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Posts posted by suttontroller94

  1. 9 minutes ago, FissionNut said:

    I have siwash on some spoons & trebles on others.  I honestly don't see much of a difference in hookup rates.  Maybe a slight edge to the siwash for very active fish.  They don't seem to be able to leverage the single hooks as well as they do the trebles.  The idea of putting an extra split ring on the spoon or better yet, a swivel would also make it difficult for the fish to leverage against the spoon.  Luhr Jensen actually used swivels on some of the hooks on their spoons a number of years back.  BTW  Unrelated - DEC was here the last few days setting gill nets to sample fish populations and test for health and toxicity etc..  Any how, 4 nets set for two days & a total of 64 fish. all different sizes.  They said that average is 3 - 6 fish per net so this take sounds pretty good.  For those who say there are no fish in Seneca - - there ya go! 

    Tight lines!

    Pretty good argument that we are just struggling to fish against all the bait

  2. X2 on gamagatsu's (or whatever the correct spelling is) sharpest hooks I've found personally can't tell you a number either I always just compare them to spoons at the tackle shop til I find what looks like the best size fit. I use them for rigging flies as the treble aswell and use either a gamagatsu or an owner as the single

  3. 46 minutes ago, cinnamon fish said:

    Suttontroller94, hey yeah!  You're right I met your father just before I launched that morning.  Really nice guy, and enjoyed chatting with him for a minute, even though I was pretty out of it/just woke up from a 2 hour nap in the park there.  I had a gig that Friday nite at the Boatyard Beer Garden in Romulus, and decided to go straight to the park from there.  Did some casting for bass from 12:15-1:45am, then tied up, took quick nap in the car before meeting your dad and heading out to fish sunrise.

    Small world here in the finger lakes!

  4. 7 hours ago, fisherdude said:

    some nice fish caught to win  their divisions , congrats to the winners ... Saturday we did 33 lakers the top two weighed in at 7.12 and 8 lbs and that ended to be the two  biggest for the weekend . sunday we did 14 lakers nothing over 6 lbs . i have never had so many tangles in my  life today . made me start to think why do i fish ,LOL ended up just running the two rig rods to keep us from going crazy .. 

    Something to note we had some crazy down currents in spots today at times I had to go 3.0 an surface to get 2.2 at ball other times I had to go 1.5sog to get 2.4-2.6 at ball

  5. Salvo derby

    Good luck to all fishing the salvo derby tomorrow thanks to some quick work by a1 marine in moravia my motor is back running and we are all in on it! Everyone make sure to post updates of board if you stop into weigh or gear hear it over vhf!

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