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Everything posted by lyteline

  1. Hey Rod,those lakers must have been September strain.Do you think Cyn & I can get a few to try on the May fish???That fly looks great.Thanks.....Zeke & Cyn(Strike 3)
  2. Hey Rod...what lakers liked the fly....the Senaca or Cayuga or both.....Zeke & Cyn(Strike 3)
  3. I'm with you Scott....Split should be studing.......Z & C
  4. There are 2 launchs @ the south end.they are off RT 41.Turn left in Scott and go to the bottom of the hill.The 1st is a town launch and the 2nd is @ the old motel.We've never launched at either but @ the motel launch,there are boats and pontoons slipped in docks that are the same size as yours.......Zeke & Cyn(Strike 3)
  5. The 2nd and 3rd spoons from the right look like R & R Razors...........
  6. Great post and AWESOME CUSE HOODIE...............Zeke & Cyn(Strike 3)
  7. We received a note from Senator Libous about the proposed change to 3 rods/person.He says that there will most likely be no further action on the bill until after the budget is passed.The Senator also said that they are working on a sponser in the Assembly and beleives that they are close.....Zeke & Cyn(Strike 3)
  8. There is already an effort being made to save Wilson/Tuscarora.The Senator from that district and the Town of Wilson have started a dialoge to have the town run the Park.The Wilson supervisor has said if the state can't keep it open...we can.Cyn and I use that park every spring and its one of the nicest we visit in the entire state.We wish them the beat....Zeke & Cyn(Strike 3)
  9. Split....aren't you the guy that gets a full week of for every 6 weeks that you work???
  10. I e-mailed Fisher;s Adv. about the high shipping costs.They are looking into other ways to ship @ a more realistic price.To contact [email protected]
  11. BROWNS.............................
  12. Frisco,that sounds so much like our boat......Cyn does all the catchin' & Zeke the nettin'.Next weekend looks alot warmer.Are you going out???We're going up to check camp and a lunch @ the Pines.Let us know if you go.Zeke & Cyn(Strike 3)
  13. Split,Cyn & I will pick it up next weekend.We're in to win this year.We're not really into the breakfast but we'll do what the majority will want.Strike 3 comes home in 2 months.Looking forward to meeting more LOU members.We hope STINGER will have permission to enter.Time (wife) will tell.....Zeke & Cyn(Strike 3)
  14. Split just wants your entry fees.Its going to be partly sunny with a SW chop on the lake and you'll be WORKING.Great to hear from you.......Zeke & Cyn(Strike 3)
  15. Split,we can't fish on Sunday.Would you be able to collect our winnings for us??????Thanks.Zeke & Cyn(Strike 3)
  16. Well,well well.Stinger,you finally let the secret out with that fine fish catching machine that you just had to post.If anyone else feels they have to have one,they can be had by contacting Stinger @ THE RUG SHOP.He'll be more than happy to help.Tight lines and calm seas................Zeke & Cyn(Strike 3)
  17. Greg,Cyn and I also received the letter from Senator Libous.Tom is one of the most influential person in Albany.With him onboard,we have a start.As this proposed change needs to go through the House and Senate,we need to keep contacting our representives.Especially helpful would be input from our friends from Mass,Vermont,NJ,Ohio,Penn.and any other out of stater that travels to NYS to fish.Our letter from Senator Libous was answered and our lettter to our Assemblywomen has been sent.Happy Holidays to all........Zeke & Cyn(Strike 3)
  18. Ken....must be your's has room cause you're not out and the fishing has been awesome..............
  19. Slider...Cyn and I were going on Sat too but we deceided to go and get you some hot lures.
  20. L'troller,we launch from the Park all season long.Our boat is a 215 Crestliner Eagle.We have always been able to go under the bridge but never with the top up.There is a Trophy slipped there for the season too.It looks to be a 22'.I would think with the lake being drawn down that we should be able to go out with our top up.Hope this helps........Zeke & Cyn(Strike 3)
  21. What time does the weigh station open.We can only fish till 1 PM.If we can wiegh any fish then we're in.Luck to all.....Zeke & Cyn(Strike 3)
  22. A note to all....If you see a charcoal/black Crestliner/blue top....leave the area.We haven't been on fish since mid June.And the Rat thought he had it bad........Zeke & Cyn(Strike 3)
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