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Everything posted by goingagain2

  1. I had a friend just pass on, he just got a boat for perch and short water. dont know what his son is going to do with it, but if interested, send me a pm and i will contact with your informatinon. john
  2. well not to keep this birthday in the news, but, I really thought jersey jim (double J) would let LOU know about pete"s birthday party. It took about 4 hours to go for a normal two drive, the snow (record in most places) trees down, wires down etc.. checking into the hotel the power went out twice. all red dock fisherpeople mustered to leave hotel and double J"s cell rang and was told the party had to be changed to another location (poor tammy) due to poweroutage. we left for a five minute drive to new location, was turned back at least three times due to trees and power lines down. this was three vehicles , lucky7 jersey jim was leading and got us to the new location. I MUST SAY A REAL CLASS PARTY, even if it had to be moved. pete took us back to the hotel, no probs. we were having a evening nightcap(12;30 am) when the firealarm went off, everybody out of the hotel. bad transformer in laundry room (20 minutes outside) everyone back, about 30 minutes later, power outage. went to sleep. pete has us for breakfast next day.. a Birthday to remember. Happy 50th. thank you tammy, john
  3. years ago i had a problem with the check valve on the gas tank sticking and the oil (extra) was being pulled into the motor. replaced fuel inserts without check valves to cure the problem. hope this helps. john
  4. a very good friend and lake ontario fisherman Robert Anderson (BOB BOB) fished for the last time Oct 7. God Bless you Bob. John
  5. Happy Birthday Hank and have a great day and THANK YOU for helping brother jim, my son and me. John
  6. I had a prob with my probe (X4) that I had for a few years and when I tried to check the 840 fuse something blew that part of the unit too. To make a long story short, called fishhawk (Trevor) , was told to send them in. replaced the probe and fixed the 840 for $45 dollars. This company cares about their product and the people who use them. John
  7. my last post on this boat. The only thing I can say is if you are wanting to get into Lake Ontario fishing, this boat will do it at a very reasonable price. I do (DO) not make any money (NOT) on this boat,its up to seller and you,but if I wanted to do this type fishing I would get it. John
  8. The harbor water at wrights landing in oswego had the water rise into the parking lot. the dock where TopGun parks was completely under water, lasted about 15 minutes, then the water left like pulling a plug in a sink. had smaller surges during the hours after the big one, been going on for a few days. John
  9. sorry guys, I dont know how to post pictures, but if you call that ph number he or his son might know how. I can say it is a tan color and is in pretty good condition. John
  10. 1984 24' Thompson hardtop with trailer, auto pilot, hummingbird wide portrait FF, marine radio and camper package. $5000.00. with some other extras for 7000. ph# 845 687 9583 or 845 216 7560. I am listing this for a friend, boat in at curtis farm in Oswego. The boat was not used last year and has the outdrive rebuilt by Munskie motors, along with other work the year before. Since my friend has this boat it did not see much use, that is the reason for selling. A nice boat for a very reasonable price. John
  11. I was told that the power etc. is now on at wrights landing. I plan to be there Tuesday morn. john
  12. I believe they are open. If nobody is there you can launch for free. john
  13. I am not happy about the increase in fishing license, however I am from Pa, and we have paid much less in NY than a nonresident would pay in Pa. I would buy a nonres. license for my friend for christmas and including trout stamp it was 61.00 years ago. and iof you wanted to fish lake erie it would cost 9.00 more. compare the fishing and water available (lakes) and we are still greatly ahead. Not to pump my horn, I buy my wife a license and she may fish a few times whenits warm and flat. they call it Lucy water, if you ever heard it in the oswego area. will not comment on what NY does withpolitics as I do not live there, I just know for 25/30 years I have enjoyed being there. And am a happy red dock, wrights landing boater. john
  14. Thanks for the advice Vince, the number is posted and most fisherman will be glad to help their country. Just for the record, the title is Capt. Pete. ( work and fishing). John
  15. hasbeen, now there's a name. just take a pill and get control. john
  16. hope u keep the snow up there. say hello to all from lucy and me. john
  17. happy birthday frank. watch out u dont c atch up to me. john
  18. hell pete, thought u were calling all cousins to muster???? john
  19. Dont know if I have permission or not to disclose this info, But!!!! Two Rods just put a big deposit on the Yankee Troller. Says he will stay on green dock, but they might say he should get with his "fishing mates". John
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