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woody 184

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Everything posted by woody 184

  1. Guys something I’ve been thinking about lately especially having time to try to read posts here, my brain is pretty screwed up so sorry if this comes out wrong, I’ve been fishing the lake for over 35 years and somethings been bothering we lately, why has a company not integrated down speed and down temp in a downrigger ball instead of only having very limited options with Sub-troll or fishhawk. This is mainly aimed at Yankee he’s really up on technology…. Woody
  2. There is only one way to stop all this nonsense is to stop with this Liberal , Conservative, Democrat, Republican…. Instead of taking there BS bait all the time and did what Gambler said and wrote our Congressmen and women.
  3. Something I have wondered about and again I’m with HB, if you look at the world deaths by country, Like Canada for example or New Zealand…. Does the US ever look at other countries and go how the Heck can their deaths be so low, I understand the populations are way different, are we trying to reinvent the wheel. Wish I hope we aren’t as arrogant as that…. Woody
  4. We are finally feeling better, the wife was in real bad shape, she almost went to the hospital. Me and my daughter only had mild condition. Thanks to the guys that reached out to us. after my Traumatic Brain Injury from work and having lung issues I was very scared of dying. I didn’t leave my recliner and found a Netflix documentary on my condition of my brain injury called “my beautiful broken brain”, this is a little glimpse into what I am dealing with also I found a Steven rinella documentary that is very good also….Woody
  5. Santa gave us COVID for Christmas….. we all had been vaccinated… after getting hurt at work in 2018 I unfortunately have more of a chance of this Crap..
  6. woody 184

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    Awesome story, thanks for sharing….
  7. woody 184

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    Brian I Need the story on that muzzleloader success story….
  8. woody 184

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    Damn…. Congrats….
  9. woody 184

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    Sorry you are dealing with this, you telling everyone about your health and what you are dealing with has opened my eyes to how dangerous this Crap is , thanks for sharing your situation with us….
  10. woody 184

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    Joe I know it’s off topic, wondering if you had the COVID shot….
  11. woody 184

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    That’s a TANK….
  12. woody 184

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    Nice bucks gentlemen….
  13. woody 184

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    Damn man you are lucky
  14. woody 184


    Guys since getting hurt at work I unfortunately have had my eyes opened so much.. here we go, the media and the politicians want to keep us arguing with each other, they all say they care about “the people”, no they don’t they are all crooks and if they keep us arguing they can continue filling their pockets .. pretty simple to figure it out , we need to be one whole body of people not Liberals and Conservatives, but the politicians don’t want us to do this.. but we are pretty damn close to becoming one , after this election we are starting to see these criminals for who they truly are, Criminals,. and another thing IMO every single reality show is on television is all brought to you by the politicians, why, it’s easier to watch “honey boo boo” than CNN or FOX, it’s too Toxic…. Woody
  15. woody 184


    We can start chanting “let’s go Brandon”, maybe they will show….
  16. woody 184


    At 450K am changing my name to Paco and make my way down to Mexico and wade accross….
  17. My first peep sight, draw back on a monster in the rain.. can’t see crap, sitting at full draw blowing in the peep sight finally cleared it, dropped the deer where he stood, no more hunting in the rain….
  18. woody 184

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    A state land Elk….
  19. woody 184

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    Had a small scrub six point chasing a doe at dusk last night in the backyard….
  20. woody 184

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    Insane nice deer….
  21. woody 184

    Sold / Closed Legacy -The 2021 Season-

    I feel that this new doe season is due to car insurance companies losses forcing the state into this situation….
  22. Chris I was sitting in my backyard having coffee with the dog I seen those clouds pretty cool….
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