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Everything posted by john1947

  1. Ive had little trouble using 40 big game. I think its the hook flea the makes the problem. They usually accumulate in small clumps , best bet is maybe use wire line on riggers . I'm going to mooching soon saves a lot of gas, more fish.
  2. Action has been good 150 to 250 100 deep All king action.green spoons ff 2 face mirage fly Best action late before 1000pm Last trip 6 for 10 Greendolphin hot We ran 4 rods 2 dr.2 divers Good luck
  3. Great job with the king Here's a great bug repeller
  4. Started at 730pm first hit d set at250. Next dw set 105 Nokia moonshine Ended 3 for 5 all kings Great night solo
  5. great news, I went out Sunday late out of my port. Marked some nice bait 60 to 80.Put out a few 10 color rods with carbon 14 and NBK.It was a nice night awesome sunsets. A great way to end the day on the water. Going to set up some mooching rods this week and give it a try. The last few years I have had best luck the point east of Pult. Good luck and have a safe summer.
  6. I was out and found 70 had best screen bait and fish Others did ok 200 out cohos Small kings Always glad I'm still able to get out
  7. up until the ninetys our best lake fishing was smallmouth bass.All you needed was a deer hair gig.I also used white mister twisters.just about anywhere inside 25 feet was hot .Then came the crash .some say it was a fish virus others say the frequent lake turnovers that year played a part. My idea would be a mass stocking in Wayne county area and see if the extra fish could help eliminate gobies . IT would help with natural reproduction Irondequoit bay did a private stocking of walleyes and it worked. Its now has a great walleye fishery. maybe we could also get a club going to raise some bass fry. Wonder if anyone has similar ideas are welcome.
  8. I went to gas up at hughes today before the storm.
  9. nice catch,how clear is the water down your way? our color is started to return and kings are getting caught over deeper water.have a great season
  10. Browns were good up to return 41 gin water. Abdyreeker blue silver.chartue orange off planets Hopefully better conditions soon Wilson sounds like where you want to be know
  11. hi after watching salmon caught this way I cant wait to try it here.I have also heard the Northshore fishermen have had good luck. Many times we have found pods of salmon in deep water . Any one else have experience using these skills I would like to hear more, thanks
  12. john1947

    Fall perch

    Perch fishing in Sodus has been great. Try deep water off the loop. I use small plastic green and brown on a drop sinker or a 1/2 oz stingnose.No bait needed . rest of the week looks good cold weather next week might bring some ice. many launch at float bridge ,coast guard is open at the point,. Happy new year
  13. Now that we got alot of fleas,good food source for sockeye?eh How was the halibut fishing? Thanks
  14. How was the sockeye run?did you catch manyand how? thanks The trip I toook the guide used a driftboat and bait(eggs)also lures like hotshot.Saw a few taken on the trip downstream, a few moose,no bears
  15. I went to the kenai in 2000 for kings and it was a skunk,lots of trout and silvers offshore
  16. Tomorrow and Tuesday look good for offshore kings steelhead Light south winds Warmmmmm. Summer returns
  17. Great catch many boat? I'll try at our harbor mouth tomorrow Thanks
  18. Well with are summer returning for awhile a trip offshore looks good.i have a few rods set for some mooching salmon .I posted a video on this recently.its getting popular on our north shore.hope to have some action.
  19. Gigging is getting popular on west coast, they call it mooching kings. Better than trolling
  20. Great you came.were there many boats catching fish?
  21. Marked most fish 25 to 35 sat Temp was 64 downside was little bait You never know what best time Noon has been good for kings
  22. john1947

    Fall perch

    Perch are showing up in bays sodus Catching some around my harbor also Nice size
  23. The cameras have limited depth aqua has a 125 cable unit it's expensive For Lakers you need 200 cable Many rov go 100m
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