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Everything posted by Dick

  1. went out after the storm, and set up at the corner by the web cam, and headed north going between 50ft and 140ft. neighbors had to stay home to watch grand kid. saw and got nothing!! up past saltpoint. trolled flt spoons and did not get a hit. About 3:30 went back to the end off the cam and switched to sutton spoons and picked up a landlock and a small laker. Saved getting skunked. Suarface temp was 55.6 at watkins, saltpoint was 41, average 47. Worst day yet!! tommarow I'am to take my neighbors . OH NO!!
  2. Going out of clute tomorrow morning any suggestions?
  3. for pearch and lakers, single leader on my leader rig. I keep the leaders short 6-8ft, sometimes 4ft. I bounce the lead on the bottom and drag it to cause a commotion and stir up mud. the fish come over to see what is going on, and spot the spoon or black twinminnow, and nail it. mud puffs on bottom mean sumthing is feeding or hurt. Thats Food! If the thermocline is 45ft fish lakers46-50ft, pearch 43-40ft, smallies 40-38ft. speed .6-.8mph. My copper rig is bradied copper run by hand, with a 3.5-4ft 30lb mono leader and a "Pflueger record #4" and no weight. My late friend ran a 3way and a weight a set of flashers then a twin minnow by hand. don't forget the finger protector untill you get the callius bilt up.
  4. Seneca south end I have getting jack perch all spring and summer ether pulling copper with a phulger 4 or dropping my leader rig with a sutton 88 on bottom in 40-46 ft and pulling out of the mud toward deeper water. Banging the weight in the mud.
  5. Went out 1:00 pm from clute park and set up to troll past painted rocks with 3 leaders all suttons down 70ft. over 80-90ft. very few weeds and not marking a lot of fish. fleas were almost nonextistant. small landlocks hitting like crazy and would chase a spoon right as you picking it out of the water! went out to150ft went north and nothing. picked up and went across to the west side 1point up from hector falls. set up same rig over 240ft and went south. went in to 150ft and picked up 2 lakers, trolled in to 80ft and got a 6.32lb brown just got back down and hit a 3.5 lb rainbow about 40ft down. Trolled south toward salt point and things got crazy. got another big brown and small rainbow, and two good landlocks. had a big rainbow up to the boat but could not get him near the net. had two more big fish that released themselves by the boat. went to the tiki to cool of then went south and ran into a few weeds, and a lot fo wood. pulled copper with a #4 phulger and got a 4lb laker. all except 1 brown, and 1 rainbow released. I need to change my leaders from 8# to 10# and get a partner to handle the boat and help net. Best afternoon I have had in awhile on the south end! ( the Seneca Stroller thinks i'm nuts with all the crazy circles.)
  6. sk8man is right about the spelling, The underground stream comes in just south of it. it is the deepest spot in the lake. I cant remember the name of the lodge, restaurant that use to be above it. The sand kept moving so much no one could get an accurate depth, even with old model t engine blocks. there are a couple of cold upwellings just north of there about 70ft deep, and in front of the old red cottage that always did hold landlocks and some bows. sutton # 5 in the propwash still works there.
  7. around the state boat launch on the branchport side a big streamer fly on a sinking line, trolled, or casted and worked with ocasional fast pulses has always got browns. landlocks,and a few bows. best just before sunrise, and at dusk. rappeles cast or trolled 20 ft down over 70-50ft picked up browns. I get land locks right in the propwash across the lake before chinzy point.
  8. I need lower end gaskets for a 6hp 1998 evenrude. where around elmira should I go? Thanks. Dick
  9. clorox jug. it follows the boat about 50 ft back. great for drowing small fish.
  10. darn," littile boat a bobbin" cant get that far. I'll figure out something.
  11. Where are the lakers? South end, only fish I mark are 270 - 300 down? Small salmon are every where 30-50 down. Beautiful day tho.
  12. I've seen a guy teach his son to take the live fish and cut fillets off and release the still alive fish. My grandpa gave me a priest. And had me catch bullhead.
  13. Sethgreen rig. Sutton spoons maybe just too many fish. They get crushed. Those uv spoons you talk about twist line too.
  14. Spoons swivel snap at both ends. Hooked to bead chain on the main line
  15. I went to pline with barrel swivels and now have bad line twist on my leaders.
  16. Waneta inn good food the new launches are busy and crowded on the weekend
  17. Monday I marked fish all over. 56 on the surface, LL and Browns 12-20 ft in close to shore. big marks over the 98 ft drop at 120 ft west side out of watkins. bait pods few and far apart. no thermocline I could detect as it seems a little early. trash-scum lines tho.
  18. Check out brown recluse They are very dangerous. They are in horseheads.
  19. Dick

    Keuka Keuka 6/12

    Out of Branchport, I pulled S/D & fly, three leader SG rig on bottom, tried jigging, and got nothing. I marked very few fish, and thought my finder was off. Finaly when taking the first leader off the rig, I got a small laker 40 feet down. Met a friend who runs a SG rig on his way in, he got a sunburn. Beautiful lake tho!
  20. I use to murder my bait at home in Elmira, but not at the cottage. I would almost always add ice to the water i got from the river. the difference was the ice, the cottage water came from Keuka lake, and was just filtered.
  21. Went out at 11:30 at the canal, went west at 138 fow down 65" two land locks 23&25". got in front of Bills, and 55-60 fow touched bottom and went north out to 80' and hit legal land locks and 12-13" perch! two doubles, of perch&land locks! two 24" browns, released 4 land locks 1 kept, 4 perch, 1 released. never made it up as far as the tiki palms. back in Elmira by 4:30. wish I had more Sutton #44 silver&brass.
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