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Everything posted by troubles

  1. Agreed Vince -Tons of birds flying around Oswego this fall! Something needs to happen. I see you made a stop at the hatchery recently. Many fish in the stream leading into the Ladders?
  2. And who you talking to? If it's me I worked on Oswego's pens and donated $145 directly to the funds for automatic feeders. Did you fish any tournaments in 2015? Or donate any money?
  3. The way I see it he really didn't say anything other than we don't know the answers or the fish are late! Nothing other than it's mother natures fault. One other thing rollmops! You always seem to be the guy who is critical on things From Pro-Ams to Beating on well respected Tournament Teams, Etc. Etc. Etc. Your opinions don't mean squat as far as I'm concerned!
  4. Was also were there Saturday. Very few fish in the ladder compared to previous years at this time. Better hope we get the rain and colder weather predicted! Mr. Burke may have a better idea how many in the river pools!
  5. $569.99 each new with bases and 2 rod holders.Oups your price way too high! http://www.marinescreens.com/scotty-1116-propack-60-telescoping-electric-downrigger-w-dual-rod-holders-and-swivel-base/
  6. C'mon Brian a Bad Boy Buggy for you and Marlene! Do it right the first Time! LOL. Put the plow on the truck! https://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video;_ylt=AwrBT.RKmulV3DUAYo5XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=Bad+Boy+Buggy+With+Plow&fr=yfp-t-318#id=43&vid=5613e3a445071fa278fbadc6e2947de4&action=view
  7. I believe you have a typo 8" step-correct? Nice rig good luck -price seems reasonable!
  8. Yea Grumpy says don't let that part of life slip away like I did! Nice fisher Lady and a couple Bambino's to complicate your life! LOL.
  9. Thanks Rick, And your right Wayne, Between all three tournaments I'm guessing there were probably 30 youngsters involved. Great response this year and hoping for more next year. Lester Zimmerman runs a separate tournament also for the Challenge and for $30 every year Trophies and cash are provided for the kids. Lester is on facebook and Kicker here on LOU. A lot more teams should try get in this next year! I also can't wait till next year!
  10. And thanks to you guys for the displays, raffle prizes, and running the fish scales!
  11. Been lucky to have the pleasure of fishing the past three years with my friend Tom Wojslaw's Daughter Reeghan,and his son Noah and nephew Nate.I made a statement Saturday at the Fairhaven Challenge that fishing with the kids pays off big! It pays off more with the enjoyment we as adults get in sharing our passions for the sport we love! The smiles when they catch their first Salmon or biggest fish are priceless. Sure there are trophy's and some cash that they can enjoy but that's not the most important part. Thanks to Lester Zimmerman and A-Tom-Mik Tom and Steph, Beth, Werner, and all for making these tournaments happen. A few pictures of the kids and their fish and smiles attached:
  12. Was that Doug's boat at one time? Post some pictures please.
  13. $40 and that's a bargain for sure. A lot better odds than any lottery ever! Your betting on you and ya can't find a better deal than that!
  14. All righty guys ,gals, and youngsters final tournament and quest for the Challenge Cup Saturday. Good luck to everyone!
  15. Thanks Pete, It's a great tournament that any team can win or do well. Thanks to Tom and Steph. and all who worked to make it happen. It would be nice if more teams along both sides of the lake could make it next year to support the A-Tom-Mik product that most of us use. Also to meet many teams we hear about but haven't met.And also make new friends. Congrats to you Pete, Mark, Chris, Jon,and Andy also. We barely snuck by you guys!
  16. A-Tom-Mik Invitational fishing. Fished 3 days Thur. thru Sat. Total of 13 fish Landed. 2 Browns-2 steel head and the rest Salmon. All fish spread out from 260 to 620 ft of water for us. 2 on spoons. 1 dodger and fly all but 2 others A-tom-Mik flys or custom flys tyed with their materials. Only 2 fish on copper in 3 days. Deeper 110 to 130 down on Thur. and Fri. 80 to 100 down on Saturday. Hopefully things will improve. Fished with Del Casterline excellent on selecting flashe...rs and flys used on starboard side of boat. Del has been A-tom-mik pro staffer for many years. Dave Manning newbee did an excellent job port side and Tom Wojslaw great net and all around experience with his own team Fishawk for years. Fish pic attached. Tough bite. Next year need to have Del run port side for better team and boat balance! LOL.Thanks Tom Allen great tournament
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