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Paul Czarnecki

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Everything posted by Paul Czarnecki

  1. Thanks for reminding me there were two Sandy Creek boats entered not one......Motoman --Tomahawk and Gambler--Escape----Aka "Kohunas I and Ii" I'm not sure I can post all the results but the top 6 weights were: Yankee Pride.....79.48 Maverick...........63.84 Free Spirit.........63.01 Hotline...............62.63 Yankee Troller.....61.4 Hideout...............59.1 Gambler......your Escape team weighed 56.53 and you finished 9th. Motoman......your Tomahawk team weighed 34.06 and finished 13th. Again,'good job to everyone and a special word of thanks to Mike Waterhouse of the Orleans Co. Tourism Office for putting this event together for us. Let's try to make the next two even better. See everyone for the Johnny V Memorial and the One Man! [ Post made via iPhone ]
  2. We had 26 teams competing in this event that was open to ANY Port. Six places were paid a total of $2600 . Congrats to Fred Lockwood and the Yankee pride (Olcott) team for posting their awesome 3 fish catch that weighed more than 79 pounds. Second went Maverick (Oak Orchard), third to Free Spirit (Oak Orchard), fourth to Hotline (Olcott), fifth to Yankee Troller (Oak orchard) and sixth to Hideout (Wilson?). These one day events are great tournaments that really showcase the incredible fishing we have here on Lake Ontario and are loads of fun. We opened this tournament up to any port to and even altered the weigh in time to accommodate people from other ports. Kudos to those who entered from Olcott and Wilson but I must say that I , personally, am VERY disappointed in the lack of participation from our Orleans Co neighbors in Sandy Creek. For all the flack we have received in the past from you guys about not including you in our tournments it's pretty sad that only ONE Sandy Creek team had the kohunas to enter. Thanks anyway to the team that did enter. We are planning on making this a yearly event so mark your calendars. Also dont forget the Johhny V Memorial tournament the Sunday before Labor Day and the famous One Man Fish Bowl on the Tuesday after Labor Day. [ Post made via iPhone ]
  3. No Mark. Good drags and smooth action rods prevent hooks from tearing out. Snubbers "might" be necessary with stiff diver rods but with softer more forgiving rods and good drags they are simply not necessary. [ Post made via BlackBerry ]
  4. I happen to have that weekend open due to a cancellation. I'm in Oak Orchard though, 26 miles to the east of Olcott. Plenty or accomodations and great eateries. If it'll work for you feel free to give me a call. I'd love to help make your dads birthday memorable. Paul 716-390-0085 [ Post made via BlackBerry ]
  5. X2 A simple overhand Willis knot will not collect fleas and is much less of an obstruction going thru the guides than an albright or a spro swivel but......its up to you. [ Post made via BlackBerry ]
  6. No fleas with the splice method I just mentioned Mark. [ Post made via BlackBerry ]
  7. The smoothest strongest connection I've ever used for mono to wire or wire to wire splices involves a 4 inch section of leadcore line and two Willis knots. Willis knot the wire into the core and then do the same with the mono. You will never feel it going thru your guides. [ Post made via BlackBerry ]
  8. Why would you want to? The horizontal separation between the two would not be enough to prevent tangles......and that's without a fish hitting the outside line and it coming into the inside one. Guaranteed cluster! If anything run a 10 color leadcore on the outside and a 300 copper on the inside. At least then you would have some vertical separation to help prevent the inevitable mess. [ Post made via BlackBerry ]
  9. You gain almost a hundred feet of water for every mile you go out of Oak Orchard. It doesn't get much easier than that and with the incredible fishing the Oak is having this year the fishing doesn't get much easier either. [ Post made via BlackBerry ]
  10. its going on the wall....just not by me. One of my clients in that group is a taxidermist and will be mounting it. [ Post made via BlackBerry ]
  11. Sorry for the typos.....its impossible to edit from this blackberry and the keyboard is too small for mu giant fingers. Hopefully its still readable...lol. [ Post made via BlackBerry ]
  12. Thanks for the compliments guys but I was just lucky enough to drag a bait by that brutes nose. Here's the story.. We were fishing straight north of the Oak on the 29 line. Because of the current my best angle was 30 degrees on my north pass and 210 for the south. I had a set of DW green eyed ghosts on the port out down with a free slider set at 60 feet about 12 feet off the ball. The stbd side had a gold spook on a free slider over a gold 42 second set at 50 feet. This is the same spoon setup I've run for about 3 weeks now. We had a good flurry of kings to start the morning but the current quickly pushed us about 2 miles west of our "spot". We things slowed down I did the long sloowwww easterly troll to get back to my waypoints. As we got near the area rods started firing again and we were back on