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Everything posted by Fishstix

  1. Just A thought but Is your transducer mounted on the correct side of the motor ? I know the propwash hitting it will cause all kinds of weird readings. You want to be sure to mount on the downstroke side of the prop and away from any humps or bumps on the bottom of the boat. You want a smooth stream of water .I try to run my transducers way out to the side of the boat otherwise I get bubbles and all kinds of weird stuff from the prop. Im no expert ,but it would seem to me that if it works in one direction and not the other its probably there is probably no problem with the fishfinder . Good luck.
  2. Someone somewhere must have one of these for parts. The mfg. date on mine is 1968. Its the Big Jons with the ball cradle molded into the aluminum base. Last time I ordered parts they were listed as a ES 1000 . My motors are still good but the structure that holds the boom and gearbox are real shakey.I can probably get the parts I need from Big jon but it would cost more than a new rigger. These are the first riggers I ever had . I like em ,they are simple. Must faster than the new Big Jons I have. Please respond on this post. Ill get back to you..I check the board every day or so.
  3. We had a couple of great days of fishing. Steady pick both days.I was hoping the 9.9 laker would hold but thats fishing.Nautitroller Im from Candor we got to meet . My numbers 659 5912 . best time around 6PM Im in bed by 8. I start work early...... Good luck to all next weekend except to the guy that beat me with the 12 pounder ..... heee heeeee
  4. I reread my post . Its not my first GPS. I was just amazed how far off my boat position was on the GPS to where I actually was on the water.I dont have a smartphone to take a screen shot. As far as a error report goes well I probably could but not knowing where I was on the water only the actual depth it would be hard to pinpoint. Tim Im hoping when I get up to Lake Ontario its more accurate. Im hoping the N end of Cayuga and Seneca is more accurate or were going to be loseing gear. Thanks for the responce and I hope to hear from some fingerlake guys... Im not giving up on the unit I cant wait to see what the wrecks look like on downview.
  5. I just got my new garmin DV 50 with lake maps installed. Went up to cayuga lake Sunday to check it out.I went up the east side of the lake.The GPS would show me being in 20 FOW when I was actually in 150 FOW.I would guess my position on the GPS contor lines were a good 400ft off.I called Garmin and they said I should take screen shots and file a error report.I cant really take any screen shots . I dont consider it my problem to file a error report. I was wondering if anyone has the same problem with Garmin maps. I called the place I bought it from and they said they would take it back. It really does me no good to have a GPS with contour lines that is that far off. My question is: Are all the Garmin maps off that far? How are the garmin maps on Lake Ontario?Is the N end of Cayuga mapped better than the S end? I fish Cayuga ,Seneca and Lake Ontario. I want to be able to follow a certain depth without hanging bottom. Ive got a little Garmin GPS in the car and it works great........
  6. I am responding to my own post. I just ordered a echomap 50DV with lake maps. I spoke directly with Gil from the hulltruth. He says you will be able to operate the 50 right out of the box. Ive seen some screen shots of the downview and they are impressive.If all goes well Ill add sideview in the future.
  7. google "The hull truth" Ive been resurching a GPS FISHFINDER this winter. Transducers seem to have as much to do with their operation as the fishfinders themselves. You can learn about the new chirp tecnology,downview ,sideview etc. I was going to go with Furuno but the right map is 300 bucks. Im going Garmin .Very reliable. The best maps. My choice of garmin units are...... I havent purchased yet.... Echomap 50s or Garmin 720s. "Digital oasis" has the best prices.
  8. Its a Jeppesen 4d map of the fingerlakes and LO. It fits a Furuno 1870f and I dont know what else it works in. Just thought someone might have a extra.
  9. My Lowrance GPS Zoom in button is stuck in. Im looking for a good used GPS with LO and fingerlake charts. I would perfer a furuno. But I am open to anything color . I dont fish that much anymore so I cant really justify a new unit. please reply thru this forum .Ill check it daily.
  10. We should have a derby VHF radio channel.I know Barney used to monitor a channel I forgot what it was.....
  11. Fishstix and Willie will be gettin in this year.Dont count your winnin"s yet...
  12. A fishing buddy of mine ,now gone, used to have one of these. We called it old faithfull. I dont know the lures actual name. My best description of it : A little larger than NK 28 size,It had a white rough almost sandy feeling finish.with a faded looking ladder back under the sandy finish. Any around? It would be nice to find a half dozen.....or one It was one of those spoons we only had one of that always worked .
  13. Havent checked LOU site lately. Seadog sent me a email about the course. Im interested... also unemployed,, It might get me back interested in fishing..
  14. I ve been running the whoke stimulis package. Catching some big bonus fish. Stimulis been very very good for me.. Me Like the pretty green....
  15. Ive used the new salted cutbait strips the last couple of weekends.Its been smokin...... Cutbait for me has been a love hate relationship. I hate the smell I hate the slower troll but if there are some big salmon around I learned a little trick Wet your hands before you handle it and the smell rinses right off. They are a little thick . You have to squeeze em down to fit some of my heads. The stuff fresh out of the pack is very durable.good for several fish.But once its frooze its only good for about one fish. seems to get soft and mealy after freezing. I saved some I ran. and froze it and it still caught fish. I ordered four packs a couple weeks ago. It was delivered to my door . This week Im ordering six.... Im going to try to just refrigerating it and not freez it .See how it keeps. There aint nothing like a hit on a wire rod pullin meat....
  16. I caught a 25.11 king Sunday morn out of hughes. For some reason it hasent showed up on the board yet.????????? Came on a Hootchie mama green glow .104 down 110 FOW. Out of Hughes........ Five derbys in a row with a derby fish.Trying to keep the streak goin... Not bad for weekend warriors. FISHSTIX
  17. Im at Hughes right now. and the winds a wippin. Ill give er till noon to settle down if it dont Im heading home. 3 derby kings out of Hughes. I cant seem to break 17lbs. Nice fish. Fishstix SEE ya outthere
  18. sea fleas are showing up bigtime . Even on the wires.....
  19. After thinking about this awhile,you may need a Check Valve in the fuel line. They keep the gas from draining back into the tank. They are usually installed on the suction end of the fuel line. Some have a filter or screen built into them. Always try the easiest stuff first. Its probably something simple.
  20. A good guess would be the fuel tank vent plugged.. Or it could be sucking air around a fitting. Ive never had that problem with a four stroke.
  21. You must have got a lemon .. I absolutely love my Simrad. I dont touch the steering wheel unless in pullling into the marina or docking. It wont hold in real high winds that create the flat sided waves that hit in all directions but I probably should have not been fishing in those conditions anyway. Hopefully the new one"s performance will exceed your expectations. Good luck...
  22. Does Abes have it now? Im heading up today. My biggest salmon have all come on cutbait and I never ran it last year....
  23. I cant tell you why it was beeping. But I do know that the allen screws that hold the brass steering wheel stud to the clutch unit are metric. So if you want to tighten things up a little you need a metric allen set.... I dont know if all the units were metric ,but mine was. To get into this a little more I had the same problem with the motor running but not turning the wheel. It turned out to be the gear slipping on the end of the motor shaft. I think if you archive on this site you can find the pictures or they may have gotten lost when the last site went down... I put a small setscrew in the motorgear It was originally held on with a metal clip. worked a year or so then the belt went bad. I no longer own a sport pilot plus.
  24. Yankee if you absolutely positively cant get anyone. Let me know. I know how much time and effort you put into these and I hate to see you hanging. I dont know the area. Probably cant get a place to stay etc. .... But I always help a brother out. Fishstix 607 659 5912 Is it this weekend?
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