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Posts posted by john1947

  1. yesterday I decided to give it a shot on the lake.it was just me and Tasha ,a few more mallards then I had seen the last time out..Well I got all set up and went back to get a chair and the gun,kept the dog in the boat till needed.Wouldn"t you know it I would trip on a rock and go flying,lol.Well I didnt fall in once but twice fiannly i got up and turned to my friend and i:d wouldn"t have loved to record her face.Ever see a dog laugh,lol.

    I  laughed about the incident ,well its the first time Ive fallen in ,in 50 years of duck hunting

    It wasnt very cold and while" damp" I stayed for a few hours.Saw very few birds flying seems they knew the warmth was returning again .Did see quite a few eagles soaring above,they sure put fright into the geese.

    So next time I"ll bring some extra dry clothes and watch out for those rogue rocks


  2. A few facts.North country perch Lake Ontario have no limit.Lake eie has commercial perch fishing on the canadian side.It doesnt make sense to allow commercial on one side and put a limit on our side.Perch go through cycles ever so often and this year on lake Ontario is one of them.One major factor is alewife predation on perch eggs.

    I fish pech and have few encounters with unsportsman behavior thankfully

    Last fall and spring were slow on sodus so "Im not surprised by the downturn this year

    This year I have noticed how little bait had come in and many perch are shallow feeding on perch fry.

    Well more ducks around to enjoy and there"s basketball and hockey .


    Slow perch fishing is a another event we can"t control.Like other errant fisherman events we can"t control.No different than impatient  motorists.All we can do is observe and avoid reacting.Staying calm is so important when tempers flare.

    A few winters ago m son was duck  hunting on Seneca with friends in a layout boat.A hunter in a boat became angry over their offshore hunting and came out and argued with them.It was a example of what could happen when people lose control of themsleves.

    There will always be inconsiderate people to deal with ,be glad most of us thank of others first

  3. Hi,

    Hunted today with my son.Saw several small flocks of bluebills and redheads and mallards.We hunted goldeneyes today no big spread  for divers but there coming down.Last day today for goose till next month.perch is also picking up.I up.

  4. Its sad to have to winterize the searay again.I build a frame over the boat about two feet clear of the deck and then place bird netting over that then a swimming pool cover.it takes awhile but the boat does well outside even buried in deep snow.i pull it off witha roof rake.I like the charcoal idea for mildew.Mothballs are also a good idea.

    My duck boat is ready now took it out at sodus for perch,tomorrow hopefully geese as lots around here now.

    I hear slow on seneca for perch now.Which i had a partner for erie.Wonder if duck is open on erie now.


  5. I fished off the loop yesterday in the afternoo.It was slow as my garmin was giving me headaches,lol.It"s a 431s and doesnt read a soft bottom very well.Im going to try and use my 178c instead.I caught a few keepers incuding a 2 lb bullhead in 50 ft.lolI did talk to a few boaters some did ok others lots of small ones.Saturday next trip out with a new sounder.Saw very few ducks so far.

  6. Hi

    I fish LO and use 40 lb.big game for fleas on rigger rods only.Works great.I also use divers ss wire and copper.

    I had a great year .Best fish came on copper rods.I also use the fish wench for my 450 coppers,makes it alot easier reeling them in.ook a 23 lb laker on my 450 copper carbon 14 spoon also caught on the penn 345 fish wench.

    Looking forward to ducking seneca the season,maybe perch would be nice

  7. Awhile ago someone mentioned problems with pen raising salmon due to waste buildup around pens.maybe we could somehow install cisculator pumps to keep the water in the pens fresh and cut down on disease and raise servival..As far as lakers i wonder howmany released lakers make it ,its a long way down for them.I think it s better to keep what you catch and call it a early day when limited

  8. Got to get out early or fish late,last 2 hours always the best for spawners.I always look around for bait first as that is where I usally find them till the water dipps below 60.Had good luck using wiggle worts,deep crank baits trolled behind or planers.Old timers used copper sutton 38off riggers.next week im using leacore as the fish are higher now

    The lakers are still hitting well but deep 90 down on carbon 14 450 copper.

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