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Everything posted by T-Rok

  1. I sent you a PM with some fall lake trout wisdom.
  2. ...no alewives is imo the main reason the fish taste so much better out of skaneateles as well. They dont taste and smell like sawbellies. It's also a cold clean lake.
  3. Right.. except there are no alewives in skaneateles, and they still dont breed. So, thiamine deficiency is not the main reason, although it may be a contributing factor. In cayuga, they go up the stream and act like they spawn, but I dont know if they really produce anything. Maybe that is the thiamine thing.
  4. I have yet to ever find a trout in a walleye stomach. I have caught trout out of skaneateles with small walleye in their stomachs though. Walleyes taste great, but fight like a wet dish rag. Lol. Trout are far superior game fish, but I still dont believe that walleye are detrimental to their existence in any of the larger finger lakes. As far as landlocks go, they would cease to exist in any lake if they were not continually stocked. They just dont breed in these fingerlakes for some reason.
  5. ..only problem is fertilizer run off all too often makes for blue green algae. Which is the bad kind. The lakers were here for millions of years before farms. I think that they probably have enough food. They should just stock more fish... and bait too. Which they are doing with the cisco. Lakers take a long time to reach maturity/breeding age. Then when they get close, people keep them because most of the fish are small. Stocking fish would eliminate that. All of the fingerlakes that are stocked with lake trout annually tend to have many more/larger fish. Pretty easily made correlation.
  6. Maybe actually stocking some lakers and rainbows would help. I think it is pretty unfair and imo kinda stupid of the dec to not stock some of these fingerlakes.. ie keuka and skaneateles. They say lake trout are self sustaining. Maybe barely, but they are tiny. Skaneateles has small skinny lakers too and few rainbows and almost no browns. Just like keuka, they stock landlocked, but never enough for them to do well, although they dont really seem to do well in other lakes either. But, at least they stock enough for some to make it. Cayuga, owasco, and Seneca almost every laker is a stocky. Self sustaining populations seem like a recipe for few and smaller fish in general. I mostly dont even bother fishing those lakes. You probably have a good point about water quality too. But, if you are depending on self sustaining populations, you will see poor fishing I think. Stocked fish have a major advantage over naturally born fish in that they are already much larger and have avoided predation throughout their early life. Dec should really look into opening a few more hatcheries and stock more fish. More fish stocked the better. If we can pay billions to put migrants in fancy hotels we can afford a few more hatcheries. Just saying. Dec states that keuka has a "large and self sustaining" lake trout population. Lol. That is either ignorance or stupidity.
  7. That is terrible. Probably drug addicts. Unfortunately, even if they are caught, you wont get all of your stuff back and they will be processed and let back on the street the same day. Soft on crime leads to more brazen crimes. I still hope that they are caught though. I would be keeping an eye out on ebay, craigslist, and Facebook marketplace.
  8. Hello, my son has it in his head that he wants to catch catfish. He has not caught any yet. I am planning on taking him to the seneca river either launching out of montezuma or port byron. Can anyone tell me what area would be better? It's a 60+ mile long river. I am mostly a troller, so not a very accomplished catfish person. If anyone knows any good areas on that river this time of year, I would appreciate any info. I am assuming that the catfishing scene is not as secretive as most other types of fishing. Lol.
  9. I like what nys dec did with the sunfish and crappie laws. I would be fine with doing the same for yellow perch. It would be nice to not have to fish through 100 perch to get 25 large perch. I have seen people keep literally 3-4 inch perch in quantities while ice fishing. I asked someone once what do you do with them? and they told me they get a "french fry" of meat from them so they are good enough. I hate cleaning perch as it is (but have to do to eat them lol), but nothing is worse than cleaning one and saying man, why did I keep this one. Lol. I hate cleaning small perch the most. Seems like a waste. But, that being said.. seems to be no shortage of perch anywhere. Only seems to get harder and harder finding bigger perch. Maybe start with a 25 perch limit. Then add a size limit in a few years if necessary. A boat or shanty with 3 or 4 people keeping 150-200 perch seems like overkill and probably leads to small perch populations. Luckily perch can breed when they are still small, so there are still plenty of perch. I would just rather have more large perch.
  10. I like using a double rig. Small vertical jig on top with a palomar knot so it kicks out sideways. I put a small piece of worm on that hook. Then bottom of rig is a tungsten horizontal jig with a plastic minnow.. gulp or sassy shad. I have fished with people using real minnows and plastics seem to work just the same, but you dont need to but minnows or keep changing them as they fall off or get eaten. The worm on top is for scent to draw them in. I get tons of double headers. Better to catch 2 at a time than 1. Also, I am sure I am not alone here, but it sure seems like the more you jig, the more perch that show up. You can get a whole school to come to your boat with enough baits/people. I would bet the other guys you seen just beat you to luring the school to them first. Early bird gets the fish.
