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Everything posted by muskybob

  1. Dang, nice to see some silver fish in the reports section. Nice job.
  2. Congrats to all you guys. It's nice to see the LOU community in the winner's circle.
  3. Ditto PS: annaversary is spelled anniversary Congrats ol buddy
  4. Welcome to the site Xing He. There's a lot of information here for you to browse thru. If you have any questions, there's always someone who will jump in and help. Also, check out our Open Seats/Trade A Trip section. Someone is always looking for someone to fish with and most of the time they just ask for you to chip in for gas. Most of the time they even have all the equipment so all you have to do is send them a PM & show up. Enjoy the site & we're very happy to see our friends from other countries enjoying the sport as much as we do.
  5. Can you post pics of the spoons please? Pics of the other items would help sell also.
  6. Yes, all crawlers must be equipt with floaties in case they fall off the hook
  7. I hope the sailors turned their backs as they dumped the body into the ocean.
  8. Nice pic. Tell her congrats on a nice fish.
  9. What was, the measurement or the addition of half keel?
  10. Fantastic photos, thanks a lot
  11. Hey, ya better ease up on the lobster & butter sandwiches ol buddy
  12. Nice job putting the kids onto fish. I like your fillet station too.
  13. I tried this recipe yesterday using Cranberry juice instead of apple juice, delicious!!! Browns + Cranberry Juice = MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
  14. Great pics guys. Thanks for sharing. & thanks for the great comments guys. It was a blast!!!
  15. Had an outstanding day today fishing with Salmonhunter4, FX, Sliderbite, Eskimo Joe, & L&M. We took it easy getting out on the water, giving the boat's windshield time to defrost & by 9:15 we were going thru the chute. We no sooner got 3 rods rigged on the planer board & a rod fired. Eskimo Joe's lightning quick reflexes sprang into action, but he was too short to get the rod out of the rodholder. FX handed the rod off to him and he, Hank, & Bill continued to rig the other planer board & a second rod fired. Joey was bringing his up to the boat & I fought the 2nd fish. Finally both fish were landed and we had 8 rods rigged on the planer boards. All of a sudden, we had triples, landed them all, reset the rods, and then had a quad going. We were all laughing about our good luck and having a good ol time of it. All 4 were landed and we continued fishing. At the end of 4 hrs fishing, we had landed 17 Browns & 1 Coho. (dropped 3 through the day) Browns were mostly cookie cutter 5-7 pounders with a nice 10 and 11 pounder. The Coho went about 5-6 lbs. Color didn't seem to matter today as we caught fish on everything we threw out there. Sticks and spoons took fish equally. It was one of the best days I've ever had on the water in a long time being with good friends. Catching fish was the bonus. If you haven't put your boat in the water yet, do it soon. The fish are in and waiting to play. Here's Hank dancin a jig he's so happy
  16. Look it up: http://www.oswegony.org/DEPT_waterfront.html
  17. They're supposedly good eating too. I haven't tried one myself but would be interested to hear of anyone who has.
  18. Just stay away from those guys on the red dock. They're wolves in sheep's clothing & they're dangerously misleading. Once they find out you have beer on yer boat they won't let ya go.
  19. Great pics Stan. Nice to see the netting & release.
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