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Tim Bromund

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Everything posted by Tim Bromund

  1. I have 2 28" Amish Outfitter Beefy Bags for the 24' Thompson. I usually only have one in if needed, but when I have both out, they will drag me to almost a dead stop at idle. I like running 1 bag to get the RPM's up a bit, plus you have better throttle control if you have the throttle engaged a bit. There always seems to be that point at the bottom of the throttle travel between "idle" and "not at idle", where it is really difficult to fine tune speed. Getting the rpms up a bit alleviates that condition. I only put both out if we're fishing in big waves or trolling into a severe subsurface current and just cant get slow enough downspeed without them. Tim
  2. I fill my rigger reels with 300 yds of 17 or 20 lb Trilene XT, than splice in 120-150 or so feet of 30 lb big game (to cover the distance from the rod tip to release for flea season), then a 50 lb spro power swivel to around 10 feet of fluoro leader, 10 lb in the spring for the shoreline Brown Trout and 20 lb for the summer. Tim
  3. http://www.lotsa.org/Wire%20Line%20Knot.htm
  4. Metro East Anglers Website: http://www.metroeastanglers.com/index.html there is contact and email info on the site. Tim
  5. No idea how Scotty's Customer Service is, because they just flat out work, so I've never needed any CS. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  6. No it was part of natural, long term global climatic cycles that have been going on for eons. The notion that "THIS" time it's man's fault is preposterous Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  7. Not really Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  8. My 9'6" Daiwa Heartlands with twilli tips are at least 15 years old and still going strong.
  9. honest about what? the hoax that is man made climate change?
  10. WTF are you guys looking at? That looks NOTHING like an Atlantic. That is a coho.
  11. But does that offset the 4x cost to repower that you have with OB's over I/O? Personally, I don't think so Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  12. It initially got coined a "thumper rod" because it was used to troll dodger/flys suspended with 8-16oz+ lead balls on wire line, and you could tell when you were at the speed where the dodger was running right because the tip of the rod would "thump" as the dodger would snap back and forth. When the tip action changed to a rhythmic rolling action you knew the speed was too fast and the dodger was spinning out. My thumper rod is a 6.6' ML action Shimano Tallus saltwater roller guide rod. It has a good action, yet a pound ball doesn't overload it so you still see the dodger action. I'll check the model number when I get home tonite.
  13. I've posted this on here before, but it's worth repeating. When I was much younger, I thought being a Lake Ontario Charter would be my absolute dream job. Then as I got older, I realized that for me, turning my life's passion into a job/work was the last thing in the world I want to do. I like going out when I want, as long or short as I want. Be able to pick my days and not fish in crap conditions because I have a boatful of paying customers, etc. I'm perfectly happy being a weekend warrior, but I have the utmost respect for those guys that take it on. One of the sayings I've frequently heard and repeated kind of sums this thread up: how do you make a small fortune as a charter boat caprain? Start with a large fortune. Tim Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  14. I use a kelly green and a chartreuse diver mostly. Kings have loved a kelly green diver since they came out and it's still the case today. I think a lot of guys use all black divers because it is color neutral and they want to take the diver color out of the equation. Tim
  15. I used to fish the tournaments on occasion. Now I observe and find I enjoy it much more than I ever did competing. I get placed on some REALLY nice boats, doesn't cost me an arm and a leg and I get to watch some of the very best players in the game go about their business when there's big money on the line. I've been trolling almost 20 years and still learn a lot from watching these guys compete. Plus I make a couple bucks doing it, but really that is secondary to the opportunity to improve my own techniques by watching the elite perform under pressure. I would strongly encourage anyone looking to improve their skills and techniques, to jump at the opportunity to be an observer in the Lake O tournaments. Tim
  16. Could be, I dock there seasonally and gas up at the gas dock. The old girl is thirsty if we do a lot of running. I don't have any kids, but I take a lot of different people fishing, or maybe it was me and dad, which is my regular crew, along with any friends I can drag along. Tim
  17. Well, you know Carl, If you can't dazzle em with brilliance...........
  18. Had old cannon Mag 10a's years ago, they were ok. I've been running Scottys since 2003 and couldn't be happier with them. 1116's first, now 2116's. Absolutely bulletproof and trouble free. I've fished the newer cannons on other peoples boats and, quite honestly, I'll keep my Scottys, thanks. jigstick, I don't know what your buddy was doing wrong to have those problems with his Scottys, I've never seen anything like that. Tim
  19. Bazookajoe, I agree, that doesn't sound right.. Do you have bearing buddies on your hubs? Tim
  20. On Thursday May 15th at 7pm the Lake Ontario Trout & Salmon Association (LOTSA) will be sponsoring a Seminar by Charter Captain Rich Hajecki (Yankee Troller) on Techniques for Trophy Kings on Lake Ontario. Please note that this meeting date is a change from our normal meeting date of the second Thursday of the month to avoid conflicts with those Anglers fishing the multiple Derbies and Tournaments during the “Super Bowl†week of Lake Ontario Tournament fishing running from May 2nd to May 11th. Rich is well known for consistently finishing high on the leader boards of numerous Derbies and Tournaments over the past few years. His tournament team has won professional tournaments against the best salmon fishing teams that Lake Ontario has to offer and set the Lake Ontario Tournament record in 2013 for winning the most money in a single season! Rich is also well known throughout the Lake Ontario fishing community for freely sharing information on what he did and how he did it to catch fish after each of his trips. LOTSA is a group of mainly weekend recreational fishermen who are dedicated to the enhancement of the Lake Ontario Sport-Fishery including the pen rearing project at Olcott. Each meeting also features a sharing of information the current fishing conditions. So come join us and become more successful at fishing Lake Ontario!
  21. 3 years ago 200 down over 350 (200' of cable anyway) off Olcott on a black/chart/glow R&R Razor. The weekend before Memorial Day Weekend last year, I had a meat rig with an MC Rocket fire 7 times down 140 over 200. Tim Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  22. No they can't "sneak on their cell phone at any point". The observer that is placed on your boat collects all cell phones before you leave the dock and has them sealed in a ziplock bag the entire time you're on the water. The only one being ignorant and insulting here is you. why don't you stop being a gutless wonder and identify yourself? Sniping at your superiors while anonymously hiding behind a screen name is pathetic.
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