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Everything posted by whaler1

  1. It was really cool. First couple days of the summer derby. Skinny water and light line. Got it up and close like ten times only for it to bulldog away. Looking from the boat down to the fish it looked like low teens and I was getting impatient with it. Only when it hit the net and then the deck you could see what a freak it was.
  2. Hoping for one of the kids to shoot one tonight. Good night for it. Will post a pic if they do.
  3. Yeah Willy, he appreciates it. He's a great guy and I'm perfectly fine just to have them go to good use.
  4. I've been doing this for seven years, since I bought this house. The first year I lived here I arrowed a nice buck just before dark. Found it the next morning and it was hammered. I've been shooting them ever since. I pulled the chip on the deer this morning after a few weeks over the deer. It's amazing how many coyotes and fox are in the area. Perfect habitat I guess. Seems like there's more all the time. I used to have a lot more turkeys around but if anything I think the small game population is declining. Oh well, going to keep shooting.
  5. I give them to a friend of mine. He skins them and sells them. Usually nets out plus or minus a grand every year from our back yard.
  6. This one has a horrible case of mange and is near death. Hate to see this. Very contagious, first mangey one I've seen this year.
  7. Here's a pic of the one I missed last night
  8. I hope you get one Willy!
  9. I suck. Just bloodied one up but can't find it. Good blood. Will look harder in the morning. The red brush is really thick and my flashlight kept dying.
  10. I didn't but I will, its on the wall of the dead animal room.
  11. Yeah it was a freak. 20 pounds 11 ounces and only 33 inches.
  12. Caught this Brown in 2011. This fish didn't miss many meals lol.
  13. Willy I'm on the southwest corner of Braddocks Bay. Lots of marsh and red brush. Great habitat for predators.
  14. No need for hunting clothes Pap, the bait pile is in the back yard with a wireless motion detector. When the alarm sounds, we shoot them out the bedroom window.
  15. Her cousin was visiting from Tampa. They're watching a movie when the alarm went off. Needless to say she thought the whole thing was crazy. .17 is awesome on fox. No blood at all. No idea where she hit it.
  16. Her cousin was visiting from Tampa. They're watching a movie when the alarm went off. Needless to say she thought the whole thing was crazy. .17 is awesome on fox. No blood at all. No idea where she hit it.
  17. Ha ha. Didn't take long. Daughter with the .17.
  18. Bait pile has been quiet. Maybe tonight will be good. My son saw one on the pile mid day Monday but by the time he got upstairs it was gone. Won't be long.
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