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  1. Worthy of posting again. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  2. The coal fired plant on Cayuga Lake formerly known as Milikan Station and later AES Cayuga burned the last of its coal Thursday afternoon and is now permanently closed. There are plans to convert it to a "data center" housing "cloud storage".
  3. Gonna head out by myself with 2 dipsy rods Sat morning - I haven't fished either lake on the weekend before - would launch out of South end Canandaigua or Deans cove Cayuga. Which would you prefer on a Sat? Only fished Cayuga once and it was very slow for us.
  4. Below is a link regarding recruitment. I few folks on here have inquired about joining the Auxiliary. We can certainly use more members, and particularly those willing to crew on Patrols on the lake. If you are interested in exploring opportunities please reach out. We can certainly use more help. This is a rewarding way to give back and improve the safety on the lake. We are under the Department of Homeland Security, and the United States Coast Guard so the back grounds and training are quite extensive so it is a commitment but well worth it especially being able to help people on days that are probably not their best....If you have interest in what we do reach out over PM......Safe boating and Good Fishing......
  5. While out on Cayuga Sunday on patrol I recovered a floating piece of equipment. If you lost something that floats and can accurately describe it...it is yours just contact me. Mark
  6. The Cayuga County fishing report below is made available from the Central New York Fishing Hotline for August 23 through August 30, 2019 at https://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/9218.html Please visit that site for more information or to follow links. Fish for free on Lake Ontario now through Labor Day, September 2, 2019 at 5:00 PM! The New York State Freshwater Fishing Regulations Guide runs from April 1 to March 31. The 2019-2020 Official Fishing Guide can be picked up where fishing licenses are sold, or viewed at https://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/fish_marine_pdf/fishguide.pdf Region 7: Lake Ontario and Bays With the high-water levels there are no wake zones for many Lake Ontario shorelines and bays. For information on these, please view the County Sheriff’s website at https://www.cayugacounty.us/155/Sheriffs-Office. For information on Lake Ontario Boat Launch Sites please view at https://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/117169.html. Salmon fishing continues to be good. In the west end, fish are in 200 to 300 feet of water down 90 to 150 feet. On the east end, it's 200 to 300 feet of water down 90 to 100 feet. Spoons, flashers and flies, and cut-bait (meat rigs) are all working. Click here to see the rest of this report on ILoveNYFishing.com.
  7. Just found out from a friend on the Bassmaster Elite series that there were 6 boats emptied last night in Aurora. Biggest problem was several had no idea until they launched. Thankfully our buddy Brock wasn't one of the victims. These tournaments bring insane amounts of money into NY so perhaps we might see some justice.
  8. Yesterday afternoon the storm cells split North and South of Dean's so once the radar cleared I hit the water with my new fishing partner. At 7 weeks old I wasn't sure how it would go but she's completely unfazed being on the water. Even took her first swim once we landed and loaded out the boat. Ran lines from Sheldrake running North in the middle. Had a fun battle with a good legal salmon hitting a super slim glow frog on a rigger down 60 . A few skippies then some Lakers on flasher/fly off a dipsey and a final over 26" on a bloody death down 90. A fun and busy couple hours on the water!
  9. The Cayuga County fishing report below is made available from the Central New York Fishing Hotline for August 16 through August 23, 2019 at https://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/9218.html Please visit that site for more information or to follow links. Fish for free on Lake Ontario now through Labor Day, September 2, 2019 at 5:00 PM! The New York State Freshwater Fishing Regulations Guide runs from April 1 to March 31. The 2019-2020 Official Fishing Guide can be picked up where fishing licenses are sold, or viewed at https://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/fish_marine_pdf/fishguide.pdf Region 7: Lake Ontario and Bays With the high-water levels there are no wake zones for many Lake Ontario shorelines and bays. For information on these, please view the County Sheriff’s website at https://www.cayugacounty.us/155/Sheriffs-Office. For information on Lake Ontario Boat Launch Sites please view at https://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/117169.html. Salmon fishing continues to be good. In the west end, fish are in 200 to 300 feet of water down 90 to 150 feet. On the east end, it's 200 to 300 feet of water down 90 to 100 feet. Spoons, flashers and flies, and cut-bait (meat rigs) are all working. Click here for the rest of this report on ILoveNYFishing.com.
