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Everything posted by Lewis863

  1. Day one windy 2-4 footers occasional 5 found cold water out 130 fow 6 kings 2 steel mostly all on meat..day 2 2 foot calming to less than 2 bagged 10 before honestly deciding that was enough….few break offs speeds 2.3 deep 100 plus on all rigs..Really amazing time out, connected with some great guys on pm… thanks for the advice…greens and silver and white
  2. I know there was a Pro Am there last weekend thus no one posted anything… now that it’s over anyone want to share some info with a starving fisherman lol anyone that will be out I’ll be happy to share what we find … Thanks PS just my third King trip ever so still figuring it out …
  3. One way or another I will have more coming I might be working with Lansing Fire on their new rescue to do some joint training and see how their new system does with sonar in the next few weeks it’s a great target to practice tuning the sonar on Cody so thanks for the find .. Lily aka Zack brought it to my attention and I had some time on Patrol this weekend to work on the scan It appears at least 50 feet long and clearly has some mast or posts sticking up based on the shadows.. depending on what visibility is I could drop a dive group on it myself I am very intrigued …
  4. Here is a good image and exact coordinates on the wreck. I spoke with some friends on State Police dive team they will likely dive on it for training and will give me pics of it when they do I will post them
  5. I am coming in Wednesday mid day on the 8th staying through the 12th I am short a fisherman on 8th and 9th 26 foot proline better to run with a third on board …up for sharing info
  6. I have options on where to put my boat for the season. I could put it at Henderson Harbor or Oswego. My option at Oswego may be free … but cost aside I am in pursuit of Kings… where would you put it and Why?????
  7. Bring them with you to Association Island I'll take'em off your hands
  8. One of my friends was really waning some perch … probably in the bay I assume
  9. Awesome feedback greatly appreciate it, did find a charter operation up there posting good kings and a mixed bag I have radar so pretty easy to see others
  10. So I am headed up to Association Island for 4 days in two weeks, so first week of August. I am looking for guidance, worth fishing for kings up there? Heard something about the Trench.....I don't see anyone posting about the area so just curious...worth wetting the lines while I am up there ? Any help appreciated..... Thanks
  11. Rule of thumb is about 1 mile every 100 foot of depth out of Oswego
  12. Just launched at wrights for my first time last week wide open ramps like six lanes perfect surface gets deep pretty quick very long docks only 10 bucks to launch. Went 6/10 on my run last weekend. Hitting meat/spoons/flasher flies....went straight out worked north and south hits between 150-350fow..... good luck...2.3-2.6 depending on direction and greens were good...
  13. Took my two adult children and captain Chris a friend we used to captain different boats on Cayuga to Oswego for a Friday evening Saturday morning trip. We moved boat from Cayuga dunked it in Friday started to fish and lost speed wheel off FishHawk on first drop … was windy after the storm and after three lost hookups decided a bonsai trip to fat Nancy’s for a repair was in order to make Saturday more productive… and it was bagged 6/10 all Kings thanks to Chris lending a hand converting my thinking to the big pond…
  14. Thanks partner long way from manual downriggers by the road side …
  15. I have to tell you I’ve had it out twice now and I’m in love especially with that huge Lowrance …!
  16. After the sale of the fishing business I took on a boat partner and bought this Proline then stripped all electronics, switches seating vinyl sanded buffed polished and installed all new panels, 38 mile radar, Ais, FishHawk, riggers etc pics before and after. She is now named Freedom and will be prowling Cayuga, Oneida,and Ontario….was a ton of work but we took her out today and bagged her first fish on Cayuga…. Still waiting on Cisco rod holders ….
  17. I appreciate that..... but I don't want to run a charter anymore, it was fun.....I want my life back I have a full time job this boat is for fun only...and maybe a few old clients that have become friends.......I don't have any problems finding those that want to crew the boat fish or otherwise lol
  18. So after 5 years of operations of Indepth Fishing Adventures I sold the boat and business to Zach who worked to learn and earn his license and will be running it full time. Also a long time member here. I will be moving to recreational fishing and doing some fishing on Ontario next year!! My new to me ride is below… little smaller and faster …. For all you regulars thanks for the support and encouragement over the years it was a fun ride… but on to the next chapter …
  19. For anyone to call a Charter Captain on this forum "an idiot) for speaking his mind respectfully is unacceptable, and frankly why I stopped posting on here very often. Nick openly shares on this site and has shared with me during a National Tournament mind you good intel. I went to Seneca this year for the first time to participate in the tournament and we caught Landlocks, Rainbows, and Lake Trout in decent numbers. We had the 7th or 8th largest in the tournament, and we won the LOU big fish Friday. I had no problem finding fish in the lake and getting them to bite. Is the lake still recovering from its issues, yes but it is far from dead. If you can't find and catch fish look in the mirror and figure out what you are doing wrong, its you not the lake. The same colors, presentation, speeds and strategy I use on Cayuga works there too.....there are less fish...but they are indeed there. Be respectful on here and you just might learn a thing or two....Most of the guys on here are classy good fisherman, but a few bad apples ruin it for the rest and drive off people who don't want to deal with it......... my 10 cents (inflation) lol Mark
  20. Ive run rods with twilleys and roller tips...I vastly prefer the roller tips, comes in easier especially with fleas the roller tips grind right through them. I am a charter and use them a ton.....still have to watch your guides even with rods set up for wire it will gouge them and eventually cut your wire so get a dremel and flatten them if they start a groove.
  21. Early to bed early to rise fish all day and make up lies…. Less you got pictures and proof it never happened….
  22. Yes I even ran a second one down to verify because I was shocked. I have two probes and I have the little hand held
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