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Everything posted by dhhurlburt

  1. Yeah...I do well on wire divers and not so well on lead or copper. So I thought I would try 2 divers a side.
  2. This year I want to run 2 dipsey on one side. I have 2 dipsey rods with wire for the inside low diver. What set up should I use for the outside diver...wire or braid and do i need a longer rod for outside?
  3. Got some early BDay gift cards. Im going to BPS tomorrow and looking for advice on what stick baits for spring browns....and go......
  4. I saw those, but I was holding out for something cheaper knowing the balance and agility of my clumsy 12 yr old. Time for him to start cleaning some hulls.
  5. My 12 year old is a freak of nature 6 foot 2, size 14 shoe. Looking for anyone or anywhere that sells size 15 bootfoot chest waders. Thanks for the help.
  6. Same...got discouraged with all the bait and no kings I tried saving face and dragging some whileygigs last 30 minutes.....nadda. time to get ready for perch.
  7. I was between 70 and 100 this afternoon and saw nothing but a bit load of bait. Washed alot of gear.
  8. I head it a long long time ago when I went out on a charter and thats all we caught. I chuckle everytime I say it...its just too dam funny.
  9. my dad and son doubled on mud chickens. My dad's first lake ontario trout ever. Great day for me.
  10. I have the exact set up as you. Im out of rochester so im not sure depths, but here I start in 110, drop the riggers to 65 and 70 with spoons or FF and start NE toward deeper water looking for marks or bait. Fish the marks. Once riggers set i put dipseys back 175 and 220 and i use meat rigs every day without exception...they are my best producers. 10 color and copper out next. Both have glow spoons. I don't slam them like the pros out in 300 feet, but I do well enough to be busy.
  11. what made this sonar trace? Its baffling.
  12. 90 feet, cowbells and whirlygigs keep my kids occupied
  13. 110 feet bait everywhere. Marks at 30, 50 and 80 feet. Water was 49 at 75. Trolled east at 630 and by 700 had a double. Lost one at the boat and landed the other. 20 pounder meets the feezer, same size swam away. Both on Meat rigs back 220. Then the 300 copper with green jeans goes nuts 10 minutes later. I've got 2 rods on the deck, a fish bleeding all over the place and a screaming 300 copper. Landed her, 22 pounds..released. 20 minutes later My son hooks into the biggest lake trout I've see in my life and we lose it at the boat. That thing was a freakin tank. Turn around to head west, meat rig takes off and landed a steelhead...the one i posted with the gill lice. Now its 915 and we head home...I'm beat...one hell of a morning.
  14. caught some chrome in 150 on meat 220 back. One had thus garbage in its gills...what's going on
  15. There are always lake chickens...not very exciting, but its a tight line
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