  10. Hey all - plan to hit Cayuga next week sometime - just started trolling with dipsys - hooked into 4 on Canadaguia today - finally broke our skunk! Anyhow, I have spoons already - as I said new to trolling - flasher / flies - any suggestions on what to bring to Cayuga? Salmon would be fun or lakers, or really anything - would be running them behind dipsys. Something I could pick up at field and stream would be great - I don't know all the trolling lingo - so links or pics would be great. Thanks!
  11. I'd like to target silvers this next weekend. I haven't had a ll salmon on since early spring on cayuga. And that one was a dink. Any ideas on targeting them? I just want to make sure im starting in the right ballpark atleast. Just talking generalities here, no need to give secrets up... Run light flouro leaders 8 to 10 lbs? Long leads off the downrigger ball? Small spoons, bright colored? Run fast, 2.2 and up? Run high in the water column...40 to 50 ft and up? Thanks in advance. If I get any this weekend I'll be sure to post a report.
  12. Saw this vessel heading north yesterday on Cayuga, created a loud "thud" and splash (shown) behind it about every 5 - 10 seconds. (Soundings?) Sorry for crappy iphone pic, just curious, thanks.
  13. Last month I was asking for advice on where to put in a kayak on Cayuga for lake trout fishing. Because of the replies I ended up putting in at Sheldrake. Great advice. I found lakers in no time. A little bit of trial and error I was able to tie into 4 fish of which I brought two home for the smoker. Funny thing is I went yesterday to Canandaigua lake to get a few perch for supper. The lake was so still that I went out into the deep and tied into another 4 Lakers and brought two home for the smoker. I am amazed at the great resources we have in our area and the willingness of other anglers to help out on this forum. Thanks to all.
  14. Had fish on the screen like this almost all day. You can see my downrigger balls were in about the right place. Caught many had all six rods working.No lampreys,no scars. No fleas. A few weeds. BTW its a 20 plus yr old Furuno.
  15. Has anybody noticed the odd green color of the lake. Yesterday I was driving down the west side and the lake looked way more green than I ever remembered from before. Anybody else notice this ? Any idea why the green color ?
  16. The Cayuga County fishing report below is made available from the Central New York Fishing Hotline for August 2 through August 9, 2019 at https://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/9218.html Please visit that site for more information or to follow links. Fish for free on Lake Ontario now through Labor Day, September 2, 2019 at 5:00 PM! The New York State Freshwater Fishing Regulations Guide runs from April 1 to March 31. The 2019-2020 Official Fishing Guide can be picked up where fishing licenses are sold, or viewed at https://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/fish_marine_pdf/fishguide.pdf Region 7: Lake Ontario and Bays With the high-water levels there are no wake zones for many Lake Ontario shorelines and bays. For information on these, please view the County Sheriff’s website at https://www.cayugacounty.us/155/Sheriffs-Office. For information on Lake Ontario Boat Launch Sites please view at https://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/117169.html. Salmon fishing continues to be good for anglers who have been able to get out. In the west end, fish are in 120 to 200 feet of water down 60 to 90 feet. On the east end, it's 100 to 300 feet of water down 50 to 100 feet. Spoons are still working and so are flashers and flies as well as cut-bait (meat rigs). Click here to see the rest of this report on ILoveNYFishing.com.
  17. I do not know how long they had it going but !st time Ive seen smoke coming out of the stack today. Might have to change Saturday fish plan.
  18. Have not fished in a month.Went out of Meyers around 5:30 this afternoon after the storm passed.Got out over deep water . 1st rod fired before I could get the 2nd rod down.Took quite awhile to get six rods down . Just a steady pick till we pulled them around 7:30. Quality lakers .just the perfect fish for my amateur crew members. All colors ,everywhere. I did not see any seafleas,but I run 50lb test ande line. I did see a few lamprey scars but no lamprey. I seen a lot of weeds more to the east side.Marked lots of huge bait pods with fish around them. Color or presentation did not seem to matter. The Cayuga megabite continues....
