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Everything posted by FISHINMAN

  1. Went out on a solo trip as I was dieing to get back out after the vacation. Went to 40 feet and moved around a bit to see if I had any marks and nothing so I went out to 60 feet and marked a couple of fishon the bottom and started there. Well I trolled I there for a while and saw nothing but fish on the bottom so I headed north. Every fish I marked from 60 to 200 fow was on the bottom :x :shock: Not 1 fish in the water column :shock: ZERO :!: Got out to 300 ft and started to mark a few down 50 - 70ft. Had the wire fire with a Dalmatian spinny with a hammer fly (Muskey had it iout there before your message ) go out to 400 but lost it aon a shake with 200 ft to go :x :x :x bent the hook a bit :!: Got a small steelie (5#) on a cooper NBK cheated in 350fow off the rigger. Then had the wire fire again but it was gone by the time I got the rod out of the holder :x . Managed 1 more nice steelie about 10# on a white MT dew with a green siggs rig fly (not sure what fly it was but it will be in the pics when I post them) That baby put on an aerial disply like nobodies business, it jumped at least 10 times out there like 300 ft. Last 3 fish came in 260fow. Wires were out 210 - 220 on # 2 and # 3 settings. Lake started to kick up a bit and with no auto pilot it was tough to keep things straight while fighting the fish so I headed in. Not as nimble as I was back in the day Maybe I should have stayed inside a bit longer in the morning :?: :roll:
  2. That's great! I remember a number of years back taking my dad and my uncle out in front of the Genny for some combat fishing and we hammered them. They were both spent by the time we left. Great job and get him out again.
  3. I heard you need to be careful of the "buffy" stuff on lake Erie :shock: The police will find you out there
  4. ECarter, I believe size 1 dipsey is the most popular but I know a lot of guys use a mag size and the 0 size too for certain situations. Generally you run from a 6 to 8 foot leader from the dipsey to the flasher but it could be more or less. One thing you have to keep in mind is you will need to net the fish and if your lead is long it will be a bit more difficult to do this once you reel the dipsey to the tip of your rod. As far as the tangles make sure you have your dipseys set to run off the the right and left sides of the boat (if your not sure check them as you let them out to see if they track away from the boat) because that sounds like your problem. The higher the number the further they will run away from the boat. Be careful on your turns to as they will cross the back of the boat if your not careful. There are so many colors and brands of spoons today to choose from but if you go to the "tackle descriptions" page on this site and the "popular spoons" page on www.attheoak.com site you will get a good idea. As far as hot spoons this year they were the Dream Weaver SS spoons. I would agree with Gotta Bite on that spoon, along with the 42nd for me as of late
  5. Toto, we're really not in Kansas anymore! Ray finally admitted to not knowing how to count, someone took Ray K seriously, Billy V fished west of Sodus, and Yankee fished for Lakers? I know first hand Ray does take pictures in the back of the boat just not of fish:shock: :x :mrgreen: Ray I need to borrow your Sparkly Red Shoes! There's no place like home! There's no place like home! There's no place like home!
  6. Now I know we're not in Kansas anymore Toto :!: That's nuts!
  7. NEVER :!: I get back from NC and this is what it's come to around here YT fishing for Lakers :shock: There was a Tornado down there while I was there so maybe we're not in Kansas anymore Toto :shock: :!:
  8. Steve sounds like you've been doing good. I would love to hear about the downrigger removal while netting though. Sounds like something I would be doing while you trolled by :shock:
  9. I have fished from shore at night near the By Village condo's just throwing big Rapala's and have had some decent nights. There there! And yes I have gotten ticketed at the launch late at night.
  10. Way to go Jammer Love the fish holding technique by your son. I remember those days with my son. What place is he on the board?
  11. The lakers paid off for ya. SEE I TOLD YOU SO :shock: :shock: :shock: again nice job Brian!
  12. Have not fished the LOC in a long while other than during 2 summer Pro AMs, but had a friend who got me started with all this trolling addiction (my wife blames him for all the $$ I have used to fish) from the early 80's that wanted to fish it for at least a few days this week so we headed out at 5:30 to find it a little bumpier that what that "great NOAA" site had indicated last night with it's 0-1 footers but not all that bad. So I see the nice temps that were there inside on Thursday are gone :shock: unless you like fishing in a pot of boiling water. Did the east of Sandy thing and ended up with a 6 for 6 day. Skipper that was throwing up bait and had a belly that Ray would be proud of 1 teen king, 3 steelies and one 5 or 6 lb brown as we were getting ready to head in. All I can say is NK 42nd spoon, NK 42nd spoon, NK 42nd spoon as it took all the fish except for 1 of the steelies that hit the hammer with a green e-chip out 280. 80 - 120 feet was where we got all of them, and near the bottom. Higher rigger never moved. Like stix said place the temp probe in the cuddy. Maniac was that you that was waving at me today? I saw a boat with that name land a fish near me.
