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    Newark, NY
  • Interests
    Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Family
  • Home Port
    Sodus Bay
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  1. As I was- looks like Exelon is moving forward with the purchase of Fitzpatrick now that the clean energy standard just passed in NYS.... Saves about 1400 jobs for the area. No plant closures planned for upstate at this time. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  2. One in upstate is definitely getting decommissioned. Nine mile is pretty safe. Without new legislation, Ginna is on the border... 2 plants in illinois just announced closure because they couldn't get legislation passed to support their carbon free generation- which would have helped them compete with the heavily subsidized wind and solar generation... And that's what Ginna is looking for here in NY to help us remain viable. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  3. If the new Clean Energy Standard gets passed, I have a suspicion that we will see the Nuc plants in upstate renew their licenses and keep operating into the future... Right now, we are having a rough go because we are not getting the same credits for carbon free electric generation that solar and wind get... Makes it harder to compete when we aren't subsidized like the other carbon free sources. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  4. http://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/2016/06/27/sheen-detected-near-fitzpatrick-nuclear-plant/86423332/ The NRC is reporting the spill was a leak (20-30 gallons total) from a rooftop cooling fan assembly- from a Nuclear standpoint- no damage or problems with the plant to worry about- but from a outdoorsman's POV, any oil leak that makes it into the environment is a bad thing. Coast Guard spotted the sheen from Fitz on Sunday and set up a safety zone- the plant has shut down the leaking fan and places oil absorbant pads everywhere to soak up any residual- (they have an organic spray they can spray on the oil leaked that will break the oil down, so the sheen shouldn't come back the next time it rains after they get it all cleaned up) (I work at the power plant in Ontario- different company- so i don't have more info on what happened for you guys)
  5. It does make sense- and I happen to keep a couple 5 gallon buckets and rope on standby for random things just like this- Thanks! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  6. Quite a few on 9 out of Sodus, handful of others on other channels- up near the 68 range... I like to listen in- put my radio on scan and talk to guys out there... It makes a full day of fishing go by a little easier if you get to listen/participate in a little conversation throughout the day- and yes- reeldilemma33- coasties main channel is 16, and they use 22a to take reports of flotsam and jetsam, etc... from boaters. Fair winds and following seas to all! Keep your lines tight and hope to hear y'all out there next time I'm on the boat! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  7. I've had some slight problems with the AP on my 25' 1987 regal- it was installed in 1990- (also an Auto Helm AP) it died on me this weekend, and after 6 hours with a multimeter (everything was still getting power, just nothing was turning on) it turns out there was just a little corrosion on the cables where they connected to the units power supply- all I had to do was unplug 2 wires, take about 3 passes with a wire brush on each, put an extremely light coat of dielectric grease on em and plug em back in- if you're dead set on purchasing new- good luck... I'm cheap and like to fix things- even if they are 26 years old! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  8. I can dig it, Pap. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  9. ... Oh, and once I finally finished troubleshooting and repairing a 26 year old autopilot- I'm not sure i could go out without it... All it does for me is to keep me going straight- but it's definitely a huge asset when I'm setting up, switching lures, or pulling in something on the line... Absolutely love it. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  10. Depends on the wind and current- (gps speed)- into the wind I've been as slow as 1.7- but if I'm trolling with the wind, I'm around 2.6-2.9- I've heard good things about drift socks being able to slow you down- are they worth looking into? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  11. Thanks for the advice, everyone- still haven't hooked up with a king or a laker- but I just fixed my downriggers, so I'll be out again this coming weekend. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  12. Caught a keeper this weekend- a mile west of the channel at Sodus in 88 FOW- on a planer, with a green and silver flasher and a fly to match. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
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