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Everything posted by starcraftloaded

  1. I attempted to go out early Thursday morning to get the kids some more action. NOAH’s forecast was 1’ or less so I figured we would be in great shape. Well it was way to rough to take little kids out in a 196 Starcraft fishmaster so we turned around halfway to the lighthouse and went back to bed, lol Later in the day a friend of mine said it laid down pretty good so we loaded up and headed out around 4:30 and pulled at 7:15. We didn’t fire a rod for a while so I changed up some spoons and immediately started getting some rips here and there but nothing great. We lost a few kings, one was a break off but did land a smaller king some browns and a Laker that though he was a king, peeling line and all. Anyway I couldn’t get dialed in, seemed like All deeper fish wouldn’t hit and there was very few marks high but that’s where most hits came from. Best producer was a 67’ down rigger with a stacker 18’ above it. Dipsy rods were quiet but had a few hits that didn’t connect but our biggest brown did hit a flasher fly on a mag dipsy 125’ out. They are gonna turn on ands it’s gonna be a blood bath, just really wish the weather forecasters could do a better job or at least update the site. I checked again at 9:00 and it still said 1’ or less and charter boats were cancelling due to sick customers. Probably was 4’ average with some huge rollers mixed in here and there.
  2. Pap, What a great story, wish the laker could have made it to the net, would have loved to see a picture of that monster! I got out tonight with my 2 girls and our neighbor kid but I decided to leave only a little over an hour in. It was hazy and I had a bad feeling of a possible thunderstorm so I pulled. We were lucky enough to pull a few fish in the short time, what a great feeling to see two youngsters double team a 25lb king!!! Memories forever. I wish I could load the video here but it won’t take.
  3. I wasn’t going to post my trip this past Saturday just because it was such a short trip but I think it can help some of you. I left the Henderson launch around 5:15am and headed for the mountain but hit some pretty good waves at the lighthouse and decided to start trolling there. We were set up around 5:45 and didn’t fire a rod til around 6:00, and landed a nice 34” king at 6:15. A thunder storm was rolling in against the wind direction so I decided being out there in an aluminum boat wasn’t the best idea so we pulled and ran to the bay in front of the cut. I decided to only run 2 riggers with spoons and a cheater slider on both. We immediately fired a rod in 60fow 31’ down with a nice brown. So I set back up 41’ down on one and 31’ down on the other with sliders on both once again. We went over a huge bait pod and fired a rod but just snagged an Alewife. So I set backup and went over another big bait pod with lots of marks on it. My port rod started jumping so I figured it was a fish that hit the slider or I was going thru the bait when the rod took off screaming. When I saw the fish jump I realized we had a king salmon hooked in only 55fow only about 1 mile from the cut. I fought this fish and when we got it to the boat the slider had a brown trout on it along with the King. Due to weather we quit at 8:30 with 2 kings and 2 Browns, and caught a nice sheepshead on the spoons also. So all in All not a bad day when considering drive time we didn’t fish long at all. I’m gonna say this....that day I believe the trench was full of kings that everyone was driving past, who knows they could be still there.
  4. Yes 57, not sure your size boat but I launched my Starcraft 196 fishmaster there last year and it was a nice launch.
  5. Not 100% sure but believe quickest launch to the shipping lanes is at the Isthmus, it’s not a bad run at all, closer than the Cape.
  6. That’s awesome guys, great catch!!
  7. I was running a 4 rod pattern, 2 dipsys, 225, 235 with F/F and 91 and 81 down on riggers with 15lb sharks. F/F on one rigger and spoon on other.
  8. I was running a 4 rod pattern, 2 dipsys, 225, 235 with F/F and 91 and 81 down on riggers with 15lb sharks. F/F on one rigger and spoon on other.
  9. Outer trench, working deeper water past mountain 135-160. We ran mostly F/F looking to Target the matures, we couldn’t keep a line down with spoons. Keep 1 spoon and and a slider that got the steelhead and 2 year old kings. Didn’t get any shakers. This was smallest king we released.
  10. We went out Sunday and were boxed out before 8:00am. We got a triple and 2 doubles, just outright crazy with only 2 people on the boat. Released a few kings and a big steelhead.
  11. Yup, I have a Starcraft fishmaster 196 that will have to do, but I’m really gonna miss this Baha, could fish in some nasty stuff comfortably and feel pretty safe.
  12. Thanks Todd, I really do wish I could have keep it, was a great boat and fun to fish out of.
  13. Boat is sold
  14. I spoke with your dad in front of Henchens, a great guy and a beautiful fish to see in person. Great work!!
  15. Boat is in and fishing. Let’s make a deal, gotta go. Please call my cell, I’m not on here much
  16. Boat is finally in!!
  17. No, Boat is going in the water this week, so I’ll finally be able to show it off.
  18. Okay
  19. Hasn’t had a recent survey, I’m the second owner of the boat. All stringers and transom are seem very solid, and I would welcome a survey. The motor stringers were upgraded by a marina to fit the bigger fuel injected motor. It’s a great boat, I just can’t afford it for just recreational fishing for the amount of time I can go out. I have a Starcraft 196 fishmaster and that will have to do til I get my Captains license years down the road and then I’ll be looking for a boat just like this one again. It’s gonna make someone happy, that’s for sure.
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