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Everything posted by signalman

  1. no but they are in good shape and work fine,i will try to get some together
  2. I have a rebuilt 307 short block,the block was done at Gordon motors in Geneva it was one of two,i used one and it ran well and is still In use.150.00
  3. Very nice your speaking my language,perch.
  5. Amen I will pray for the souls of the people who died in that attack.
  6. That is a very tough weekend,i wont complain I only lost a dipsy a new spin doctor and a new atomic fly second last time out that,s a bargain compared to your loss.
  7. Hi les I was out yesterday had on king about 23lbs he hit a moonshine down about 100 over 130.Other than that it got to be a expensive day my wire broke and I lost a new sd and fly and also the dipsy I think it,s time for some new wire we went out to about 240 marked a lot of stuff east of the channel but no taker,s.better luck next time.
  8. The temp was down 140 I threw a lot of different set up,s didn,t get a hit .
  9. Myself and froger went west out of sodus last night and had two nice king,s one a beautiful male weighing 28 lb,s and a smaller one that wanted to rip everything he could,the temp was at about 100 and the fish came off of a glow stinger mag.The king I caught was one of the best king,s ever for me perfect condition
  10. Les does your friend have a penn yan boat?
  11. Mike give me a holler when the king,s show up i,ll bring the boat up and have a little fun.
  12. I decided to take the boat out today and try my luck,i had a great day catching two nice laker,s proably seven pound class on the rigger,s and catching another six on a twin minnow I pulled that lure out of my tackle box and I thought I try it just for a giggle and boy was I surprised how well it worked.All the fish came from 55 to 65ft on the flat,s in front of bellhurst.
  13. I have two not like that but they are brass with a ey and ive been using them on my mag 10,s I just upgraded to 5 hs and they won,t work on the new style rigger
  14. I have two cannon electric short arm rigger,s with black release,s base,s and single rod holder in good working condition for sale,$350.00 or best offer. If interested call 315-789-3482.
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