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ray koziatek

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Everything posted by ray koziatek

  1. nice color water..Nice to see yer dad up and out.As you know but for the advise to others ,sometimes a suttle difference in rattles or action can be a game changer..Its interesting the whole lake shore is so good this year wonder if the cold and gobys don't mix...any footballs or spitting minnows..?just curious ..
  2. yup did it for years just use 6 to 8 ft leaders after the keels
  3. gonna rig up 220v to my riggers and try that for salmon...let ya know how that works.. Sparky..
  4. probly gonna keep the boat stuff with the boat package ...........sorry I never use a net (unless derby fishing) just 2 with the boat
  5. I havent pulled the anchor in NY yet just haven so much fun playing in the big sand box down there ,I have decided to focus my efforts to salt water and soon to be retirement........and my wife said if i died that all my fishing stuff wont fit in the casket unless she shoves it up my a s s ,,,so before she does im gonna sell some
  6. x4 might be gone waiting for reply,rabbit i have 3 or 4 wire setups with dypsye flashers flies if you live near corning give me a call as i have 100,s of flys and 50 to a 100 flashers and 30 or so dypsys flys 2.00 dypsy..5.00 flashers(spin dctrs) ..5.00 and many metal and other brands too..
  7. time to clean house gonna sell everything from swivels to boat....I know I am opening a can of worms but with 1 finger typing I would be dead before I typed every thing on here.so what do ya need?
  8. I'm with Sean on this one, a good charter can speed up the learning curve and save much money in tackle that may or may not work,not to mention the frustration of tangles ,fish lost,empty coolers,and miles of empty water....yes the oll 10% of the water holds 90% of the fish is true on the fingers too..now this doesn't mean 30 out of 36 miles don't have fish but that 10% might be the outlet of a creek,a thermocline,area 20 ft from bottom in 100fow or 20 ft from the surface. ect. ect.
  9. yup to diversions post and pull prop look for fishing line or damage to prop shaft seal thats the easiest to check visually and is a common issue every year I inspect 5 min of work to check can save 100.00''s in repair
  10. 2 weeks ago large Barracuda started showing up in large numbers under the bridges I don't usually see too many big ones in a group like that never noticed in years past but this year was the latest ive stayed there....kinda spooky having a dozen or so that size swimming 4 ft from ya and they almost always have their teeth showing when they feel threatend .....so I showed them my 1 tooth ..................and they all laughed..
  11. Ive been doing it for 6 years with no problem ,,,Inboard and 8 hp 2006 honda....
  12. as stated both will work and I have run a 20 and 25 in ..the 25 will give you a little more wave axcess (for lack of better terms) but when the wind is strong enuf for 3 ft plus waves I usually run the main for best control (speed and turning)..and the longer will keep the head further out of the water when it gets bumpy out there..
  13. if you have water in the lower unit you need more than a light bulb to worry about...like stated above just trim all the way down and yer good ,fogging is just a way to "coat" the carbs intake thingys (reeds) and cyclinders for long term storage to Help deter corrision.The only concern with freezing temps is water in the carb "bowls" and trim the motor down in the water in winter and give the water Impeller assy a few min to de-ice before starting for a day of trolling
  14. I like the ESLO derby spoon kinda cool memo not for fishing just a hanger,I assume your targeting lakers. On the fingerlakes most lakers are under 8 lbs but in ontario 10 plus is normal so with the detoration of some of the metal near the holes might be a issue.If the blue mullet says USA ,not japan sell it for 100 bucks and buy some new lures if ya head out for biggern fish
  15. duct board used for hvac work and mount it with insulation facing motor ,not the foil back, i have used it for close to 10 years with no problem
  16. no ice here yet 79 deg water temps..I've had gas pockets open a whole seating section once.
  17. try it with your engine off ,if that works install dual oar locks
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