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About bondouley

  • Birthday 01/20/1980

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    Braddocks bay
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  1. My wife got it done today on her first buck ever a scrappy 9pt! She passed up a spike and a 3pt last weekend and it paid off for her. Today at 7:40 this guy came by at 30yrds on his way to my mock scrape and she smacked him perfectly. He went about 75yrds and died under a log. She literally did everything except I chose the spot to sit and gutted the deer for her. She saw the buck first, decided when to shoot on her own, and even found the blood trail after I lost it!! So proud of her!!!
  2. Haven't seen him since his velvet came off till this Monday when he showed up on my camera looking at my mock scrape at 1230pm. I couldnt hunt Monday but made plans to hunt afterwork Tuesday on till either I got my shot or he stopped showing up on my cameras Tuesday I got in my stand at 430 and didnt see any deer till about 6pm when I heard a buck grunting and pushing a doe around. I couldnt see bodies just legs through all the beech trees. They never came where I could see them. Just as I pulled into my apartment complex I got a pic of him in my mock scrape again. It was about an hour after dark so I knew he was still in there! Wednesday I got in my stand alittle later around 440 and there was actions right away. I tried to set up my video camera but a screw fell out of the head so I couldnt use it. I filmed a couple smaller bucks including a nice 2.5yr old 9pt and some does by hand held. About 5 mins after 2 does came thru I heard grunting from behind me. The buck circled me but I couldnt see it just heard the grunts. Finally I saw him walking to my mock scrape gave him a couple grunts and he turned my way. He walked right into 12yrds where I put a g5 montec through his heart. He piled up 75yrds away! This took place on 15 acres in Genesee county that I have permission to hunt. Its my 2nd mature buck in 3 yrs off that property. The key is to not over hunt it and wait till they show up on camera. Every buck in those woods hits my mock scrape at 1 time or another every season.
  3. Haven't seen him since his velvet came off till this Monday when he showed up on my camera looking at my mock scrape at 1230pm. I couldnt hunt Monday but made plans to hunt afterwork Tuesday on till either I got my shot or he stopped showing up on my cameras Tuesday I got in my stand at 430 and didnt see any deer till about 6pm when I heard a buck grunting and pushing a doe around. I couldnt see bodies just legs through all the beech trees. They never came where I could see them. Just as I pulled into my apartment complex I got a pic of him in my mock scrape again. It was about an hour after dark so I knew he was still in there! Wednesday I got in my stand alittle later around 440 and there was actions right away. I tried to set up my video camera but a screw fell out of the head so I couldnt use it. I filmed a couple smaller bucks including a nice 2.5yr old 9pt and some does by hand held. About 5 mins after 2 does came thru I heard grunting from behind me. The buck circled me but I couldnt see it just heard the grunts. Finally I saw him walking to my mock scrape gave him a couple grunts and he turned my way. He walked right into 12yrds where I put a g5 montec through his heart. He piled up 75yrds away! This took place on 15 acres in Genesee county that I have permission to hunt. Its my 2nd mature buck in 3 yrs off that property. The key is to not over hunt it and wait till they show up on camera. Every buck in those woods hits my mock scrape at 1 time or another every season.
  4. We hunted my permission property in Bath and scored for his first NY buck! His dad would be proud of him. It won't let me post the link to the video just my channel. Its the first video below the shorts https://youtube.com/@addictedoutdoors3077?si=LYJWnNBeLmm_btWS
  5. bondouley

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    After a long slow bow season for me I was extremely happy when this guy came through the 2nd day of gun season. He was hot on the doe and stopped at 75yrds in the only opening I had. 1 good shot is all it took he went less than 80yrds and piled up! Now onto PA this Saturday for the opener and try to fill my buck tag there. The video of Longspurs hunt and my hunt will be up soon on my youtube page Addicted Outdoors
  6. bondouley

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    Hell yeah Kev! Your the last day of bow and opening day of gun king these last couple years! Congratulations to the wife also thats a great first buck!
  7. Thank you! Sent from my SM-N960U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  8. Sent from my SM-N960U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  9. Video from last Saturday. Trout fishing out of the Oak Sent from my SM-N960U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
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