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Everything posted by JakeyBaby

  1. No issues with them bending on you?
  2. I know it's closer to fishing the lake then hunting season, but deer hunting just never leaves my brain! That being said I'm in the market in the VERY near future to buying new arrows. I have been using Carbon Express Pile Drivers for years and have decent success with them, but am ready for a change. The last few days I've fried my brain reading about arrow selection. Am curious is to what everyone on here are shooting? My main goal is simple...... I want penetration, I want pass throughs! My current setup is..... Mathews DXT 27 in draw 62# 100g spitfire BH Was really interested in Easton 5mm 400 Full Metal Jackets, but have read that they bend relatively easy compared to full carbon. Also have looked at Easton Axis 400 and Gold Tip Valkerie 400. Just can't make a decision.
  3. I agree with this ^^^. Sam's Pro releases are the best IMO. Release when I a fish strikes like a Blacks. Look them up, you won't be disappointed if you run in lines!
  4. I lost my Beckman net to the sea gods last year and really miss it! Was wondering what size Beckmans everyone is using as I forgot what mine was.
  5. I did this In the past and unfortunately I got screwed! If your serious about purchasing take the drive and look at it in person! Believe me I wish I did!
  6. 2017 what a great season! Love this game!
  7. Awesome job Matt! You are definitely the can man.
  8. I wish! Sitting on the frozen ground with a couple hand warmers. 3 doe so far.
  9. Tonight's view. Found tons of sign in this area while scouting this afternoon. It's about 3 degrees with a 15- 20 mph breeze! Cold!
  10. 3 doe and one 2 1/2 buck this morning. Absolutely freezing here in Ohio.
  11. More then likely had to remove a collar before taking the pic.
  12. Just read that it was killed in 04, in PA not N.Y. Also that it was confirmed to be a hybrid wolf - dog. https://www.snopes.com/photos/animals/coyote.asp
  13. Let me try that again, hopes are very high, expectations not so much!
  14. DIY..... went with the bow early season last year with zero success. Way to hot and thick that time of year where we were. This year we will be there for their late muzzle loader season. Hopes are not to high but, it's called hunting for a reason.
  15. 8 days and I will be in Ohio chasing bucks again!!! Can't get here soon enough!
  16. Tonight was my last sit for 2017 N.Y. deer season! Ended with only shots at first racked bucks. Was a fun season,learned a ton, at was lucky enough to put a few deer on the ground. Congrats to everyone who put tags on deer wether racked or not! Will be back at it 2 weeks from now in Ohio and can't wait!
  17. Great job Dan! Congrats! Way to grind
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