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Everything posted by FISHINMAN

  1. No Brian it had 200ft of cable hooked to it and I hope when your dredging/trolling for those lousy mud puppy Lakers one day your line gets caught in it and breaks off Muskybluegrass what you laughing about :x
  2. Momay4000, I have my probe set up the same way with no tape and no problem, nice for taking it on and off. Salmonite, I don't have the shark weights on my boat but have fished on Jax boat with them and he has a 16lber on his probe that has nearly no blow back on it. As far as attracting fish not sure of that whole thing :roll:
  3. No arguments from any of us that's for sure :shock: :!:
  4. Why do you use a 3ft release? Whats the advantage? I've never seen anybody with one of those.
  5. Man that is one worn looking probe. Skeiner what is that you have attached to the ball? is that a release? It has a long lead coming off it too.
  6. Motheroose I might have a couple of used eagle claw rods in good shape to sell ya if your interested. Where are you from?
  7. Oh I outspend my wife big time :shock: She went to a jewelry party this week and then a purse party (ask Ray K he can tell ya about those things ) and I never even attempted to question it. In fact I encouraged it :shock:
  8. I just received my order from A-TOM-MIK and the 42nd spin Dr/fly combo looks sweet as does the copper NBK fly/spoon and hammer fly/spoon combos that I bought, can't wait to use them. As far as me ordering them on line at work with out the Mrs. around when she walks in and see them on the table there will be a few words from her like "where did those come from" (which I will tell her A-TOM-MIK!) or "how much did that cost" or "why do you need them don't you have enough lures and junk"? Then I'll show here the 180 block patio retaining wall and lattice fence around the bottom of the deck I put in with out any help from her :shock: :x That will shut her up quick enough Shoot wait that stuff cost me a lot of $$$. Maybe I need to send back the tackle.....NOT :!: There my pants and I'm still wearing them :shock: :!: :!: :!: Yes dear I'll get off the "dumb fishing site" :x
  9. Ray don't forget the 1/2 dozen camping trips with the "G/F" :x :roll: Darn it Musky we pay you good $$... oh wait we don't pay YOU do we? Well still take one for the team and I want this site monitored 24/7 by you. L&M, Blue Eye and reeljerks are busy fishing, so it's up to you :shock: STAY ON TOP OF IT :!:
  10. Ditto here what UpGrady says, that's the same situation I'm in most times. 30# is fine but you will want to run some 20# Seagur floro leaders off that too.
  11. Dieselhp, generally it's about 6-7ft but I'm sure there are times guys run them a little longer or shorter.
  12. Not sure what your talking about Ray :? :?: Are these the things you are having trouble with :?: Just messing with ya my friend. Not only are the big guys few and far between at times but how's about all the dinks and 5lbers too!
  13. Very nice looking brownies
  14. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:WOW A STEVE DRAVE AKA KING ME REPORT. It has been a while. Congrats Steve on the nice brownie on Friday. Come on down to Sandy and you'll find the big guys and if you fish near me I'll watch you catch fish every time you pass by me :x Glad to see a report from ya, yours are surely missed here. Hope things are getting straightened out for ya. Say hi to Jack if you talk to him for me. Now SHOW US THAT SPOON :!:
  15. I saw a guy with one on his line last week too. I actually talked to a guy from Michigan a few years back that says they run them in the spring with great success :shock:
  16. I see I have had a few tangles but few and far between. I just don't like the idea of it attaching it and pinching down on the cable right above in fear of it busting off "above" the probe :shock: :x I lift my Scotty's or sometimes swivel the arms to the side to attach the line anyways so that doesn't matter.
  17. I have a mine hooked up (from ball up) Ball, Blacks release (the one with a metal clip/hoop coming out of the top of it) is connected to the ball then I have two "Klincher" terminal connectors attached on each end of a piece of the bare cable with a large swivel on each end and that goes to the top of the Blacks release (small round loop) and the other to the bottom of the probe, then the top of the probe is attached to the coated cable with another "Klincher" terminal connector. Easy to disconnect probe from ball at any time. I'll try to post a pic later of it. I don't understand why you run the blacks release above the probe? Any reason/advantage to that :? :?:
  18. I'm with Mark 30# green big game and Seagur Floro leaders for me too. Fleas last Monday were almost non-existent over 6 hours of trolling.
  19. A Stinger NBK. Nice steelie by the way you got. The picture of the scale was nice.
  20. Rod the thongs with "BUFFY" on on them and handcuffs inscribed with "Muskybob" on them next to the opened bottle(s) of Dewars were what scared me away too Now I know why Musky picked that spot to camp in Wilson, no phone reception so you can't call for help but Jason found a spot with reception and was on the phone not with his wife but he he was trying to call for help :shock: I apologize Jason Thanks for trying to save "us" from the HORROR :!:
  21. Hey Storm Front, put on the pants :roll: and "Hammer" the point home :!:
  22. Maybe the drain plug is with my CAMERA :x :x :x
  23. Not you :roll: :shock: There are others named Bob too in this world it doesn't revolve around just you . He's the older brother of Tina (in the first pic) he was grumbling that when he was out last with me in early spring we only got 1 small brown.
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