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Everything posted by Shade

  1. Absolutly..they kept the Fort opened but closed the launch Shade
  2. Bob, Pleasure was all mine. Thanks everyone.. Howie
  3. I agree Dave....grear job LOTSA. Had a chance to meet many of the great fishermen from this web site. Great deals on gear and tackle. We had a great time even, although I spent my allowance through June. Now we need to wait until we can once again meet on the water. THANKS Shade
  4. Pro Line... Buy it just about anywhere. Shade
  5. When you enter for the daily tournament you must enter the boat a registration number. If you fish from 3 boats all 3 boats need to entered seperatley. If you register one boat that will be the boat you fish for the 30 days of the derby to be eligable to win. Any entries that are paid for will need to send an email with the boat registration numbers. The boat reg.# will need to be entered on the weigh in paper work as well. Any entries from this day forward will need to put their boat reg# on the entrance form. The other senario is when the initial intent I believe was when you entered a boat is was suppose to be your boat. Somewhere there must be a list of all entries. When a fish is entered the person who entered their boat must be at the weigh in with his/her boat registration and another form of ID to be eligable. Shade
  6. Enough complaining its time to act. I know that there has to be someone on this site that can start an electronic pettition that we can all sign and that can be sent to our Congreesmen, State and Federal Senators and to the Governor as well and where ever else it needs to been seen. I would also like to see a web site where our families, friends, sports clubs or any other orginization we belong to, who are not LOU members, can log onto a sign as well. We all know people who have computors and are willing to help stop these closures. Lets do this NOW. Shade
  7. If you Google - Daiwa Accudepth Fishing Rods, you will see that Bass Pro carires them from a 6' one piece to a 9'6'' two piece and they are priced from $29.99 - $39.99. Shade
  8. It is like anything else. We are the minority. Do you really think that the longshoremen, the big businesses who use those locks or run their supplies up and down the river give a dam about fishing. If you took evey fishermen on Ontario and all the businesses that are going to be affected, we are out numbered 100 to one. I am not saying we should stop fighting, at least I am not. Unless we some powerful backing and support this will be like taking a knife to a gunfight. We must keep yelling and fighting, but we need every fishermen, business owner and town legislators to tell as well. The scary part is out of the thosands of LOU members just look at how many are responding or voicing their support on this thread. It is really sad. Shade
  9. I know Yankee. Do you use these if so do ya like them? I must be dumb but I do not know how they work with the clip. Do you reel the diver along with the fish? Shade
  10. Ok Yankee but they should still have one off the back. I like to run a release or flasher off the back of my weights occsionally. No big deal. Shade
  11. Why are the eyes on top and bottom instead of top and back? Shade
  12. I have to agree with Gambler here. I purchased a Cannon S&T and it was a good unit for about 2 months. I liked it becuse it not only speed and tempature but the actual depth of the ball. I sent the probe back 3 times before they fixed it and while I was waiting I purchased an X4. I could not get the Raider becuse they were out of stock. I am not sorry becuse it works great and I have yet to change the battery or loose a singnal as deep as 200'. The dicks at Cannon made a new unit with a probe that is not compadable with the old unit. That PO"S me bad. Very unperfessional and a very poor technical support group as well. Shade
  13. Thanks HR I already put an order in for some of the sizes you listed and I also ordered the frog colored one as well. I am going to try the Batrix as well. Shade.
  14. You will here pros and cons on speed and temp probes but I would say 50/50 are either depth raider which gets its signal through the rigger cable or Fish hawk which needs a transducer mounted. I prefer the Fish hawk not to say the Deth Raider works well also. This web site is full of experience, so do not be afraid to ask specific questions. Here is my advise to start. Keep in mind what I believe are some important areas to start when fishing on the O. You need to find the proper water temp,color and bait fish. Then you need to know your down speed and exacute proper presentation of you bait. This is accomplished with getting out on the water and trying different programs. Next go to www.attheoak.com and look through the reports and techniques and read the fishing reports here on LOU. Look through the threads that are posted here as well as past threads by doing a search. Going on a charter will help, most of the captains that are on this web site are very knowledgeable and will answer any questions you have. Another great way to see and learn is to volunteer to be an Observer during a pro/am. All i can say is ask, thats how I learned and I still am learning. Shade
  15. Hot Reels, What color Rockets are you running? I want to place an order this week. Shade
  16. Ryan, The carp are that close? I was thinking down the river aways not in the canal where the locks are, Shade
  17. This may be dumb but I need to say it anyway. I have lived around Buffalo all my life and I remember some years back when the Core of Engineers diverted the Niagara River so work could performed on the Peace Bridge pillars. It was a sight to see. Were the Peace Bridge is the water runs around 30 mph. I also remember as many of you do they even shut off the American falls to do some research on the corrosion of the falls wall. What I do know is the Mississipi is a mile wide and it speeds runs from 1 mph - to 10 mph and it flows south. The carp are swimming up stream. Here is what my suggestion would be - build some kind of dam high enough that the carp could not leap, while still allowing the water to flow would be going south which would not allow the carp to spill over. This would allow the carp to pool and that is where the best chance to destroy them would be. I do not know how close they are to entering Lake Michigan and exacly where they can dam up the river. I am not an MIT graduate but if we can put a man on the moon, shoot a missle 9 miles from an aircraft and place it down a smoke stack we can eliminate a fish. If these carp enter the Lake ...game over...check mate. Shade
  18. Lake is completely frozen according to the local weather channels. If the weather continues on this path we are in for a long winter. Keep in mind it takes 100 sq. miles of ice remaining on the lake before the boom is lifted. Shade
  19. Bob, Just toss Paul a few Bananas and your a shoe in. Shade
  20. Rod, We do not have to deal with Hurricans in Florida or Tornado's in Kansas. Snow Melts. Now you can see why we shrink wrap our boats or them store inside. Howie
  21. Splitshot, By the way thanks for putting the dates togetheer, great job and well appreciated. I have a lot of confidence that the LOC Boat Derby will go and be successful. Once again Thanks, Shade
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