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Everything posted by biglaker

  1. Thank- You AC its a good think to know......
  2. If i may ask were is peach orchard Thank You for any replies .........
  3. Thats a nice rainbow.........AWESOME Congrats....
  4. Very Awesome.......keep them coming.....
  5. Hay Jason saw the picture of the boat on facebook it realy looks good........i like the name it fits your charter name....
  6. This is what happens when i release my lakers at Quabbin reservior in Ma.
  7. Hay 1dogshy you did realy good thanks for the report........
  8. AWESOME...... video lakebound88 love watching them keep them coming
  9. Not bad for a short trip.......nice pictures thanks for the report.....
  10. Way to go guys Thanks for the report....
  11. Nice job guys keep up the good fishing........kick butt take there names later........thanks for the report
  12. Seneca Lake Rainbows and Lakers And LL Salmon......
  13. Good day of fishing and good looking fish, nice job... Happy New Year
  14. Merry CHRISTMAS.......Stanley Steamer my thoughts and prayers are with you, get well soon you still have to get a lot of salmon, lakers, rainbows, browns hang in there...
  15. Merry Christmas and New Year to all L.O.U members and the fishing men and woman of the finger lakes........GOOD LUCK in 2012 may you all get a big one.....
  16. Thanks vogel451 and thanks Sean for the info i made up my mind today.I bought a HDS-8 from Cabelas on sale for 1.499 it was 1.699 and Lowrance has a rebate now until feb...for 200.-- so got it for 1.299 I aready have a navionics sd card in my Lowrance H2OC GPS that will work in the HDS-8 now i just have to send in the rebate papers when i get the unit. Thanks again guys
  17. Hi Guys any input on a Lowrance HDS-8 fish finder would be helpful.......Thanks
  18. Just Checked Out Your Web Sight Very Good Job......
  19. Nice job uglyokuma you had a very good day thanks for the report........
  20. Hi rolmops it aways closes on the 3rd saterday of october
  21. The eagle took the landlock away,,,the fish did not have a chance to swim away.....
  22. Kicked as took names later.....nice.... good job congrats
  23. Thanks for the report guys......WTG
  24. Nice job thanks for sharing.....good report....
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