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Olcott report 5/21 to 5/25

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We arrived at Olcott on wed.5/21,got the boat ready and in the slip

Thursday,we got up at 4:30 am to a wonderful 20 mph wind out of the west/northwest,making the lake unfishable.Good old lake Ontario.we spent the day buying more tackle,taping spoons,and drinking beer.

Friday morning,we woke up to the same wind,so we went to breakfast with Erin and John(Erby Joe)and talked fishing.

It seemed like the wind was dying down a bit,so we decided to head out on the lake.

It was a bit lumpy at first,but it kept getting better,as the day progressed.Our first fish came about a half hour after we set up,and continued to be a steady pick all day.

We had at least thirty fish on,and boated around twenty five of them.Four were over twenty pounds(22.5 lbs. biggest),several in the low teens,and a handful of runts.

The rigger fish came mostly between 40 to 60 feet down,over 70 to 90 feet of water.

Wire dipsies were hot with set backs of 160 to 175 feet on a 2-1/2 setting.

Best rigger spoons,were 28 size in greens like frogs,nbk's ,die hards,ludingtons etc.

Best dipsy set up was white Spin Docs and E-Chip flashers with flies.The best fly was a mirage fly with a glow white squid inside of it.I slid the squid on the leader,over the beads,and the fly skirt over the squid.

This was featured in Great Lakes Angler magazine.My buddy did good with the double aqua fly.

Saturday was a repeat of friday.we caught as many fish,but the size was smaller,we got one that was 21 lbs,but most were between ten to fourteen pounds.

The riggers were better producers than the dipsies that day,but the biggest fish was on a wire dipsey.

I think this was the first time,that every rod fired equally,they all took fish,and we had a ball.

One of my best spoons was one that i painted,that my buddy named the Drunkin Scotchman.It took around twenty kings.

Sunday was glass flat,and another super day,but not very many big fish,most were in the ten pound range,and a bunch in the six to eight lb range.

My buddy did lose a screamer,that hit a rigger spoon,and wrapped itself around the wire three or four times.He also lost a big steelie that made several jumps and finally spit the spoon back at our heads when he put the pressure on him.Same depths and colors as the previous days,but the dipsies were not as productive.

Overall this was a great trip,and one of the first when every rod was hot.Most times we have at least one rod that is slower than others,but this trip every rod took lots of fish.

PS. all our fish came from in front of the Olcott pierheads,east to a bit past the somerset power plant.

_Here's a pic of the Drunkin Scotchman spoon i painted



one can never own too many boats or too much tackle.

John R.

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John glad to here you guys had a great trip.I wish we could have spent some more fish talk time.We are going to stay at karens next year for sure so I have to tell her to clean up the other room

:mrgreen: I never should have strayed some where else.I will be in touch.

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