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Everything posted by BlueEye

  1. Looking forward to participating! Should be a fun time if there is enough ice... else we can just have the tournament off the docks I guess
  2. Glad to have you Vince! Sit back, relax and make yourself at home
  3. Glad to have you Dave! Make yourself at home
  4. Nice Rob! Your hired for next year's LOU Slideshow
  5. http://www.crankbaitcentral.com/FeatureArticles/The-Bone-Jarring-Muskies-of-Lake-Chautauqua-Part-I.html A great article that Capt. Mike Sperry wanted to share with me. Worth the read! Thought I would pass it along to anyone else who might be interested....
  6. Nice fish Gaffman! I had a couple buddies fish Mendon this weekend and did 4 pike (all small) along with a couple bass. They had a great time.
  7. Hey Bob - The guy who caught the winning pike refused to give up any information about where the pike was caught. The only thing he would say to everyone was that it was not caught in Braddocks. I do know that the second and third place pike were taken from Braddocks. I think I was one of about 20 people that asked him where he caught the winning pike and he refused to say and wouldn't even tell the tournament director either. We can only speculate.... C
  8. Here was a quick picture that I took of the results: The winning Pike was just under 10lbs. We did not place in this tournament - struggled all day to find fish on Long Pond and Cranberry. Maybe next year for us....
  9. Dave, Congratulations on the launch of the new tournament! I think the idea of having a trout division with minimum weights is excellent! The Big-O too often gets overshadowed when it comes the trophy class trout fishery we have here. This tournament could help give others a reason to put away the salmon sticks for a day and try for something else they might not have otherwise considered fishing for. Plus, I spend most of time aboard the Runnin’-Rebel-Brown-Trout-Machine so this tournament is right up our alley! Looking forward to participating!
  10. I'm sure I wouldn't be able to control my wallet at such a show...... I might go, but only if someone forces me to leave all purchasing power at home. I got a wedding to pay for this year and I am sure the future wife would be thrilled with me if I came home with a new tackle box full of toys.......
  11. Welcome aboard Lance! I have fished with Mike Sperry several times last year. He does make a great jerkbait. You can find some of this other lures here: http://www.chautauquareeloutdoors.com/smiling-jack-lures/ His jerkbait lures are called "Smiling Jacks" and have a nice action to them. I will certainly be getting my hands on some this summer. I love his perch color and I believe he can do up custom colors if you request it. I spent some time on his boat last year for the filming of his spinner baits (see video on the web link above) and was very impressed with those as well. Mike also mentioned to me recently that he will be at the Butler show with all his lures.
  12. Thanks for the report Chaz. This helps a lot. The fishing has been pretty slow almost everywhere I have heard of lately and was just looking for a change of scenery this weekend.
  13. I read a recent report by Chris Kenyon on the ice conditions on Sodus Bay being pretty unpredictable right now. Does anyone know how safe it is out there right now? Looking to maybe head out that way this weekend.... Thanks -
  14. Ahhh yes - thanks Nitro! My favorite color - BLACK! I have a black LEO that looks similar but smaller in size. Also have some sledgehammers that are similar looking. This lure was made of wood I am assuming. I heard one of its unique characteristics was that it "backed up" when paused instead of simply floating straight up or forward. Thanks for sharing!
  15. Nice Shane - was out there as well but didn't see that much action. Only a few pike being iced. Way to go!
  16. Nice Scott! Congrats to you and Rob I fished Braddocks today and it was slow. Only a few flags and a couple eater size perch. Lots of really small perch. Didn't anyone out there really doing well. Couple pike caught here and there out deep but other than that, not too much going on at Braddocks. Still has good ice though.
  17. Welcome aboard CF! We are glad to have you as the newest Professional member as well! Lots of great guys on here. See you on the water.
  18. Hey guys - Does anyone got a picture of this lure? I have heard many things (all good) about this lure but never seen one before. Infact, I believe (correct me if I am wrong Larry) that the winning fish for the Chautauqua tournament run by Larry Jones was won by a fella casting this lure. He boated two monsters that day up in the Mayville flats on a black 8" Ed Lationo jerkbait. Would love to get my hands on one.... anyone got any for sale and/or know where I could pick one up? Thanks - C
  19. Thanks for the report Bob. I am from Greece as well and will be trying Braddocks tomorrow. Do you think we will have good ice still? This little warm front should help melt much of the top snow we got over the last week or two here.
  20. You are right Nitro.... they are gone off the BPS website now. I know they also have the Pete Mania reels in stock at BPS for $55 as well (discounted again). They deeply discounted all rods/reels with his name on it. To my understanding now, BPS has come out with a new line of musky rods to replace the Pete Mania ones but I would think you would be hard pressed to find a better rod for the money. $37 at Gander is a steal...... you almost have to buy them just for the sake of stocking one away or to serve as a junk rod you let your not-so-skilled friends use when they come out with ya.
  21. Thanks for the report Scott. Hopefully next weekend will be more productive - the weather is looking good as of now but that could change any day...
  22. They also have the Pete Mania Musky Rods on sale at Bass Pro right now. I picked up one earlier this year and another recently and Joe picked up 1 as well. What a HUGE difference they made for us this year. This was the same rod that Capt. Mike Sperry uses. Worth every penny.
  23. Your not far off...... I should show the pictures that I COULDN'T post! Ahhhhhh the 70's (the pre-Chad era).
  24. Welcome aboard Bob! I am (along with MANY others on here) from Rochester as well. We got a great group of guys here and I am sure you will fit right in. If you haven't yet had a chance to view our 2009 slideshow - be sure to check it out! http://www.lakeontariounited.com/LOU_slideshow2009.php So sit back, relax and make yourself at home Bob You are in good company! Chad
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