  19. The Cayuga County fishing report below is made available from the Central New York Fishing Hotline for July 19 through July 26, 2019 at https://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/9218.html Please visit that site for more information or to follow links. The New York State Freshwater Fishing Regulations Guide runs from April 1 to March 31. The 2019-2020 Official Fishing Guide can be picked up where fishing licenses are sold, or viewed at https://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/fish_marine_pdf/fishguide.pdf Region 7: Lake Ontario and Bays With the high-water levels there are no wake zones for many Lake Ontario shorelines and bays. For information on these, please view the County Sheriff’s website at https://www.cayugacounty.us/155/Sheriffs-Office. For information on Lake Ontario Boat Launch Sites please view at https://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/117169.html. Salmon fishing continues to be good for anglers who have been able to get out. In the west end, fish are in 150 to 200 feet of water down 50 to 80 feet. On the east end, it's 100 to 300 feet of water down 50 to 100 feet. Spoons are still working and so are flashers and flies as well as cut-bait (meat rigs). Click here to see the rest of this report on ILoveNYFishing.com.
  20. What does everyone think about the algae blooms on Cayuga? I've got a vacation scheduled and wanted to bring my dog out in the boat, but we usually use water to cool things off for her. I'm concerned about her safety with the reported algal blooms. Thoughts? I also read that you shouldn't fish or eat fish caught in/near the blooms. What do they consider "near"?
  21. Nice to hit the water as first time out since the 4th. South wind so started a little above Sheldrake and put the wind at my back for the solo trip. Worked over deep water in the center of the lake Steady pick of lake trout in the 20-24" size plus a few smaller ones. Found a couple barely legal salmon which is an improvement from the skippies I've been finding over the past month. Green was the favored color this morning. The majority of fish wanted spoons vs flies. Hottest depth was 60-70 down though the 200 copper took a solid lake trout and a salmon. 80-90 feet down also produced fish. One of the larger Lakers had a recent large lamprey mark, the first I've seen on a fish this year. Hopefully the lampreys will continue to be a rarity. Great morning to get out on the water!
  22. Can anyone tell me if the fleas are still bad? I was up last Thursday and probably the worst I have ever seen.
  23. Attached is the entry form for the 2019 Barney and Bear's Fall Trout and Bass Derby. You can sign up at Bear's Baits, located at Myers Park in Lansing, New York. Any questions please contact Bear at 607-387-5576. Bear's Fishing Flyer Fall Derby Sept 2019 Mastor.pdf
  24. The Cayuga County fishing report below is made available from the Central New York Fishing Hotline for July 12 through July 19, 2019 at https://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/9218.html Please visit that site for more information or to follow links. The New York State Freshwater Fishing Regulations Guide runs from April 1 to March 31. The 2019-2020 Official Fishing Guide can be picked up where fishing licenses are sold, or viewed at https://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/fish_marine_pdf/fishguide.pdf Region 7: Lake Ontario and Bays With the high-water levels there are no wake zones for many Lake Ontario shorelines and bays. There are boating advisories for the bays and shoreline of Lake Ontario. For information on these, please view the County Sheriff’s website at https://www.cayugacounty.us/155/Sheriffs-Office. For information on Lake Ontario Boat Launch Sites please view at https://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/117169.html. Salmon fishing has been good for anglers who have been able to get out. In the west end, fish are in 150 to 200 feet of water down 40 to 80 feet. On the east end, it's 100 to 300 feet of water down 50 to 100 feet. Spoons are still working and so are flashers and flies at times. Click here to see the rest of this report on ILoveNYFishing.com.
  25. Attached is the entry form for the Barney Baldwin Third Annual One Day Fishing Derby (August 3rd 6am-4pm). 3rd Barney Baldwin Fishing Flyer.pdf
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