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Everything posted by dvdegeorge

  1. the next time your wife gives you crap for hunting or fishing show her this and tell her to follow these simple steps
  2. temperature readings and Trail Timer data have shown that when the daytime temperature rises above 45 degrees Fahrenheit, deer activity comes to a screeching halt. With their heavy fur coat and inability to ventilate as humans do, deer simply cannot function in warm weather. Although the rut will still take place whether there is warm weather or not, much of the breeding will often take place under the cover of darkness, during cooler temperatures. Warm weather rut hunts should center around the morning hours, but you need to make sure that you are in the right location to be able to observe mature buck movements. Whether you are downwind of a quality bedding areas, between bedding areas, or right smack dab in the middle of a bedding areas, make sure that you are away from food, and into the thick and nasty stuff. Although mature bucks will still be active, it pays to be close to their daytime hide outs because during warm temperatures they won’t move far.
  3. Matt I would it's going to be down right balmy the next couple days Hunt late afternoon and early mornings if not
  4. If you are not gonna shoot um don't educate um
  5. Saw nice 9 pt shortly after 7 am No doe of course
  6. Matt hang tuff buddy you will get your chance
  7. Awesome! Congrats Rob you earned him!
  8. Way to go Rob it was just a matter of time for you!!
  9. The giant was through again last night
  10. It's been dead here also till 5 minutes ago Gentleman who lets me cut thru his property to get to my stand asked if I'd shoot a doe for him
  11. Everyone is quiet today? I just whacked a doe
  12. The best luck! Just green scored my buck 142 4/8 gross
  13. Matt it's feast or famine right now depending on hot or near hot does I hunt fringes of doe bedrooms
  14. GoPro is on but they need to be close for good footage 9 pt just Ran a spike off and is sniffing through tickets below me
  15. I could have shot the doe was drawn on her but she had 2 fawns with her they were righti in front of my camera not sure if the buck got his picture taken
  16. Holy crap boys it's on big boy chasing doe high long times white rack another shooter This is the day you dream of it seems like a tv show!
  17. Shooter 9 pt dogging doe in thickets in front of me now
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