  11. I'm not sure what a silver bass is, but I know white bass do kinda look like bigger white perch. They are related. White perch are actually bass (from salt water I think) and are not related to yellow perch at all. But yeah, white perch and white bass are different but similar and can even be tough to tell apart. Usually you can tell by size. I dont know where there are white bass in upstate ny, but I would think they woulda had to end up stocked in some river or lake up here.
  12. Otisco has plenty of white perch. White perch just dont get very big. There are bluegill there. Mostly tons of dinks. Crappie are few and far between, especially keepers. That lake is absolutely infested with alewives too. Not sure how that affects the panfish, but as far as walleye and muskie, they are always full of easy food so makes them harder to catch. Similar in a way to seneca, but much worse. I would think your best shot is white perch there. I see people pulling them up one after the other when I am trolling for muskie and I see large schools of them on the sonar often.. and I know they are white perch because they often get snagged on my lures or bite the bottom treble hook. The white perch are just small. Someone else said cross lake is good for white perch. This is true. The whole seneca river is loaded with them. I tend to think of white perch as nuisance fish since they are so small compared to yellow perch. Please catch and keep as many white perch as possible. Thank you.
  13. Late February into March is best from shore for trout. You can get stuff earlier but not as easily.
  14. I sent you a PM. Some valuable owasco laker knowledge in there for you.
  15. 17lb 5oz fish took first. That's huge. Doesnt have an L by it like the 2nd and 3rd.. but I assume it must have been a laker? ..Anybody have any fishing advice for me? I am fishing cayuga tomorrow. Going out of Long Point.
  16. I run 2 downriggers, 3 cores and 1 copper in the summer. The trick is like sk8man said.. dont run 2 lines straight out the back of the boat that are going to be around the same depth. You will get tangled badly. Also, make sure you put the deeper running line out first. If you accidentally put the shallow line out first you will go through it with the deeper line. When you are running multiple setups the depths and the order on which you deploy them become very important to avoid trouble. Another thing to account for is leader length and thickness. Generally, the thinner leader, the more it will get hit by fish. Just remember trout do have teeth and get large so not too thin. 12lb test I like to use. Length 25-100ft. 50 is a good compromise. Someone else may say different. Good luck.
  17. I have thought for a long time that they should be stocking tiger musky in seneca. The alewives are out of control.. throw in an overabundance of shiners and gobies and you have a way too many baitfish problem. I know some people may be scared that tigers would eat gamefish which could be true to a small extent I believe, but I think the overabundance of forage fish needs to be addressed and the tigers could be the answer. Stock them for 5-7 years and re evaluate. But, sadly it will never happen. Too many people would complain about "trout-eating tigers". I would bet tiger/trout & salmon interactions would be pretty minimal... and tigers are a pretty fun to catch. I would almost guarantee seneca could produce world record class tigers in not a large amount of time.
  18. That lake has more alewives than any lake I have ever seen. Also the only lake I have ever been where I looked at the sonar and they are 40 feet thick from bottom to top and so many the fins are sticking out of the water like bunker pods and it looks like it's raining for up to a quarter mile. Disease is nature's population control. Would think that it would benefit fishing as well as there is less bait in the water.
  19. I have fished silver lake for pike in the summer a few times and found out the best presentation..at least the best that worked for me. I tried all of the standard pike stuff. They mostly would not touch any stick baits or spinner baits. I took my kids pan fishing using real small jigs tipped with a small piece of worm and started catching pike. I went back by myself with the small jigs and started crushing pike.. I nailed 7 or 8 pike in just a few hours, biggest was 37in. There were 100 boats around. I had people coming over to watch me catch them. Pike didnt seem to care. They like real small stuff in the summer. They were mostly concentrated at the end where the launch was around the edges of the weed line.
  20. What kind of fishing are you doing?
  21. offshore sells clamp down style clips that keep the planer boards from popping off. I swapped them out on mine. never have them pop off now.
  22. I am pretty sure that there are also still lakes that alewives are allowed to be used as bait. Not sure about Keuka, but I am pretty sure that Skaneateles is one. Probably several others. Alewives are not good for a lot of reasons. Disease, toxins that they produce, overtaking native baitfish populations.. etc. I dont know how dec comes up with stocking numbers, but I think the answer could be just as easy as stocking more rainbows, browns, and salmon in some of the smaller lakes. Owasco where I live gets way more lakers than anything and some of the larger Fingerlakes (esp. cayuga) seem to get an exorbitant amount more of silver fish than Owasco and other lakes. if it were up to me, I would just stock more silver fish, and add some walleyes to the mix. Dec really seems to hate walleyes, and I think some of th FLTA members are probably the people who complained about walleyes in owasco.. now they are almost gone.
  23. I think that the dec might disagree with moving invasive species around to different waterways. lol.
  24. T-Rok

    Cayuga Confused ?

    makes some sense... seeing as kayaks dont have livewells yet I think lol. I have still never been a fan of people catching spawning game fish, but the dec made exceptions for bass. I dont really have any special feelings for bass either. so I guess as long as they are letting them go right after catching them I have no qualms about it. ny state dec seems to love the bass tournaments too.
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