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Everything posted by dhhurlburt

  1. 630 first rod in, UV hulk Mag 50 down in 100ft. 635....fish on while setting second rod. 18 pound female. Moved on to 50 ft after an hour of blank screen screens. 15 minutes double on green meat rig down 30 and nbk on 5 color. That is all
  2. Its what I feel like the day after eating the Bill's Mafia sauce covered wings washed down with a Genny Light...its a different kind of screamer
  3. Left at 330 straight to 200. Blankety blank blank screens. 50 degrees was down 50ft. Moved headed NE, nadda. Moved in to 115...holy crap. 400 copper with a 11in silver paddle and meat head takes a rip, dipsey out 220 with green meat takes a rip. Get those rest and 300Cu with C14 gets a 20 pounder. Green meat gets smasked and I lost the whole rig behind my snubber. 400 copper has a flounder pounder mag RV, takes a hit, 45 pound braid backing breaks. So...if anyone catches my copper line I just want the spoon back. Rigger at 65 with raspberry carbon gets a teenager. A great night, cant wait for tomorrow.
  4. The color of their gums. Coho are white compared to black in kings.
  5. Jesus...now I really feel like an idiot. Thanks for the help everyone
  6. So hold back the laughter, but what is the 29 line? Thanks for the help.
  7. Its not much better tonight. C14 on 300 copper 1 little guy in 250. But...im washing the dust off alot of gear. We just slipped into 110...few big hooks at 90. Fingers crossed. 54f at 91ft
  8. 2 hours tonight in 115 feet. Raspberry carbon down 68 gets 2 kings Not alot on marks or bait tonight, much different than last night.
  9. Bear creek yesterday 3 for 6 in 120 feet. Carbon 14 on copper and meat were my most productive.
  10. Took a buddy of mine out today after his cancer treatment to get him thinking about something other than his condition. On the water at 430, got to 120 feet saw a constant stream of marks at 80 and set up. 300 copper with mag carbon 14 gets a 12 pound brown. Green meat rig on fat Nancy flasher out 160 take a good run. Black meat rig on fat Nancy out 180 gets a solid hit...saw on my go fosh cam....so awseome. 300 copper goes again, 20 pound king on the deck. Raspberry carbon on rigger down 60 gets a 12 pounder. Temp was 58F down 70 in 120. As soon as I got outside 124 feet blank screens. Moved back into 120 feet the screens light up. Alot of fosh were high around 30 feet all afternoon. I tried to stack my riggers...I got alot to learn there...big mess. Back at it tomorrow.
  11. Ny. I live in Rochester and looking to made a day trip
  12. I'm new to walleyw fishing and I'd like to take my kids to lake erie ..any recommendations on ramp locations? Ty Dave
  13. On the water at 6, straight out to 160 and find 50 degrees at 60 feet. Messed around out there, nothing. Trolled west into 130 feet. Purple meat rig out 100 nets a coho. 300 copper with NBK gets a nice steelhead. Purple meat rig again steelhead. 2 more on a green dolphin on 10 color. Lots of marks in the 120-130 foot range but no bait.
  14. Today with the northwest wind I had my butt handed to me. While trolling west to east in 220ft everything on the stbd side was tracking to the port side. My low divers set on R1.5 tangled with my port side rigger cable. Then trolling east to west, same...port low dive on L1.5 tracking to the stbd rigger cable. Both divers were between 200 and 230 back and the riggers were parked at 95 and 100. I never experienced it before and as luck has it once I got stuff set a fish takes my stbd diver through every dam line I had out. Is this current thing normal? How frequent is it and how do I compensate for it. Ty Dave
  15. I worked 220 all afternoon. One good take on a purple meat rig, and one good rip on a green meat rig. 50f down 103. I gotta figure out the currents. Trolling west to east with NW wind, all my gear was drifting to the north side of the boat. My low diver kept getting tangled with the rigger cable...yes..the diver was set right...it was so frustrating. Same current situation trolling east to west...what gives?
  16. Sounds like you still had a great time. Id rather go 0 for 10 than not going at all. Is 220 feet still the target rich depth? Tight lines
  17. I loved every second of it...it brought a tear to my eye when my so started telling his friends what to do and here to stand...pretty proud...and ready for a beer.
  18. First ..my son says...dad can you bring my friends out to try and catch salmon...sure I say...never again will there be 3 13 yr olds on a 18ft boat...circus...total circus... The show started when the 300 goes off pulling a carbon 14...all they could do is trip over each other fighting for the net...nice 10 pounder hits the deck....boom.....mag diver pulling meat back 240 let's loose....14 pounder flopping in the surface, carbon 14 spoon stuck in the net, copper rod bouncing all-over the place..somehow get both fish in the box. I have enough time to get the net free and the meat rig untangled and get our feet untangled and...shazam...rigger down 90 with n42 takes a hit....get it to the boat spits the hook. I take a breath, get everything sort of under control and stowed and the 10 color with a NBK takes off like like I've hooked a tuna...get that back to the leader and a nice fat 17pounder hits the deck. All this in about 45 minutes..I was spent, the boys were non stop shouting and high fiveing each other and all I wanted was a beer. Anyway....220 feet trolling east. Lots of marks down 90 with 49f. Nbk, n42, green meat rigs, raspberry carbon all took at least a knock off.
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