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Everything posted by steelie

  1. Man, I hope that one hits the wall... Sent from my SM-G988U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  2. Last night was good for me as well. 5 or 6 bucks and many doe. Just not the right one, yet. Good luck to all Sent from my SM-G988U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  3. I'm sure you'll have one soon... but hold out for a mature 3.5 year old cape as that deer deserves it. I get a tag back on Monday and I'll keep you in mind! Sent from my SM-G988U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  4. Big ol' horse head and giant ears... so happy for you and the family. You've had a great year. Sent from my SM-G988U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  5. Congratulations.. that's a wide buck Sent from my SM-G988U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  6. Not this year. But she will be the one blowing at you every opportunity she gets Sent from my SM-G988U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  7. Man, I love my a-bolt. Your the only other person I know that has one...I own the savage as well but the browning is so much nicer. Sent from my SM-G988U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  8. I stick a small nail in the quiver for just that reason. Happened many of times and the foam in the quiver holds the nail nicely. Sent from my SM-G988U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  9. Good luck !! Sent from my SM-G988U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  10. Thank you to everyone. She's still glowing!! Honestly, I have no idea what he'll score. Congratulations to everyone punching tags!! Sent from my SM-G988U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  11. here he is, great hunt. she watched him clean a scrape at 40 yards and walk away. only to come back and put a great shot on him..
  12. She's pretty happy.. Sent from my SM-G988U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  13. My wife shot our target buck!! Couple of you guys know what he looks like..... Pic's to come Sent from my SM-G988U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  14. Good luck boys and girls... Whaler- pm sent Sent from my SM-G988U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  15. I'm still grinding away with the bow. Had 2 big boys close last night. One of which was only 2 steps away from getting it.... unfortunately I knew it was coming after the doe before him showed me which way he was going to go. Sent from my SM-G988U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  16. Ugghh, thats exactly why I hate pushing it this late in archery season but I have a few days left.... Sent from my SM-G988U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  17. As stated, looks good but allow time. Good luck and take your time Sent from my SM-G988U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  18. Great buck. Congrats. 6 bucks so far this morning, just not the one... Sent from my SM-G988U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  19. Hopefully you will be blessed with a good buck in return! Sent from my SM-G988U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  20. Griffon Sent from my SM-G988U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  21. Pointing flies... lol Sent from my SM-G988U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  22. Pics Sent from my SM-G988U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  23. It seems you are in the same position I was 3 ago. i would suggest going back on these threads from years past and looking up the wire haired pointing griffon... I pulled the trigger last year (for the kids Christmas present) I can honestly say, it is probably the smartest/loyal/ versatile dog i have ever seen. I've had labs and chessies but these guys are great with everything! Not aggressive at all but man they love family.. I saved blood from last years deer to train and he's doing great so far. Feel free to pm me. Sent from my SM-G988U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  24. LMAO.... Sent from my SM-G988U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  25. I've been staying away until now.. target buck has been staying nocturnal still but I think it's time. He's a stud and I can only hope to see him soon. Whaler- hope those strikers make contact soon! Good luck. Joe- sweet buck, congrats! Sent from my SM-G988U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
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