  13. That's it? Lousy 6 footers :shock: what are you a sissy or something? That's right when Ray starts to get comfortable. Keep at it Musky and try bringing that bobber up just a bit
  14. Great job Stix. Nice to see all the LOU guys getting on the board
  15. Nice and the fish looks good too :shock: Congrats on getting on the board.
  16. Nice job Brian, I heard you had a great day today. I hope those were all Lake Trout points Results from today's Oak Orchard Monthly Tournament (Courtesy Mike Waterhouse) 1st Place: Escape (Sandy Creek) - 97.44 points - $700 (Brian Gamble AKA Gambler) 2nd Place: Thompson Contender (Sandy Creek) - 96.01 points - $500 3rd Place: Reel Excitement (The Oak) - 93.75 points - $240 There were 16 boats entered - $160 went to the the Pro-Am - next months tournament will be on September 6th
  17. He's gonna eliminate you from the site when he gets back Man I wish I was a HVAC guy, they seem to have all the time in the world :shock:
  18. Musky glad to see you got into one of those "sheepkingchohohead" that Ray K has been targeting the last few times out. Talked to Ray this morning and he said to say Hi to Bubba and that he'll tyake him up on the idea of a "weekly" exam starting on Monday. He said to tell him there is no reason to bring the Coors light this time, he won't need it as long as Bubba has some of the funny feeling LUBE :shock:. Good luck and maybe if you talk to Dave he'll add a "sheepkingchohohead" division next year .
  19. And only too I'm sure! The real football team plays tonight :shock:SILVER AND BLACK ATTACK :!:
  20. Opps that's what I meant. I was a little tired when I wrote that :shock: :roll:
  21. HMMMMMMMMMMMMM! So that's what guys do, they "don't" make someone else suffer especially when they AREN'T CATCHING FISH :shock: I love ya still Ray :!: :!: Pops glad to see my little info was helpful to ya. That's what this forum was started for :!: (STEVE aka King Me and MARK aka Reeljerks)
  22. I think you should put a block on him until you get back Good luck down there I sent those fish back in a westerly direction for ya.
  23. Did the solo trip today :x. Hit the water at 6am and headed north to 110fow and set up there. Put out the wire 160 out on#2 with a A-TOM-MIK 42nd spinny/fly set up and found out why they call it the "40 second" :shock: I no sooner set that and was putting my probe and ball on to my rigger and the wire flies :shock: :shock: I couldn't exactly drop the probe and ball so I set it to the side grab the rod and in seconds gone . Didn't seem big at all it was really wasn't taking the line all that much. Reset that out again and got the rigger set and the wire goes again, only this time I land it and again not very big maybe 5lbs :roll: . Stayed inside the 150' mark and got 2 small steelies on a 42nd spoon down 83 over 135 and one on a Stinger NBK down 52 over 130 both about 5 minutes apart. Heard on the radio that a guy "couldn't keep his lines in the water" in 80fow so I trolled that way. Got in there and couldn't get a release so I ventured back out to the 130 mark and no sooner got there and got another king about 12lbs on the 42nd spoon down 63ft. Lost one at 150ft that hit, came up and gone as soon as I saw it's fins in the distance :evil: Trolled for awhile in that area then I decided it was time to head in so I trolled back towards sandy got a decent king of about 17-18lbs on the 42nd spoon again :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: . 109fow down 65ft. This one stayed down the entire time taking some line but not coming up until he was right behind the boat. Love those ones :!: He was accompanied by a nice ugly lampray of about a foot long :evil: He's no longer with us but the king is out there waiting to be caught again. Weird day, some fish were in the 65 degree temps :?: . Watching water spouts evolve in the distance and seeing some start then go back in :? then a full moon was starting to come out at 11:30am from an area on Jax's boat :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Finished 5 of 9 and had a fun, safe day in beautiful weather and other than the 2 fish the only thing I lost was my cleaning sponge. Hope to get out a couple of days in the derby this week if I can find a partner before leaving for a week in NC to see my grandchildren. GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE IN THE DERBY!
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