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Posts posted by john1947

  1. Went out late looking for prospects for tomorrow.Starting marking kings at 160 about 40 to 80 down.temperature started droping at 65 ft.,47 at eighty five feet.marked some fish high.Tomorrow looks good  as temp is high.We had a few hits with no fish taken .left the lakers alone and concentrated on the kings to be had.Saw two boats out east of us near sodus point.42 spinny with a glow green atomic took the hits on riggers.

  2. Went fishing today and the biting flies were horendous.Worst than earlier this summer.I did buy a spray bootle of Coleman biting fly spray with deet and it worked well.I came in early anyways cause the dog was bothered alot by the flies..She was ok in the cabin but the biters found her there.fishing was low due to deep temperature.overall.

  3.  Temperature out of hughes sunday varied alot.You could be running 50 and then have it got up in the sixties Salmon fishing can be frustrating but it is worth the time spent.Keeps me coming back since the early eighties.Wonder if any out there tried copper suttons.Thats what everyone used when the kings were deep and spread out.Except for two lakers  I didnt land any salmon sunday out of hughes.I did have one almost spool me on a diver.Some charter guys did pretty good but they werent fishing solo.

  4. Kings were active in 120 or less today.80 ft. down 55 degrees.yesterday they hit everything ,today echips with a glow fly worked great. They realy turned on just before the front came through.Three kings,along with a few browns and lakers.Fished solo and didnt lose any kings today.There was a forty pound + king lost yesterday in the same area I fished today.

  5. great trip,i was out also solo today.i took three majors and some lakers and small kings.Majors came on the riggers with watermelon paddles and rainbow flies about 3 ft. backThe paddles were set about ten feet from the ball and ran slow about two mph.The last one was huge close to thirty and took almost a hour to boat.I did not take any long runs just buldoged behind the boat.

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