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Everything posted by ShawnJ

  1. Got out for the first time since the sandy creek shoot out and took my neighbor that had never lake fished before. Heard fishing had been tough somewhat so I had low expectations. Tried to get a few hours in before the storms rolled through and for the most part they stayed west of us. Spent three hours throwing everything I had in the boat at them but no bites. We had good screens and had a number of fish following on our graphs. Finally got a decent staging king on a DW spoon. That turned out to be the only bite of the morning. Weighed it once we unloaded the boat and was one of our bigger fish of the year at 21.12 lbs. Fished mainly 90-145 fow with temp down 50-60 feet.
  2. Awesome job Manny. It's so cool to get people out that don't regularly get to fish for these beasts. We can only hope the bite stays this good.
  3. Great job guys, it's been a great summer for kings so far. We can only hope it continues.
  4. Went out with a couple of buddies from work this morning. Started fishing around 5:15am and back to the launch by 10:30am. Fished mainly 80-140 fow. Still mainly a spoon bite but we took a couple shots on a meat rig as well. All kings except one decent steelhead. Caught 3 mature kings between 17-20lbs. The rest were 8-15 lb range. Riggers were 50-75 down. Divers on 2 were 150-195 range. We fished north/north west of the creek. Ended up 10 for 16. Fleas weren't really a problem but without a breeze the nats were pretty thick today. Happy 4th of July to everyone.
  5. What a morning!!!! I have never seen so many fish hit and then run straight at the boat like they did this morning. We had fish attacking the spoons at the surface while we were setting them into the releases. It was definitely an aggressive bite this morning. Lost track of how many strikes we took. All decent kings except one shaker and two steelhead. Mainly ran spoons -carbon 14 and rasberry carbon 14. We also took a couple fish on a hulk flasher/flie as well. Riggers were 40- 60 down. Divers out 125. The fleas were pretty bad this morning so we tried not to let anything sit in the water longer than 15 minutes. Fished 65-100 fow north west of the creek.
  6. Nice job Manny. Hopefully the lake and weather holds up for Saturday morning.
  7. Happy memorial day weekend!! Fished from 6am till 10:45am. We covered a ton of water today as we really didn't have great screens at any depth. Started out in 150 to 250fow and got one small king on a carbon 14 spoon. So we decided to pick up and head out to deeper water. We set back down in 400 fow and fished out to 450 fow. We found good temp at 50-60 feet down no matter where we fished. Got a decent 10lb king on a raspberry carbon 14 on a 10 color. Ended up 5 for 7. Mostly small fish from a spoon bite today. Only 2 bites on flasher flies today. Had a good time fishing with buddies. How did everyone else do?
  8. Nice jobb guys!! We went out for a shakedown run for 2 hours and got one small king. Never fished in fog that thick before. Wishing I had radar on the boat today.
  9. Nice job Manny!! As soon as my boat gets out of the shop I'll be out there too.
  10. How deep were you fishing? We are out in front of Sandy right now in 60 - 100fow
  11. So it wasn't just me. We started out in 80 fow and dropped the fish hawk every 25 to 50 feet out till we got to 450fow. I was convinced my fish hawk was malfunctioning. I even changed my batteries. We only got one small king all day. Our best screen was in 140 fow but the fish would not bite. I threw everything I had in the boat at them. We fished west out to the green bouy and straight out from there. It got too rough once we hit 450 fow to go out any deeper than that.
  12. Went out for a quick evening trip after waiting on the lake to settle down. Fished 80 to 210 fow. Only saw bait in 185 and 195 fow down 60 to 90. Fished 630 till dark and only ended up with one small king on a mag green glow alwive spoon. Anyone else have better luck than us today/ tonight?
  13. That was definitely a bad judgement call by that boat. Sucks that they lost gear too. I had that happen to us by a leisure boater last year. It cut right between another boat and myself.
  14. Thanks for the info as I'm going to try and get out after work tomorrow with my buddy and his son.
  15. Nice looking fish. How deep did you find good temperature?
  16. The steelhead I've caught this year were out in 220-350 fow down 60-90 depending on down temp. They were caught on flasher flies and or orange crush/ mixed veggies spoons. All between 5-9 lbs give or take.
  17. Just bought a new one so I will be ready for to try my luck in the Sandy Creek Shootout this coming weekend. Going forward I'm going to take the cap off and batteries out after each use to try and prevent any more issues with the probes. Hopefully fish hawk will stand by their product and do something as I bought the one that broke in August of last year. We shall see.
  18. Brian, where have you been typically catching your bigger lakers? Do you typically run the same 90-110 fow in front of the creek?
  19. Letsfish2day- Sorry to hear about your probe went to the bottom of the lake. I donated a probe myself to the lake last year as well. I broke a rigger cable as well about 100 feet Infront of the green bouy. No clue what it got hung up on. I emailed fishawk to see if they will replace mine that's in error mode.
  20. It was going to be one of those days as my fish hawk probe went into error mode first time in the water this morning. The down temperature showed 03.1 which acccording to their website it means the temperature probe is bad. It will still read down speed. So we decided to stick it out and fish somewhat blind. We started out in 150fow and worked our way out to deep water. We got our first strike on a meat rig on the diver rod out 220. We ended up losing that fish. The next fish didn't come for about 90 mins when we were in about 300 fow. We ran a white glow crush spin doctor with matching flie down 100feet and got a nice steel head. We then ran out to 400 fow just looking around and seeing blank screens we moved back to 250 fow. The next fish was a decent mature king on the same spin doctor set up. No clue where the scale on the boat went but guessing it was 20lbs. Ended the day 2 for 3. Beautiful weather but a slow day out there. How did everyone else do out there today?
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