggers Mark lots of fish and bait Had one good hit carbon 14 Light east wind Great sunset
  14. We need more trees,we need to put a sun screen out there in space to block heat
  15. The ultimate rig for KS. I used a small metal glow dodger with a squid Short.i ran in 5 ft from ball.then I stacked a small. Silver horde(rattle) 2 ft up this was a cheater line. )it like the horde was chasing the squid. I fished just 2 rods back when we used Loran Top producer We called it The Dick Treat special Named after the famous Dick Treat A great friend
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