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Everything posted by backoneerie2016

  1. Someplace that fills them?
  2. I am replacing the water impellor in my bravo lower unit. My question is do I put the boat in forward gear before I drop it?
  3. I'm looking for base plates for my penn riggers.
  4. Try putting oxygen on your bait tank and add non chlorinated ice . This is how I kept my blueback herring alive in summer on lake Lanier in Georgia
  5. No snubber?
  6. How do you choose your color of snubber for you color of dipsey?
  7. Got 2 new with the rubber coated ball. Anything I can did to make them stronger?
  8. I need 2 bases for penn fathom master Downriggers model 620
  9. Dp anyone know where I can get mounting bases? They are still good but have no bases. Thanks!
  10. Anybody use them for kings?
  11. Just how good is the fishing for any species on the fall ?
  12. Yea but I was gonna trade for things I needed. That's what has got me so mad
  13. Yes, it is rare
  14. [emoji16]
  15. I call them window shoppers
  16. Yes it is a saltwater reel. It is dual drag. It's a very nice reel
  17. All offers will be considered. I need trolling equipment bad! I would like to get 4 rod holders, dipsys maybe 2 or 3 reels. These are just some of the things I need among others
  18. Make sure you have a cleat directly above the tag line. This is so you can close the small end in case you need to slowdown a little more
  19. I'm needing Rod holders bad. I got this reel to trade.
  20. I'm needing Rod holders bad. I got this reel to trade.
  21. Is that north woods outlet . Com?
  22. What have you found to be the best wholesaler of marine equipment? Trying to stay in a snug budget. I need rod holders.
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