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Everything posted by whaler1

  1. Awesome stuff! Beautiful pictures.
  2. Fun run with the dogs this morning
  3. I’ve had problems with my motion detector. Only works half the time.
  4. Spypoint cam set at pics every 30 seconds of detection.
  5. This guy was out back a half dozen times last night but every time I got a pic he was back in the red brush. Hopefully he comes back tonight.
  6. I saw that too. I guess you can eat anything you can swallow. Yikes
  7. One a little after midnight and another at 430.
  8. Backyard double! First at 12:15 am second at 430!
  9. Good luck with the sale guys, someone’s getting a great boat.
  10. Jason and Tricia are great people.
  11. Where I live the populations of all are strong. Turkey, deer are fine here even with the high numbers of fox and coyote.
  12. Which would be awesome. “News” and truth are not always the same, let alone the fact that many “truths” are often subjective.
  13. Both coyote and fox populations need to be trimmed here. Mange is a product of overpopulation and results in an ugly death.
  14. Unfortunately fox season is over. This Red has Mange, hopefully he doesn’t infect a bunch of others.
  15. And they want to eliminate natural gas appliances………
  16. Picked up a roadkill deer this evening, kind of nasty but have been looking for days and not seeing any. Best part of the season though, they are on their feet.
  17. We heard you the first time. This site is like a buffet, don’t like one thing, go find something you do.
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