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Dr W

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Everything posted by Dr W

  1. Artemas: I started fishing lake Ontario back in 83 and it was easy to catch lots of fish , all species. I sold the last boat in 2001 and quit fishing when I started getting skunked regularly. I just returned to Sodus and have been hooking up a little but nothing like the late 1980's [sad to say] Keep in mind that the water is far clearer today that it was so you must change tactics, that is why the dipsy's do well. [farther from your boat shadow.] I would bet that boat color makes a difference too a blue bottom painted boat might do better than other colors depending on light conditions. The one thing I learned this year is do not follow the fleet because they are not doing so well this year. I also discovered that using frozen saw bellies on a Sutton Hemlock spinner worked better than any spoon in my box. I think that this season is not over and we should have several more weeks of better fishing ahead Good luck
  2. Thanks for all the thoughts Guess I should dig out the 47h line counters and spool them up with the expensive braided line?
  3. I am not a big fan of dipsy divers and after reading so many reports of boats doing so well with them I had to ask this question? How long are you running your leads off your down riggers? If your boat is spooking the fish but the dipsys are set to run wide perhaps the reason the dipsys do so well is because they are farther from your boat shadow ? With the water clarity being what it is perhaps you are running to short a lead? I now run very long leads off my Downriggers up to 75 feet depending on what I'm pulling. Anyone else have the same thoughts? Dr W
  4. Dipsy 250 feet back ? If my math is near correct then they were running about 65 to 70 feet down. You running copper or mono? Were the kings getting dark? Dr W
  5. Frank you said out of state? I get around Where are you located. Dr W
  6. As a life long Canadagua native [lived on the lake as a kid ] I can tell you several tricks .. The guys that always had fish either pulled copper with a phluger spoon or ran a seth green rig with 4 or even 5 leads . I did well when Down riggers came out by pulling a flasher followed by a Saw Belly on a hemlock spinner from Suttons in Naples. IF I were fishing that end of the lake today I would start at the white rock and pull that exact set up and look for the bait schools and fish that depth Canandaigua lake has lots of Browns and lakers and a few good Rainbows. Night fishing always produced well too. Dr W
  7. No I ran long lines off the downriggers [60 feet behind the ball ] Next time out I will be rigged to run some flat lines
  8. Went out of Sodus at 8 am , headed east and when we hit 60 feet of water we set up with dodgers and cut bait [hemlock spinners ] we never marked a fish ! However we did hook 2 browns in 2 hours in 70fow ? I think that south wind has upwelled a lot of cold water and many fish are in the top 20 feet. Surface temp 75 do not have a fish hawk but I bet that the water 20 feet down was in the 50's
  9. Steve: I understand i you just can not do it but we would love to see you ! Dr JC Watson
  10. The USCG Aux needs more than vessel operators and crews ! We need people to do vessel exams on shore and teach boating safety and administrative help at the Squadron level. Folks like you have experience and knowledge to pass on.. You are exactly what the Coast Guard Aux needs ! Dr W
  11. IF you like them ! Why not join them! I know that 4-2 [Rochester] and 4-7 [Canandaigua] and 4-4 [sodus ] all need new members to get involved I was in 4-7 for over 10 years and have just initiated going back to 4-7 I too was stranded this year off Sodus and there were no Aux vessels anywhere to help so Oswego station sent a paid tow boat.. and that was $150.00 We all need to pitch in and get involved. Dr W
  12. Ruff rider : Have you tried a Sutton Hemlock Spinner sawbelly setup? Back 20 years ago that was magic when nothing else was working. I still have 6 of them in the box Stop in Naples when your heading south and check em out. Dr W
  13. Ruff Rider You going out later today ? like 9;30 ? If so Ill give you a call on the radio just to say Hi Trying the new [old ] boat today see if we can hook up. Dr W [watson]
  14. I don't know the name but I can tell you how to get there.. It is on the river over in Oswego , take 104 to Oswego and turn right just before you go over the bridge and it is right on the river about 2 blocks from 104 ..Good food and very nice and yes a wine list. Think it is called: GS Steamers Bar & Grill
  15. A few years back I went Tuna fishing and we were not hooking up trolling mostly trolling the surface , and we were marking a lot of Tuna about 80 feet down over 600fow We stopped and just happened to have a bunch of needle fish live that we were using for trolling so the captain set up a drift and we used balloons like giant bobbers and used about 2 ounce sinkers and let those live needle fish down to about 80 feet. In 5 hours we boated 18 yellowfin tuna all between 70 and 90 lbs. Has anyone ever tried that on Lake Ontario with sawbellies ? Next time we go out and it is slow we plan on taking some live sawbellies and balloons and will try this.. I often use a hemlock spinnier from Suttons in Naples NY for trolling So we plan on having both frozen sawbellies and some live ones ! Dr W Fine Spine [new old boat]
  16. Coast Guard Oswego must have some Radio [they do I know] When they responded to my call it was like they were at Sodus Point, not 40 miles away. BTW I never get Angry or Biter. I just wanted to vent about how things have declined on Lake Ontario as far as U.S.C.G. aux participation. Back 20 years ago we had Auxiliary vessels on duty during the week quite often. Perhaps we all should consider stepping up and join the local flotilla and give 2 or 3 days a year to watch out for one an other? Dr W Fine spine
  17. I have not been on lake Ontario in about 13 or 14 years and was a USCG.AUX member and Vessel operator for the previous 15 years. I did well over 100 SAR's and towed dozens of disabled boats into dock. Today I was testing a boat I just bought off Sodus and the Steering gear broke and I could make headway in only one direction All the guys fishing and not one response on Chanel 9 or 16 The Tow guy in Sodus was nice [and expensive] No one at Sodus Station on week days? That is sad too. Well brother boaters the boat will be repaired and IF I hear a distress call ! I will pull the down riggers and respond ! I would rather land a 5000 pound boat that a Salmon If it save a a fellow boater some grief Have a good day Dr W Vessel: Fine Spine
  18. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: Dr W ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s): 08/80/09 Time on Water: 6 am - 10;30 am Weather/Temp: 3foot chop Wind Speed/Direction: SW 10 Kts. Surface Temp: 70.2 Location: LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: ZERO we trolled from 150 to 375 ft off the chimneys Total Boated:0 Species Breakdown:0 Hot Lure: 0 Trolling Speed: 2.5 -3.5 Down Speed: Boat Depth: Lure Depth: ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS Just returning to lake ontario after a 10-12 year break This really was a bust. Back in the 1980's we would have had at least 6-10 releases and 5-6 fish. Hope to try again next week. ====================
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