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Scalloper 1

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Everything posted by Scalloper 1

  1. Thanks for sharing. I am planning one of three trips to Fairhaven myself.
  2. When I looked at this guys profile (after the scam) he had only been on here 2 days with no posts. That would have been nice to know prior to.
  3. The TR5 remote is different then the TR-1 I am guessing.
  4. Just bought a new one. Thanks
  5. I agree I did not do my diligence 100% my fault. I thought it would be important to post here where mistakes were made on my part.
  6. I posted a ISO in the classifieds for a TR-1 Remote. This guy sent me a PM. Long story short nether of these two will reply after I sent $90 through Zelle for the remote the "friend" had. Below is the PM he sent. Juan Vela 0 Started conversation: April 22 Hi, If you're still interested in getting the Garmin TR-1 remote. I have a friend who can help you out with that. It's affordable and still in perfect condition. You can reach out to he's email address. [email protected] Cheers!
  7. I have a three year old TR-1 Gold for sale. Its on a 2021 Yamaha T 9.9. This is one of the only auot pilot that will fit many different motors. Comes with new remote just purchased today 4/30/2024. This one works perfectly and still on the boat going fishing with it today. $900 firm for everything.
  8. I have had the TR-1 for 4 years now and other then the remote I have now had any issues. As many of you know Garmin no longer supports the TR-1 so the new option seems to be the Reactor 40. Do any of you have this unit and if so how do you like it? I know a guy that has had both and likes the Reactor but he has broke a piece that steers the motor 2-3 times in a year. I believe he said the part was made out of nylon and he ended up machining one out of brass. Any of you had this issue?
  9. I saw the wireless kits but I have not spoken to anyone that has one. Let me know if it works out. I did speak to a company that is making new wired remotes for $360 they said they will have them available soon.
  10. My original thought was, I have probably 18-20 old rods in my shed that I will never use. After seeing how easy it is to strip them down to a bare blank, I figured I would tinker with them and build my grandchildren some basic trout rods with my name on them. I am guessing I may be able to reuse some of the guides and maybe seats. Just to get through the learning curve. Thank you all for the great advice. I would get pleasure out of catching fish from rods I build, I am just trying to figure out how to match the components and get the rod I am looking for.
  11. Any idea what the final cost was?
  12. Have any of you bought the rod building kits and built custom rods from scratch? I keep looking on the Mud Hole website and I just cant get over the cost of a decent blank. Seems like I could buy a rod cheaper then building one.
  13. Scam demic.....what a bunch of BS, and to think 90% fell for it. No stab, not a sniffle and not 1 test.......
  14. Wildwood Campground is the only option I have seen for a good breakfast. Thats in Fairhaven not far from Scewy Louie's.
  15. I agree, the requirement for all on board to be entered reduces the "free loaders" fishing and having one person enter the fish. This tournament like many requires you to have a witness verify they saw the fish being legally caught, which would make it impossible to fish alone. I think most of us would not think it would be necessary to have a written agreement with a fishing partner you have fished with for 18-20 years. But here we are.
  16. $37,000 total kept by the so called angler not a dime to the other three on board.
  17. So, back to the question. Are any of you aware of a situation like this going to litigation? Its sad that it needs to go this way but I was clear when I told the guy I was not going to just give him $37,000 without a fight.
  18. Sometimes we dont really know who we are in company with. Like the buddy you have known for years that runs off with your wife. Things happen.
  19. It is supposed to be a time for celebration as it was quite an accomplishment. But, when your a dirtbag looking to profit at any cost this is what happens.
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