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  1. Not at all.. But there's two sides to this lake. That narrative works when talking about China. Kind of insulting when it's used against the country that lends a hand whenever asked. Glad you got help with your prop this weekend! Sent from my LYA-L0C using Tapatalk
  2. The added beam doesn't exponentially add to the spread width. So you're in an 8 foot beamed boat and then you compare to a 10 foot bean you've only added 1 foot of space on each side though out the entire system from boat to lure I'm only talking about tangles on the take then with the fish travelling to the surface. Which is where most dipsey tangles happen. Tangling while fighting the fish is a different matter. But you are right to state that a higher setting will help reduce tangles 100%. Beam isn't really a factor though. Sent from my LYA-L0C using Tapatalk
  3. Beam would have nothing to do with it. Lead length off your ball does though Sent from my LYA-L0C using Tapatalk
  4. I'd call it human caused global temperature increase at an astonishing rate. We've pushed the needle what would equate to an entire geological epoch since the 1940s. What would normally take 10000+ years. You suppose this drastic change in weather patterns which is clearly noticeable in our lifetime is nonsense, then I'll suppose you have no idea how to separate truth from fiction. Sent from my LYA-L0C using Tapatalk
  5. Hope you enjoyed your tax free winnings. Smh Sent from my LYA-L0C using Tapatalk
  6. It's because they think it's their right.. If you're going to eat those fish, birds, whatever. Do what you like. I'm pro hunting, fishing but because I can see why people would think the sensationalized attitude towards life some have and freely brag about is disgusting. That makes me a leftist crazy to these people. The paranoia and child like reactions to people questioning your scruples just fuels their fire. Try arguing with someone who doesn't want to argue... Or show them their are wrong by setting a good example for your practice. The idea of us all being in this together is a great idea but truth is there's a lot of people on my side that I just don't agree with, and their beliefs and practices I don't believe in. I feel like these people are doing more damage to my pastime than animal rights activists because without their stupid gopher shoots and pictures all over the internet portraying hunting as something it should never be. And it adds fuel to the fire. We all need to be more socially aware of how others would view us. Sent from my LYA-L0C using Tapatalk
  7. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at the production. There's days where it doesn't hit. But there's days where it will shine. Your first birds nest you'll laugh at how easy it is to free up Sent from my LYA-L0C using Tapatalk
  8. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at the production. There's days where it doesn't hit. But there's days where it will shine. Your first birds nest you'll laugh at how easy it is to free up Sent from my LYA-L0C using Tapatalk
  9. I'm going to try a FH td on one. Not that will likely change my use of it. Seems to work really well early season. Which makes sense even if it isn't achieving a lot of depth.. Just another tool in the box. Sent from my LYA-L0C using Tapatalk
  10. Pot calling the kettle black. Out of site out of mind... Why even open the door to scrutinize a dumb activity. Keep it low key and people won't care. You have to realize times change. Not smug at all.. On the money. Sent from my LYA-L0C using Tapatalk
  11. Way to bring something to the table... Smh. Some really good points above though. Sent from my LYA-L0C using Tapatalk
  12. You're giving the unit too much credit. Think about the situation the OP is in versus your comment. He's asking is it a nessisary. People make speed at the ball to be something it's not. If you're catching enough fish that you can determine what exact mph they prefer then how many extra fish is the probe going to catch you. And conversely when they aren't hitting your spread it definitely can't tell you a thing. A new fisherman has way more things holding him back then not knowing speed at the ball. Even less so temp. Watching you're cable angle as you change directions and tilt side to side tells you the current and speed for free. Everyone's phone does gps and sog. If you can afford it. Sure. But 700$ isn't chump change for everyone. Sent from my LYA-L0C using Tapatalk
  13. I get it. I get why they are handy but I'm going to tell a newbie to spend 700 on gas and charters. No better way to learn how to increase your success rate. Sent from my LYA-L0C using Tapatalk
  14. All good if kings are in the temp you expect. Sent from my LYA-L0C using Tapatalk
  15. I hear this sentiment a lot.. But I'd say it's overzealous.. I want to know depth and what depth fish are hanging out at. I can't tell that from the deck but I can tell you from the deck roughly what speed my lures are running. I promise with a sonar that I can out fish someone who only has a fish hawk because I'm not wasting time where the fish are not at. To the OP, it's not essential equipment.. Sonar with a gps is a far better investment if you don't have a good one imo Sent from my LYA-L0C using Tapatalk
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