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Splash day was Saturday. Actually managed to rig up for a quick late afternoon/evening troll. Had a newbie to Great Lake trolling guy on board. He was a fast study, but the rapidly approaching sunset, it made for a very short troll. And a skunky smell,...

Sunday morning was too sporty on the lake for one of the crew, so we thrashed the bay water up. There's that skunky smell again,...

That the weather was at all acceptable was fantastic, considering what the weatherman said.

Sunday afternoon the lake calmed down a bit and I hit the waves with the newbie again. Went west of Maxwell for an eastward troll with the wind, trying to keep the pandemonium to a dull roar.

Lake was as cold as 38.7 a bit further out, maybe 50' deep. Very muddy water on the shoreline ~6fow. Water temp and the mud were at odds with each other. It was a bit warmer out of the mud. Warmest water I saw was 44.5 about in front of the trailer park, west of the channel and it was nice color. I guess I shouldn't have gone so far west?

Had one knock off and let the newbie try it. After a short play it dropped off. Knock off came on blue Rapala stick (#14?).

Glad the boat is in. Now just gotta get the skunk smell out of it and the fish smell back in!

More soon,


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