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Everything posted by idn713

  1. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s): Time on Water: 45 min Weather/Temp: Clear/ NA Wind Speed/Direction: SW 7 mph Waves: 2 or less Surface Temp: Location:Sandy Creek LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 1 Total Boated:1 Species Breakdown: Steel baby!! Hot Lure: DW 42 Trolling Speed: 2.5 Down Speed: Boat Depth: 90 fow Lure Depth: 70 fow ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS ==================== So I set out today in my modified bass boat on my second trip out with my newly acquired manual riggers. I went out Thursday with the rigs and almost boated my first fish but it threw the hook, today however was destined to be my day. Set up in 120 fow but saw most of the charters were in closer, so i closed the gap and trolled into 90. no sooner did I do that then I marked a huge bait ball and a big arc behind it. Soon as my spoons passed through I was hooked up with a beauty of a steelie. I got him close and netted him and my freakin Lake O curse is now behind me! I tell ya those riggers have just made life so so much easier than trying to run three dipsy rods. The steelie was a 9 lbr and I am a very happy fisherman, also this all happened in about 45 min from start to finish cause right after I boated the fish the waves really kicked up. But my confidence is way boosted and I cant wait to hit the 90 depth again cause it seems to be hot!
  2. Hey thanks man, that is encouraging I will definitely keep at it!
  3. That is very true. The inside fishing at sandy has been very slow for everyone, or so I hear. Its just that the browns should be at least willing to bite
  4. could I get that mail too? I am interested in this as well
  5. Well guys I gotta say I am depressed. I went out of sandy again today. I went up to the nose and trolled back towards the creek, I started at 130 fow and immediately got a hit on my 70 foot dipsy running the frog and that was it. I went out to 200 and back in to 80 and got nothing. To be fair everyone had a bad day on sandy today but man this is getting fustrating. It's like even a blind mouse finds the cheese every once in a while but I am actually running these things by the book! My action was good and my depth was spot on ( I know this cause I experimented by touching bottom) I even trolled right with the big charter guys at their speed and nothing except one hit. Any of you guys got some manual riggers to want to donate to a poor responsible fishing obsessed college kid? But seriously maybe I should focus on the bass until some more fish move in.
  6. Ah ok now I am getting this whole wire thing, thanks alot for the info guys I really appreciate it! Keep it coming
  7. ah I guess my next question is why do I need the wire? I mean I can get down to the depths I want no problem so thats not really an issue. Really wire would just help me with the stealth side to things. But if stealth is really important than I am sorta out of luck if I want to fish up high with my dipsy's. Also I do use the rings and they get me down fast and quick. I did not realize that dipsy color selection was that important though. I have green and I also have clear sparkle dipsys. So maybe I ought to invest in some dark colors. I got into this thinking dipsys would work as a nice little rigger substitute, I may have thought wrong.
  8. Yah absolutly I have been going on the surface action and all my rods are tracking well. I might be going a touch fast but honestly i have been going literally the slowest my outboard can do before it goes to an idle
  9. The leader I am running from dipsy to spoon is about 5-6 ft
  10. alrighty to clarify I am running 20 pound mono on all the rods just to keep it simple. I am running the divers without the O ring so I can put them farther back according to my depth chart. So for instance on a 0 setting on a #1 diver I will let out around 115 ft of line to get her down around 45. So depending on my setting and my dipsy I will let the line back any where from 100 to 250 ft back. I know for a fact with my trolling speed at the rpms i mentioned earlier the dipsys get to where they are supposed to. For instance I set my dipsys to go to 85 ft down in 87 fow and they were touching bottom so I know I am right on with what the dipsy charts say.
  11. Thats just the thing I dont have riggers. So dipsys are all I have
  12. So here is the deal. I went out trolling with my dipsy rigs the last two days out of sandy. I worked from 75 thru 150 fow on every direction troll you can work and I covered the depths from 90 all the way up to 45 with my mag and #1 dipsys. I always have three dipsys in the water and I have a different spoon color on each dipsy. I worked the Gator, Glo Frog, Nk 28 black-green, Glo Green, and various shades of purple and yellow. After all of this I all had to show for it was two stinking hits with no fish to show for it. What the heck am I doing wrong? I have been hearing that the inside bite has been pretty good and I have been out trolling with guys who know what they are doing so I am not totally clueless. I just seems that to have three poles in the water on two consecutive days and no fish to show for it is pretty absurd. Any insight or advice for my situation would be helpful. Also I do NOT have a down speed and temp. So I am pretty much going on marking my fish to find the depth and going on rod action for the speed. I usually keep my rpms just a touch below 10 and that has hooked some dink salmon before, so I really dont know where I went wrong. HELP!!
  13. Well I have searched high and low for 1oz jig head and I cant find any. Where do you get them and what brand is best?
  14. combination of braddocks and sandy creek
  15. Yes sir! Caught him right off a rock jetty
  16. Check out these awesome bass I have been catching. Good old lake ontario keeps providing a steady flow of four to five pounders. Heck maybe I should tournament fish
  17. I would love to spend around forty bucks just to get a starter set going.
  18. Hey I have become really interested in jigging for lake trout but I really have no idea how/what/where/when to do it. I could really use some info on this topic. If you guys know anything feel free to comment. Also I stress this is about jigging not trolling.
  19. Hey I want to get started acquiring some spoons for my salmon and trout endeavors. I want green and black patterns as well as silver and black. I cant break bank with this either as I am just looking to get started. If you guys have any let me know.
  20. Hey guys I am just your average college student so I was looking for some ways to get set up for salmon without going the down rigger route. SO I was thinking that I could run two dipsy mags on the outside of my four rod holders and in the middle I would run two Luhr Jensen Double Deep Six's to get down to the 100 ft range. Of course my lure selection would be a mix of Glo Frogs and NBK's. Oh and I might throw in a Mountain Dew Spin Doctor or two ;P. Either way I just figured that this setup could be a cheaper, stealthier but still viable way to try to get into the Lake O action. But hey I am no pro so I figured I would throw this idea past you guys. Any suggestions or advice about this spread I am thinking of running could be awesome. Thanks guys!
  21. Yo guys, throw a tube bait with a bullet head sinker pegged about 18 in above it. Walk it real slow over different cover and be sure to feel for a very subtle tap, then set the hook hard. Also Husky jerks worked slow will do the trick. Remember to go with subdued colors. Been hammering smallies and pike with this technique.
  22. Ha I spin fish and float fish for trout. So I get the dirty looks from both sides of the coin. Only the funny part is they usually end up watching me land several trout before they hit one with a fly. But hey I give the purist flyboys their space and they usually give me mine. It's those darn pinners making 80 ft drifts you gotta watch out for
  23. Hey Slimy could you PM me about your Cleo tactics? I have been dying to get into steelies that way but cant find any good info on it. If you could that would be awesome.
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