track. When the port out down went off and the fish started peeling line I thought it was just another good king. However, when we finally for him stopped at about 200 yards my client simply couldn't get any line back. We pulled one of our coppers and started a turn toward the fish. The whole time I was thinking the fish was foul hooked because there wasn't the typical head shaking or racing around....just a lot of dogging. When the fish finally got close to the boat it still wanted to stay deep and dog...like a foul hooked fish. Some nifty boat maneuvering finally brought the fish to the surface and Capt. Chris Vogt (UBetcha) who was mating for me slipped the net under him. When the fish hot the deck I simply shook my head qnd said...."Well...you saved $10 each on a derby ticket and what would you do with $4000 anyway?!?" Its a great fish and clearly shows what potential Lake Ontario has. Hopefully it will spark more interest in fishing Lake O and make more people think about buying that derby ticket. You simply never know. The very next fish you hook could be the fish of a lifetime! Good luck everyone! [ Post made via BlackBerry ]
  13. "Pa master"? LOL. My clients do just fine bringing in big kings with "the cheapest setup you can find". Roller guides do nothing to aid in bringing in a fish on wire.....proper rod pumping, good rod handling techniques and a high qualtiy reel boats big kings not rollers. But.....then again....maybe you never had a "PA master" coach you....lol. [ Post made via BlackBerry ]
  14. One scale at 4 C's and all fish must be weighed between 1 and 3 PM. NO EXCEPTIONS! [ Post made via BlackBerry ]
  15. We need a name for the green dots. Make something up....this is a great place to publicize it. [ Post made via BlackBerry ]
  16. Use em if you want to but you don't need roller guides for wire divers......ever! [ Post made via BlackBerry ]
  17. Also known as "WOOF WOOF" and "ruff ruff" respectively. Now.....the green dots are another species altogether..... [ Post made via BlackBerry ]
  18. Wow Mark you've learned a lot in the few short weeks you've been on this forum and fishing Lake Ontario. Wasn't it just a few weeks ago you were trying to figure out how to catch your first salmon? To the OP....use whatever tackle you have and have fun. What have you got to lose? A plug or two? FWIW......there are captains in Michigan that specialize in ultra light tackle charters running noodle rods and 6# test. I've done it many times myself and its great fun. Good luck! [ Post made via BlackBerry ]
  19. Due to popular demand the Oak is bringing back the One Day Tournament......but with some changes. Saturday August 20th will be the date. You must be entered by 7am Saturday morning. Entry fee is $100 cash ONLY and entries will be accepted at Lake Breeze Marina, 4 C's Marina, Narbys and Captains Cove. You may fish this tournament OUT OF ANY PORT ON THE LAKE. The only requirement is that you enter at one of the 4 locations listed above and you present your 3 fish for weigh in at 4C's Marina between 1 and 3 PM on Saturday. The weigh on closes at 3 PM SHARP.....NO EXCEPTIONS! This will be a 100 percent payback tournament paying 25 percent of the field. Any questions post them here. Also.....watch the fishing reports on www.attheoak.com for more exciting tournaments like the Johnny V Memorial ON Labor Day Saturday and the famous One Man Fish Bowl Tournament the Tuesday after Labor Day. [ Post made via BlackBerry ]
  20. All the info thusfar is very good but ill add one other little tidbit that I've noticed more this year than anything.......DOT - Direction Of Troll means everything this year. As little as a 5 degree change in your compass heading can mean the difference between 5 bites and 2 boated to 10 bites and 8 boated. You will also notice that on rougher days your hookup to land ratio actually improves because a lure moving and jumping erratically causes trout and salmon to focus much more intently on the target resulting in markedly better hookups. Muscle your kings and baby everyrhing else. Of you're still dropping too many try changing your DOT. GOOD LUCK! [ Post made via BlackBerry ]
  21. I talked about this with most of the captains here today and we feel if you could come up with a better description of the boat like make, inboard or I/O, hard top or soft top etc. We might be able to help find the culprit. Try to remember more and help us help you. [ Post made via BlackBerry ]
  22. YIKES! I left the dock with my PM trip at 3:15 but I didn't see anyone else running at that time. I set up in 150 straight north of the wall and trolled north. I saw several Gradys and a Bayliner or two but nothing matching your description. I'm fishing doubles the next several days and will keep an eye out for this clown. Glad you're ok. Paul [ Post made via BlackBerry ]
  23. Don't know about Oswego but it would definitely be worth your driving to Oak Orchard. Had some big kings here today. [ Post made via BlackBerry ]
  24. Sell that motor! I don't burn 26 gallons of gas feeding TWO 454's and pushing around a 17000 pound 10 meter Trojan filled with charter clients. [ Post made via BlackBerry ]
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