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Posts posted by HB2


    Assuming you have 2 rigger , an ok depth finder  , rods and  reels .


    You need like 10 spoons in the right colors , maybe a flasher combo . 


    Spoons...  Dream weaver and moonshine make nice spoons as others also .Get standard size,  maybe 2 mags 


    Black silver green glow combos are best and most consistent . Look on here to get guys favorites .Glow frog is good for me also . Carbon 14 .   

    A spin Dr  double crush glow white and atomic T 41 or  stud fly . 


    Load you reel with 30# big game with 25 ft tippet of 15# then a ball bearing swivel . 30# to combat fleas . 


    Don't forget the net . 


    Depth finder in MANUAL mode .turn up sensitivity to max or just under . Select depth range 


    Try to stay in the in-depth line as the other boats to start . 


    When you get out there , slow to idle , 

    Let line out to knot of tipper and clip in release . I rarely go less than 25 ft for leads . 

    Run one rod on each rigger .  Put one down 30 , one 50 . Set drags have extra  pole handy with spoon to check boatside for speed often  . This is the hard part . Don't be afraid to play with the throttle . Kind of often till you get hit . 


    Watch for bait / fish on finder . Don't concern yourself about the surface cluter top 15 ft . Adjust riggers to go thru and below bait . 



    Drive boat with S Curves . And slow  turning a lot .this way , at least some of the time your lures Will be going the right speed . On the hit , land fish and go back thru same spot . Note direction of troll on strike.  If you have a hand held GPS , SOG is at least some help. 


    This should get you started .  



    Don't over  complicate this . KISS. 


    You can always add  a dipsy  or stack lines . 

    • Like 1
  2. To lubricate .... spit 


    I have used 10#  Seagaur  blue for fly fishing tipper and skein leader . 

    Had it break in the middle where their are no knots . It rarely breaks at the knot .

    Flour has no stretch , which is good for long lines  , but bad for leader . 

    Not even close to as durable as Maxima ultragreen for that .




    A flasher fly leader or meat rig   takes a lot of abuse .  50# should never break . But I have had it happen more than once . 


    I'm lazy , I don't want to retie   every time I go out . 


    As far as invisibility , that's not an issue most of the time . Maxima is pretty colorless. For me , it's a confidence thing as to why I use it . If I'm not getting hits , I wonder if that's the reason . 


    Brands I've used 



    Orvis mirage  , junk 


    Vanish , junk 


    Seagaur  , not bad 

    Drennen  , best so far 


  3. I hate it because it is brittle and breaks for no reason ,sometimes in the middle of the linewhere there are no knots . 

    Takes no abuse whatsoever . Broken a fair amount of flasher fly 50# leaders . That should never break .


    Have used a lot of brands and they all seem to do the same thing . I like the Drennen for fly fishing / trib tipper but it is,overtested. 


    Has good qualities as it sinks and drags fly down when fly fishing . Or it is invisible under water.  

  4. Was out at dawn to an east chop almost at my roughness limit , but I ventured out . 

    Wind shifted from the south just after dawn and fish started to hit 


    70  to 110 , 45 to 70 down 


    I had 4 hits total and another good king falls pray to the Gary D rig . It has become my go to . Ken Frearson is the only other guy on the lake that has one ,but can't locate it on his boat :-) :-) . Landed 2 of the 4 . Had another good king to boatside and the leader broke , which is why I hate fluorocarbon . 


    Fished till 8 and pulled lines 


  5. The gov says this is going to be the new normal , like I figured . 


    So IMO , this needs to be addressed so we can use the resources this state offers and we pay taxes for . And many have built their livelihoods around . 


    The law of unintended consequences will be that angler hrs will be down and this may influence future funding . 


    If it were not for the fishing I would be out of here. 

  6. With all the boat launch closures , can't the state or county do something to make some of these launches usable ? 

    Seems to me it wouldn't take a whole  lot to get at least 1 ramp in some of these launches usable . The water is going to take till mid August at least to come down enough to be usable . So no boating for most this summer ? 


  7. I fish out of a 16 ft side console alone all the time with no problem . 


    First thing is how the boat is set up . Are the riggers and rod holders easy to get at to set / adjust ?  This is critical . 


    Also you have to be fast and anticipate boat wander . Set up going with the waves . 


    Keep things simple . I run 2 rods . One on each rigger . I sometimes run 1 dipsey and 1 rigger  . And that's it . And I do quite well .  


    On the strike , if it's a good fish, I leave it in the rod holder and I pop the rod with no fish and reel it in quickly and put the boat in neutral all at the same time .if you are going into the waves on the strike , turn away from the fish and go with the waves then neutral .  Then play the fish with no boat drag . Have the net ready ! 

  8. We just completed the house across the street from that parking lot on the lake last fall . If you watch spectrum news it's the dark blue one they are reporting from . It's a  retirement home the people haven't moved into yet . A beautiful expensive home . I'm sure it's high enough and ok . The yard ,not so much . 


    And yes I saw those carp . We saw kids chasing them around . 


    Last time they were in the ditches on Newco .  Also they are in the parking areas on the east side of Bruce's marina. 

  9. The reason I think the water is green is the nutrients that are in it that support the bottom of the food chain . I'm curious to see what happens moving forward . 


    Think about it , high water 2017 , fantastic king fishing 2018 .  Best since pre zebra . My have nothing to do with it but it might . 


    No mind you , I'm not a marine biologist or an environmental scientist , or do I play one on TV . 


    But my guess is the folks who proposed this in the first place are . 


     Obama, Cuomo and others just used that to push it thru for the economic windfall. 

  10. 2 ft higher and 1 ft lower 


    What happens when we have drought in the watershed that feeds all the great lakes and watersheds that feed LO? 


    We won't be able to get our boats out on the lake in many of the ports . 


    That will come in the next 10 years sometime IMO. 

  11. Environmentalists were pushing the 2014 plan for environmental reason . They said the current policy was hurting the ecosystem of the lake . 


    I haven't seen green water like this since pre zebra mussel . And the 80s . And the fishing as well .  


    We use to get spring kings along  the entire south shore . After the zebras showed up  , the spring kings migrated to the west and and the lake erie /Niagara flow .  We had that dark black dead water.  . 


    Something to consider . 

  12. Memorial day    after noon run 


    High sky , lake flat 


    4 lake trout 


    East wind picks up with 1 ft chop then, 


    1 Coho  , 1 rip on a dipsey 220 on 3 setting took out 150 ft of line and got off . 

    Flashers and my new rig for all but the dipsey bite ,which was a die hard . 


    Marking fish but not a lot of bait 


    Great weekend of fishing.   

  13. 1 hour ago, Silver Fox said:

    I would certainly believe that Sandy Creek would be the last place to hang out since hardly nobody is boating out there. Waste of money. He wanted me to pull over at the state launch to talk to me about my wake and told him to follow me up to the marina. I wasnt pulling into that underwater launch. He said its 1000' now, I thought it was 300' and with 2 ' waves from the west, I told him I'd come in at 10 mph everytime to not hit the jetty. He inspected me and left.
    They really t didnt have any answers for any questions we had.
    Again, I'm not sure who would order them to sit at a deserted underwater launch with 4 boats fishing. Yet I go over the Ibay bridge everyday and many are going fast, have your pick...smh


     I saw him chase you up the creek . You must look like an outlaw.


    No wonder Rebel and Tommy were going so slow on their way out . :-)


    I wonder if the yacht club people called . 

    They are in a bad way . Better hope we,don't get  A strong noreaster. 


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