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Posts posted by HB2

  1. 49 min by map quest from downtown Rochester 


    Well worth the drive . I use to fish it a lot . Go to the break wall by lake, either side but I like the west  side best .  . Water is warm and fish drop down the stream to be in cooler water . 


    I haven't bought soft shells,in a very  long time but they use to be the bait of choice this,time of year . 


  2. Oak orchard has 2 nice long Rocky piers . 1/2 he  drive west of the Genny . 


    Bass and pike with panfish . 


    Standard bass tackle . 7 ft med light spin 6 or 8 #  , plastics . 


    Maybe a small spinnerbait . 


    Soft shell crabs if you can find them . 



    Key this time of year is first light or dusk . 



  3. My setup is 5 rods 


    Put a flasher down   below bait and 2 spoons , one 10 ft above and one 10 ft below for starts on the riggers and adjust from there .  If the flasher is hot , put out another on the rigger and run one deepest and one shallowest  and the spoon between but keep them 10 ft apart . When I get ready to change I will drop thAt rod deep for a bit before popping it . Sometimes it works . But don't put everything at one depth , it scares the fish . 


    Dipsys , one flasher and one spoon and you have it covered. 

  4. And how much did it cost . 



    2 nights 50$ 


    2 tanks of gas for the truck 125$ 


    3 gallons for the boat . 12 $ 


     2 breakfast at the Lumberjack 45$ 


    35 $ for a bottle of Black Fly  Bourbon made in the Keene valley at a,flea market  ( impulse buy ) .


    Can't count the food as we cooked in camp and we would have to eat home . 


    About 10 worms and 2 jigheads 5$ 



  5. Got to watch it 


    If you look at Flouro crosseyed it can compromise and weaken it dramatically . 


    Also it's stiff and the people tying the harnesses maybe don't take the time they should to crank down on it . 


    Might be best out of the package to hook the bend of the hook on something and pull on the line hard to seat the knot . 

    • Like 1
  6. At the Lumberjack getting breakfast on our way home 


    3 days at Saranac Islands 


    Did about 40 bass . A lot of dinks but a few nice largemouth up to 4# 


    Also got about 8 pike up to 8# 


     Small Bass pro stico 3 and 4 " Sure thing Color  and watermelon red flake . The


    #5 Mepps black/ gold for the pike .



    Not the best fishing but for the whole package , it's hard to beat . Love seeing the mountain mist on the water at dawn and seeing the Sun come up over the mountains . The fresh air . The call of the loon as I sleep in my tent . Blueberry pancakes off my cast iron pan I had since I was a kid . 


    I pride myself as being a multi faceted/ species angler . I can jig, cast a musky plug , throw a fly for steelhead or stream trout , or troll for salmon . And love it all,. 



    It amazes me that I talked to a lot of,people from the western New York area that have never been to the ADK 

    Mtns . You owe it to yourselves and your kids to experience it at least once . 


    • Like 4
  7. It was great fishing for me and from most reports I saw from the South shore from Sandy west  till mid June . The water was as green as I remember it being 30 years ago and that was a huge factor IMO. 


    Late June and early July typically is the worst time to fish ,at least for me as the lake is stratifying and fish are scattered . 

    I feel it is starting get better with the consistent warm weather and west and southerly winds.  

  8. I loved my Mag 10 s .



    Smooth , fast enough,auto stop, not huge . I used mine a lot . They just wore out . 


    I would  think  auto stop would be a standard feature  now days  on all brands . 


    I look at the new,ones and they are 50% bigger . 


    I don't want them so fast they bounce when they stop.and break the cable . I know guys this,has,happened to .Or drop so fast you can't control them . Why do they need to be so fast? 


    I wish I could find a new set in the box  .


    I'm leaning toward Big Jon . 


  9. Between Fox and Grenedier  at the lake are some nice humps for Small mouths 

    Or out in front of the Silos 


    Also if you come out of Mud bay and look at say 10 o'clock and head to Grenedier there was an old chimney there on shore . In front it dropped from like 12 ft to 30 . Good Small mouths . 


    Also on the point of the south side as you come out of Mud bay is a good spot .next to shore 

    Drift from their to Ponds over the weeds for pike 


    Fished there a lot as a kid . 


    Have fun . 

  10. You guys can give Yamamoto your money ,but I use  the Bass pro Stiko in 3 and 4" and sometimes 5" . Also Yum dinger or Big bite Baits . Bass pro make a 31/2" forktail also . 

    Goto colors are green pumpkin , Houdini and my best the last month ,sprayed grass . 

    I have been Ned rigging before Ned rigging was invented . I fish in water up to 12 ft so I don't need a heavy jighead. 

     I have found jighead weight is CRITICAL ! 


    I use 1/32 or 1/16 . Sometimes an 1/8 or 1/4 if it's windy with the bigger baits . 


    Problem was you can't get a jighead that lite with a big enough hook and I got sick of paying 1$ each for the Z man 

    Mushroom heads . So I bought a mold and had my machines buddy alter the mold to take a 1,2 or 4 hook . 


    The last few days I have taken a 1/8 oz tungsten worm weight with a sinker stop behind as  a stop and Snell tie a #4 or 2 octopus hook . Worm weight not fixed . Basically Carolina rig . 16 to 24" lead . 


    Been great for finicky fish . Can't weight to try a Craw pappy this weekend at Saranac . 




  11. First day with big boat after my new electronic ignition.  Many thanks to Tommy at East Fork pro for a great job . 

    How lucky are we to have a honorable guy with his experience that treats us fairly ? 


    Got out first light . 1 medium king and lost 2 more . All  on dipsy with flasher and my rig . Hits were at 130 ft dipsy at  220 . No hits on spoons or riggers . 


    Here comes the crazy part  . On the way home in front of the Hamlin fire hall I drive up on a guy walking into traffic buck naked , junk hanging out in front of God and everybody Holding a big Gray Tomcat .  I had to stop and drive around him . He would not  get out of the way . 


    Now that's,something you don't see,everyday . 




  12. On my big boat I have electrics 


    On my small boat I have 2 cannon easi troll manuals . I used my small boat till last week . Fish were down 40 to 85  ft . My arms got tired cranking up the weights , but you have your son's for that .


    You don't need the best of everything to catch fish . Getting your lure down to the fish presented properly and being over fish is the secret . 

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