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Everything posted by GAMBLER

  1. We are rolling now. 82 last night when I checked. I just checked and we are at 177. Hopefully it will keep climbing. Email the link to all of your fishing buddies.
  2. I'm looking for step by step removal instructions for the engine coupler on my boat engine. The engine is out of the boat already. I'm trying to get the coupler fixed cheap on my own because I just sunk $5000.00 into the boat (stringers, transom, new floor, floatation, vapor barrier paint on the hull and gunnel repair).
  3. I'm selling 10 trolling flies to make room in my box for the A-tom-mik flies I just ordered. There are 4 NK flies and 6 Howie flies. $12.00 takes them all. Here is a picture of the flies.
  4. I got this in an email from my father today. I thought some people would enjoy these. New NY Law: The New York State Police are cracking down on speeders heading into Buffalo. For the first offense, they give you two Buffalo Bills tickets. If you get stopped a second time, they make you use them. Q.What do you call 47 millionaires around a TV watching the Super Bowl? A. The Buffalo Bills Q. What do the Buffalo Bills and Billy Graham have in common? A. They both can make 70,000 people stand up and yell, 'Jesus Christ'. Q. How do you keep the Buffalo Bills out of your yard? A.Put up a goal post. Q.Where do you go in Buffalo in case of a tornado? A. To the Ralph Wilson Stadium- they never have a touchdown there! Q. What do you call a Buffalo Bill with a Super Bowl ring? A. A thief. Q.What's the difference between the Buffalo Bills and a dollar bill? A. You can still get four quarters out of a dollar bill. Q.How many Buffalo Bills does it take to win a Super Bowl? A. Nobody knows and we may never find out. Q.What do the Buffalo Bills and a opossum have in common? A. Both play dead at home and get killed on the road.
  5. Anyone notice that the 2009 Summer LOC derby was cut short by 1 month. Last year it was from May 29th - late July. Here is a link to the dates for all 3. Check it out for yourself. http://www.loc.org/
  6. FISHINMAN, How about them Raiders!!! Losing to KC is embarrasing. :mrgreen:
  7. I still can't believe the guys that are voting no on the poll have not spoke up. As of right now it is 42 in favor and 6 against. Speek up you guys. All ideas or views should be discussed.
  8. If we are too greedy, the DEC will shoot it down fast. It will hard for us to get the 3 rod limit.

    hard top

    As for a name, I would reccommend Second Chance. Big Easy gave this boat a Second Chance.
  10. Biggest king of 08 on my boat Winning team for the August Oak Orchard Derby of the month 10 3/4" gill from Honeoye Conesus Avon Anglers ice tourney winning pike Great day on Honeoye
  11. Three is enough for me. 4 or more will never fly. The DEC would also worry about people limiting out more often and want to change the creel limits.
  12. I'm interested in hearing why some people said no. Lets hear the reasons.
  13. Never mind. I just found out an answer on the GLAngler webiste. Big Jon makes mounting plates for their rod holders that fit Traxstech and Bert's tracks.
  14. Does anyone make a track system with mounts that I can attach my Big Jon Dipsy rod holders on? I want tracks but I don't want to get rid of my Big Jon rod holders. I want it so they can be adjusted up and down the gunnel. If I can't find them, I guess I will have to have something custom made.
  15. I think the precedent set in Lake Michigan will help get this passed. With the price of gas (although it is falling and we may not be able to use that as an excuse), it makes fishing with fewer guys in the boat worth it.
  16. Leadcore will not get you nearly as deep as copper. Try wire dipsies or a thumper rig.
  17. Tom, I like most parts of your idea. The only part I don't like is the date restriction. I would say April 1st - September 15th so we can finish out the LOC with the max number of rods. It will reduce #'s of rods just in time for combat fishing the Genesee. I believe Lake Michigan does not have a date restriction on the 3 rod per person limit.
  18. I'm stuck working. Go catch some fish for me Stan. Good Luck.
  19. Here are some of my favorites: Spoons- Northern King Spoons -Spook -Wonderbread -42 second spoon -Froggy -NBK -Chicken Wing Stinger Stingrays -NBK -Chicken wing -Froggy glow Flashers / flies - Spin Doctors and A-Tom-Mik flies Live Wire Spin Doctor - Green Hammer Fly White Crush Spin Doctor - Hammer Fly Green Spin Doctor - Green Crinkle fly 42 second Spin Doctor - 42 second fly You can get Spin Doctor and A-Tom-Mik combos right off of the A-Tom-Mik site.
  20. I really like running my 2 copper, 4 dipsy, 3 rigger spread. Most times I can not get enough guys during the week to go so I can run my program. I don't want to get caught breaking the law so I abide by the laws. I really would love it if the DEC allowed us salmon guys to run 3 rods.

    hard top

    Nice work Big easy. Are you making a custom hard top?
  22. I was wondering how many people would be in favor of a 3 rod per person limit on Lake O. I know Lake Michigan has it.

    pike leaders

    Carpedium, I use 30 lb. Mason Tip up line. The 30 or 40 is what I have found heavy enough to not get bitten off by large toothy critters. I use a Sampo swivel between the tip up line and the leader.
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