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Everything posted by Fishstix

  1. Sampson park favor needed I need a dock for a 21ft boat for the memorial weekend lake trout derby at Sampson park. Last year the one I reserved was falling in.I could not use it. Can someone give me a couple good dock numbers to try to reserve? I only need one . Thanks Stan
  2. After I re read my post it just didnt make any sense. Ill try again.When you called me on the radio I answered your call. But you kept calling me and when I answered you did not reply. I think you were transmitting but not receiving. I know my radio was working ok because I talked to someone way up by AES. This post makes sense............
  3. Final fight. This may sound odd but I could hear you but you did not respond to me. I know my radio was working I talked to a guy way up by AES and I was on the south end of the lake.BTW the browns were there, boated 8. . Spoon bite ,green and white.
  4. Good report, That purple froggy spoon your holding ups a king salmon killer also.At Hughes its known as "Barney"
  5. Ill have to give it another shot sometime. Thanks ,fishstix
  6. Several years back when meat was the hot setup on ontario I ran it in the fingerlakes . Never had a touch on it and I gave it a full day.
  7. Not exactly a fly twinkie rig but I run a homemade triple spin n glow twinkie rig behind a 11inch paddle . I run it off a mag dipsey. Pick your color but I run the favorite rainbow colors......Small size spin n glow. And yes it works in the fingerlakes.
  8. Cayuga Treman Launch Took a ride up rt 89 yesterday. Stopped at Treman launch. My guess would be the lake was down 3 to 4 ft. I would not try to launch my 21ft boat there. There was good color on the south end seemed to break about at the dropoff. Rode up to Deans Cove there was a couple trailers in the parking lot. Its been awhile since I launched out of Deans.So I dont recall how deep the channel is. I would not try to launch my 21ftr. there either. This is just a launch depth report from someone who has tore up props and knocked transducers off the back of the boat in past years. Use your own judgement.This break in the weather has me itchin.
  9. Ive got several big Jon parts downriggers . Arms,motor mounts , ball cradles. If you could send a pix of what you need or a good explanation of the parts I probably have them. Im on unemployment right now so ive got time tto ship and the price will be right. Make offer....
  10. Reel Potential sorry I took so long to get back.those rods look a little to stout for the fingerlakes. Thanks for the reply Fishstix
  11. Cabin fever already. My best fish seem to come off dipseys.. I now run the walker mag dipseys .It would be nice to get a couple more down inside my 10 ft roller rods. Anyone else doing this? Any advise? Im thinking I can run outside on a 2 to 3 dipsey setting and a 1 setting on the inside.
  12. Looking for a couple 5 ft to 7ft wire dipsey setups. I really dont need more stuff in the boat but I would like to run two dipseys off each side of the boat.My regular rods are 10ft rollers and I want to run them inside. Good linecounter reels and medium to heavy action rods.My best fish seem to come off dipseys so I would like to get a couple more in the water.
  13. I have probably 50 to 100 old pirates . Some still new in package. I have mag , 28size and the smaller ones .I do not fish LO anymore . Pirates worked great in the LO currents .I also have a lot of optimisers.; Pm me with contact info.
  14. Nice year . You have your BT program dialed in . Bear should make up a permanent #1 plaque with your name on it. It would save a lot of erasing...Hee Heee.. Back to warrior spoons , My number 2 spoon on lake ontario for everything was a warrior : Barney: was the name . purple on each end, yellow in the middle with black spots. Hope to see you out there again next year. BTW Can I borrow your GPS? Mines not showing trails very good .
  15. Anyone know the dates of the fall derby? Im thinking its the weekend after the LOC.
  16. I forgot to add a thanks to Bear for running the derby. Also I was useing 30lb test pink ande line, No fleas, I would get about 4inches on the wires.
  17. We fished Saturday stayed in that 120 to 140 ft depth range . We seemed to catch bigger fish over deeper water. The fishing was great. But we were still looking for a big fish. Sunday we ran a four rod program because of the rough water we went straight out to the middle of the lake .Started at 6am fished till 3pm probably never went 15min without having a fish on.lots of 7 and 8 pounders nice quality clean fish .The middle of the lake lakers look different than the skinny water fish. Heads look bigger color looks different. Did a few silvers out there but nothing for the board. We also did more fish on the dipseys over deeper water. Most fish came 80 to 100 down. paddle ,peanuts were the lure of choice even for the rainbows and atlantics. As the poster above said I thought there would be bigger fish caught. I was suprised with the numbers of fish we caught we could not break 10 lbs. All n All a fun derby lots of fish caught I gotta be happy with 3rd.
  18. We need more radio chatter during these derbys. Most guys are running channel 68. I would like to get a few updates on the leader board. That way Im not keeping a fish that does not make the board. If someone weighs a fish in early please give a shout on the radio.I kept a 7.8 laker during the Owasco derby If I would have known 9 was the bottom that fish would still be swimming. Good luck to all....
  19. We fished the Owasco derby we didnt weigh in any fish our biggest was 7.5 lbs, Our best spoon was a stinger mag green dolphin best ff was gold paddle and brown and white fly. Best location was three points up on east side . 90ft down. speed 1.9. good luck... The weeds floating around killed us.
  20. The salvation army derby is July 9th and 10th . Perhaps someone with more computer skills can post up the brochure. or just google salvation army derby 2016....
  21. Fishstix is in.I dont like hearing about the weeds Hope to end our derby slump. We will be on ch68. My plan is to start on the south end ,troll to the north end ,then troll back.Makes for a great day. I love Owasco. Good luck to all.
  22. Thanks for the picture.Long and fat ...nice. Lakebound 88 I recognize that shoreline behind you in the picture. I was at Hughes about 20yrs.Fished that area quite regular. Many derby browns came out of that area.....
  23. I would like to see a picture of the 18plus and the 15 plus brown if anyone has one.Curious if it was long and skinny or short and fat. Either way one hell of a wall hanger. Got to be a good story to go along with both those fish also..
  24. We usually launch out of the N end .Been thinking about Launching out of Sampson its a little closer to home.How busy is the launch there Sat and Sunday Morning? As for the topic of the post Yea I am ready, the Arima is ready and way overdue for a big fish during a derby.... Channel 68....
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